Speaking activity card I

Create a story

One of you begins and says the first sentences of a story. Then the next person continues and so on. Create a story – the beginnings and endings below help you.

Useful language

Once upon a time there was....
…. And they lived happily ever after.
Our story begins in ....
This story is about a....
…And this is how our story ends.

Speaking activity card II

Talk about this day

Talk about this day and answer some of the following questions:
–What’s the date today?
–What season is it?
–What time is it?
–What’s the weather like?
–What are you wearing today?
–What do you look forward to?
–What is special about this day?
– What has happend so far?
– ....

Speaking activity card III

Who am I?

One of you thinks of a person in the classroom. The others guess who you are – they ask yes / no questions. The person who finds it out goes on with a new round.

Useful language

Is this person .... ?
Is this person wearing....?
Does this person have....?
Is it .... ?

Speaking activity card IV

What animal am I thinking of?

One of you thinks of an animal. The others guess what animal it is – they ask yes / no questions. The person who finds it out goes on with a new round.

Useful language

Is this animal....?
Is this animal bigger / faster / smaller than .... ?
Does this animal have / live / eat ....?
Is it .... ?

Speaking activity card V

I spy with my little eye something that is...

Each of you takes the same picture puzzle (Wimmelbild). One of you describes something, the others have to find it. The person who finds it the quickest wins a point.

Useful language

I spy with my eye something that is...
It is an object / a person / an animal / ....
It has...
It’s close to...

Speaking activity card VI


Start with the letter A. Each of you has to say a word beginning with A, then do the same with B, then C and so on. You have three jokers. If you cannot find an English word, you can use one of your jokers.

Useful language

A is for ....
A like ....

Speaking activity card VII

Where is...?

Take one of puzzle pictures (Wimmelbild). One of you asks a question, for example: Where is the helicopter? The others give a precise answer:
The helicopter is in the sky. It is next to the airship.

Useful language

next to close to
opposite near
behind between
in front of on top of
underneath on the right / left of

Speaking activity card VIII


Ask each other interesting questions.
If you answer questions give reasons for your answer: I like .... because .... .

Useful language

What’s your favourite ....?
What kind of .... do you like?
Where would you like to go on holiday?
What would you do with 1 million Swiss Francs?

Speaking activity card IX

Taboo game

Take the taboo game cards. One of you describes the thing mentioned on the card. The others guess what it is. The person who names the right word, goes on.
Level *: You can use the words on the Taboo cards for help.

Level **: You cannot use the words on the cards, they are forbidden.

Useful language

It’s an object / an animal / a person / ...
With this you can...
It’s big / small / fast / slow / red / ...
You need this for ....

Speaking activity card X

Talk for 30 seconds

Put the given words upside down on a pile. One of you takes a word card, reads it and then talks about it for half a minute. If you achieve this, you win a point.

Useful language

I like the .... because it ...
I often use this for .... because...
Sometimes I wish I could .... because ....