Below are some frequently asked questions, if you have any further questions please email Gloria Turner . For further information please refer to the University’s Regulations: and the Learning Quality and Enhancement Handbook:


What are the main functions of an external examiner?

Academic standards

  • to verify that standards are appropriate for the award or award elements which the external examiner has been appointed to examine
  • to assist in the comparison of academic standards across higher education awards and award elements and across Middlesex University campuses and overseas centres
  • to ensure that assessment processes are fair and are fairly operated and are in line with University Regulations (

Student Achievement

  • to verify the academic standards and student performance demonstrated by students and, where possible, their performance in relation to students on comparable courses across higher education institutions and across Middlesex University campuses and overseas centres as indicated by the quality of teaching, learning and assessment methods

What is my involvement in setting assessment tasks?


  • To ensure that questions are set at the correct standard for the level of study
  • To ensure questions are clear and not ambiguous
  • To ensure that there is a good spread of questions in relation to module syllabus
  • To ensure that students are given sufficient time to answer questions fully and that the number of questions they are being asked to answer is fair in the amount of time they have been given
  • To proof read the exam paper and point out any spelling or grammatical errors
  • To receive a copy of the marking criteria
  • To receive a copy of the model answers to each question

Programme and module changes

In addition External Examiners should be consulted if minor changes are being made to the programme or modules as follows:

  • Programmes: changes that will not substantially alter the character of the programme (a change of more one third of the credits of the programme will result in a re-validation because it will significantly change the programme as validated)
  • Modules: changes that substantially alter the learning outcomes of a module and the achievement of the learning outcomes will require a new module code

What are the rules for marking student work and what is the role of the External Examiner in this process?

  • The role of the External Examiner is to act as moderator in the marking process (see University regulations section D10):
  • All student work is marked by a 1st marker and a representative sample moderated by a 2nd marker. External Examiners should see evidence that internal moderation has taken place and be provided with a marking scheme.
  • External Examiners will be asked to scrutinise all work that has been recommended for first class/distinction or recommended for failure and a representative sample of work (normally 10%) in each classification drawn from all campuses where the module is delivered.
  • Disagreement by internal markers should be resolved internally. Only in exceptional circumstances should an External Examiner be asked to adjudicate.

Can I alter grades on a student’s work?

  • External Examiners cannot alter grades for individual students as they are only seeing a sample of the student work within each classification. However, if the External Examiner considers that the marking is unfair then s/he may make a recommendation to the assessment board to either increase or decrease the classification across the board.

What documentation will I be sent with the students’ work I will be moderating?

  • An input grid highlighting which pieces of work have been included in the sample pack
  • A sample of all elements of assessment including all fails, all firsts/distinctions and a representative sample from each class. The sample should be the same sample as was second marked internally so that the moderation process is clear to the External Examiner.
  • A module handbook
  • A module report with ranges of grades
  • Assessment guidelines
  • A copy of the marking criteria
  • A conversion marking table (if appropriate)
  • Completed paper along with the answer guidelines
  • A module moderation form containing the module leader's and the internal moderator's comments about the students' work.
  • A cover letter from the Module Leader including a check list of documentation in the pack

When will I be informed of the Assessment Board dates?

  • External examiners will be advised of scheduled Assessment Board dates at the beginning of the academic year and of days when attendance at the University will be required.
  • Once notified to external examiners, assessment board dates will only be changed in exceptional circumstances

When should I submit a report?

  • All external examiners are required to submit an Annual Report at the end of each session – normally June for undergraduate provision however, this could vary for postgraduate provision. Please check with the relevant department if you are unsure.
  • Annual reports should be submitted following the guidelines on the report coversheet template Appendix 4b for Subject Assessment Boards and Appendix 4c for School Assessment Boards
  • Examples of External Examiners’ reports can be found at:


What is a Subject Assessment Board External Examiner (Assessor)?

  • External examiners are appointed to specific named Subject Boards and given responsibility for specified modules within that Subject.
  • The role of Subject Board external examiners is to judge whether students have been fairly assessed in relation to the objectives and syllabus of modules and have reached the required standard.
  • These judgements are made in the context of knowledge of standards applied in comparable courses elsewhere and levels of student attainment in previous years.
  • External examiners also confirm that assessment regulations have been fairly applied ensuring parity of judgement for all students taking a module and comment on the assessment process and procedures.

What is a School Assessment Board External Examiner (Auditor)?

  • An External Examiner may be invited to become a member of the School Assessment Board. This is a separate role to that of the Subject Assessment Board External Examiner (Assessor) and an additional fee is paid for this function. The accumulated module results of individual students are forwarded to the School Assessment Boardwhich makes decisions on awards and classifications.
  • The main purpose of the School Assessment Board External Examiner is to advise on the appropriateness and effectiveness at the award stage, the relevant assessment regulations and procedures in respect of qualifications, and the appropriateness of the standards against which the qualifications have been awarded.

When do I get paid?

  • External Examiners’ fees are paid in arrears upon receipt of the annual report.
  • Expenses are paid at anytime and should be submitted using the External Examiners’ Expenses Claim Form and providing all necessary receipts as evidence.
  • When the assessment covers more than one day, or an examiner has to travel considerable distances, overnight accommodation may be necessary. If accommodation is required, please advise the University as early as possible by contacting the School Office.

How do I find out about the University’s induction events?

  • External Examiners are informed of the dates for the induction events with their appointment letter issued by the Academic Quality Service
  • The Director of Programme or main contact in the School which hosts the programme(s) provides the up-to-date Programme Handbook and arranges a visit to the School to meet the teaching team, and agree the arrangements for the external examiner’s involvement in the assessment process. This visit can take place when the External Examiner attends an induction event.

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