The most common Chinese characters in order of frequency

All characters are presented in statistically decreasing order. Alternative forms of the characters are specified within parentheses – in which case "F" marks full (or traditional) forms, "S" marks simplified (or modern) forms and "A" marks alternative forms (mostly special numerals).

Pronunciations are specified according to Pinyin and written within brackets "[...]". After each given pronunciation, a number of possible translations are listed. If a character corresponds closely to a somewhat longer word (usually a word that contains the character in question), the longer word is given in the list of translations marked with parentheses and a "=". After the translation of each character, example words containing the character are often listed – these words are separated by semi commas. No guarantee is given that all the most common words are listed or that the given examples are very common. Some of the listed pronunciations are less used than others, and in those cases translations and examples may lack. Grammatical particles, classifiers and other special translations are marked with hooks "<...>". Curly brackets "{...}" are mostly used when giving references to characters that are similar to the listed ones either in shape. This is to help you avoid miswriting/misreading. The same marking is also used for references to characters with similar meaning but different pronunciation. Additional information of other sorts is sometimes given. If the characters are not displayed correctly, verify that the encoding is set to GB2312.


1 - ā (ɑ̄) ē ī ō ū ǖ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū Ǖ /
2 - á (ɑ́) é í ó ú ǘ Á É Í Ó Ú Ǘ
3 - ǎ (ɑ̌) ě ǐ ǒ ǔ ǚ Ǎ Ě Ǐ Ǒ Ǔ Ǚ
4 - à (ɑ̀) è ì ò ù ǜ À È Ì Ò Ù Ǜ
5 - a (ɑ) e i o u ü A E I O U Ü

Convert Chinese characters to Unicode

Unicode values &#97; to &#122;

a / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i / j / k / l / m / n / o / p / q / r / s / t / u / v / w / x / y / z
7 / 8 / 9 / 1
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 1
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 1
0 / 1 / 2

ā á ǎ à ē é ě è ī í ǐ ì ō ó ǒ ò ū ú ǔ ù uū uú uǔ uù uu


Seq.num. Character Pronunciations and explanations

1 的 [de] &#30340;

<grammatical particle marking genitive as well as simple and composed adjectives>;

我的 wǒde my; 高的 gāode high, tall;

是的 shìde that's it, that's right; 是...的 shì one who...;

他是说汉语的. Tā shì shuō Hànyǔde. He is one who speaks Chinese.

[dì] 目的 mùdì goal

[dí] true, real; 的确 díquè certainly

2 一 (A壹) [yī] &#19968;

one, a little;

第一 dì-yī first, primary;

看一看 kànyīkàn have a (quick) look at [yí] (used before tone #4);

一个人 yí gè rén one person;

一定 yídìng certain;

一样 yíyàng same;

一月yíyuè January [yì] (used before tones #2 and #3);

一点儿 yìdiǎnr a little;

一些 yìxiē some {Compare with 幺(F么) yāo, which also means "one"}

3 是 [shì] &#26159;

to be, 是不是? shìbushì? is (it) or is (it) not?;

是否 shìfǒu whether or not, is (it) or is (it) not?

4 不 [bù] &#19981; 的一是不了人我

Not [bú] (used before tone #4);

不是 bú shì - isn't

5 了 [le] &#20102;

<verb particle marking a new situation or a completed action>;

你来了! Nǐ láile! You have come!

我累了! Wǒ lèile! I've gotten tired!

那好了! Nà hǎole! That's OK (now)!

我只请了一位客人. Wǒ zhǐ qǐngle yí wèi kèren. I invited only one guest. [liǎo] end, finish, settle, dispose of, know clearly, to be able, (=了解 liǎojiě) understand, comprehend;

了了 liǎoliaǒ clearly understand, settle (a debt/etc.), to be intelligent;

了了 liǎole to be over/ended/finnish/settled;

你卖不了! Nǐ mài bùliǎo! You will not be able to sell (it)!

[liào] (=瞭 liaò) to survey/watch {Compare with 子 zǐ child}

6 人 [rén] &#20154;


人类 rénlèi humankind;

有人吗? yǒu rén ma? Is there anybody here? {Compare with 入 rù enter}

7 我 [wǒ] &#25105;

I, me, my;

我们 wǒmen we, us {Compare with 找 zhǎo seek}

8 在 [zài] &#22312;

at; 现在 xiànzài now;

存在 cúnzài exist

9 有 [yǒu] &#26377;

have, there is;

没有 méiyǒu haven't, there isn't;

有没有? Yǒuméiyǒu? Is there or isn't there? Have (you) or haven't (you)?;

有的 yǒude some [yòu] (=又 yòu) again, both... and...

10 他 [tā] &#20182;

he, him, his, (she, her, it, its), (=其他 qítā) other

[tuō] (in classical texts) someone else, something else

11 这 (F這) [zhè] &#36825;

this; 这儿 zhèr here [zhèi] this (before classifier)

12 中 [zhōng] &#20013;

middle, in;

中国 Zhōngguó China [zhòng] hit (a target)

13 大 [dà] &#22823; 在有他这中大来上国个


多大? duōdà? how large?;

大小 dàxiǎo size;

大家 dàjiā everybody [dài] 大夫 dàifu doctor {Compare with 太 tài very and 木 mù tree}

14 来 (F來) [lái] &#26469;


原来 yuánlái originally, as a matter of fact;

来年 láinián coming/next year(s) [lai] (when used as a verb complement); 起来 qǐlai get up

15 上 [shàng] &#19978;

above, on, over, top, (go) up, last, previous [shǎng] 上声 shǎngshēng 3rd tone in Mandarin

[shang] (when used as a verb complement) {Compare with 下 xià under}

16 国 (F國) [guó] &#22269;

(=国家 guójiā) country, state, nation, <family name>;

中国 Zhōngguó China; 美国 Měiguó USA

17 个 (F個,箇) [gè] &#20010;

<general and non-specific classifier>;

个人 gèrén personal;

个人主页 gèrénzhùyè personal homepage [gě] 自个 zìgě oneself

18 到 [dào] &#21040;

to, towards, until, arrive, reach

19 说 (F說) [shuō] &#35828;

explain, scold, refer to, (=说话 shuōhuà) speak, say;

游说 yóushuō persuade [shuì] try to persuade; 游说 yóushuì lobbying

20 们 (F們) [men] &#20204;/

<pluralizing suffix for pronouns and nouns referring to persons>;

我们 wǒmen we;

人们 rénmen people, persons

21 为 (F為) [wèi] &#20026;

for, for the sake of, in order to, in this connection [wéi] do, act, act as, be, become;

认为 rènwéi think or believe that...;

以为 yǐwéi think or believe erroneously that... {Compare with 办 bàn do}

22 子 [zǐ] &#23376;

child, son;

子女 zǐnǚ sons and daughters;

儿子 érzi son [zi] (noun suffix);

桌子 zhuōzi table {Compare with 了 le <particle>}

23 和 [hé] &#21644;

together, with, (F龢) harmony, gentle, mild, kind, <family name>;

和平 hépíng peace [Hé] Japan [huo] 暖和 nuǎnhuo nice and warm [hè] join in singing, compose a poem in reply [huó] mix with water [huò] mix, blend [hú] complete a set in Mahjong

24 你 [nǐ] &#20320;

(Alternative feminine form:

妳 nǐ) you, your;

你们 nǐmen you (plural)

25 地 [dì] &#22320; 到说们为子和你地

earth, ground, soil, place, position, distance;

地支 dìzhī the Twelve Terrestrial Branches [de] <adverbial particle: descripion + 地 + verb>, ~ly; 快地走 kuàide zǒu walk quickly

26 出 [chū] &#20986;

go out, come out, in direction out from something, emit, issue, prouce;

出现 chūxiàn appear, emerge, (F齣) <classifier for operas and plays>

27 道 [dào] &#36947;

way, path, channel, way, say, a streak (of light), doctrine, <classifier for rivers, topics, etc.>, (=道教 Dàojiào) Taoism; 知道 zhīdao know [dǎo] (=导 dǎo) lead;

领道 = 领导 lǐngdǎo leader

28 也 [yě] &#20063; 出道也时年得就

also, as well;

也许 yěxǔ perhaps

29 时 (F時) [shí] &#26102;

period, season, (=时间 shíjiān, =时候 shíhou) time, (=小时 xiǎoshí) hour

30 年 [nián] &#24180;

year, <family name>;

今年 jīnnián this year;

明年 míngnián next year;

去年 qùnián last year;

中年 zhōngnián middle age

31 得 [de] &#24471;

<adverbial particle: verb + 得 + descripion>;

走得快 zǒude kuài walk quickly [dé] get, reach, achieve [děi] should

32 就 [jiù] &#23601;

just, simply, right away;

就要 jiùyào about to (do something);

这就是我! Zhè jiùshì wǒ! This is simply me!;

他就要去. Tā jiùyào qù. He is about to leave.

33 那 [nà] that &#37027;

[nèi] that (before classifier)

[nuó] 禅那 chánnuó deep meditation

[nuò] 无那 wúnuò helpless, unfortunately

[nǎ] (=哪 nǎ) what?

[něi] (=哪 něi before classifier) which?

34 要 [yào] &#35201;

want, will, shall, need, important, essential; 主要 zhǔyào main, fundamental

[yāo] 要求 yāoqiú demand

35 下 [xià] &#19979;

below, under, (go) down, next (as opposed to previous/last) {Compare with 上 shàng above}

36 以 [yǐ] &#20197;

use, take, according to, because of, in order to;

可以 kěyǐ OK, may;

所以 suǒyǐ so, therefore, as a result;

以外 yǐwài beyond, except

37 生 [shēng] &#29983;

give birth, life;

先生 xiānsheng mister, gentleman, Sir

38 会 (F會) [huì] &#20250;

can, able, meet, meeting, society, union, party

[kuài] 会计 kuàijì accounting

[huǐ] 会儿 huìr moment

39 自 [zì] &#33258; 那要下以生会自着去之过

from, since, (=自己 zìjǐ) self; 自然 zìrán nature {Compare with 目 mù eye and 白 bái white}

40 着 (F著) [zhe] &#30528;

<verb particle marking a continuing progress/state> [zháo] touch

[zhuó] wear clothes, dress, touch [zhāo] put in, add, (F招) make move in chess, trick, deceive

41 去 [qù] &#21435;

go, leave, depart (opposite of 来 lái)

42 之 [zhī] &#20043;

<subordinator similar to 的 de>, it (in classical texts)

43 过 (F過) [guò] &#36807;

pass, cross, go by, exceed, <verb particle marking that someone has had the experience of doing something, that it has happened at least once>;

过马路 guò mǎlù cross the street;

我去过中国两次. wǒ qùguo Zhōngguó liǎng cì. I have gone to China twice.

44 家 [jiā] &#23478;

home, house, family;

国家 guójiā nation;

大家 dàjiā everybody [jie] 整天家 zhěngtiānjie all day long;

家里 jiālǐ (at) home, (in the) family

45 学 (F學) [xué] &#23398;

study, learn;

学校 xuéxiào school;

学生 xuésheng student {Compare with 字 zì written character}

46 对 (F對) [duì] &#23545;

correct, answer, treat, agree, mutual, pair;

对不起 duìbuqǐ excuse me

47 可 [kě] &#21487;

~able, (=可以 kěyǐ) may, can, (=可是 kěshì) but, however;

可爱 kě'ài loveable, cute;

可能 kě'néng possible, probable, maybe;

可口可乐 kěkǒukělè Coca Cola [kè] 可汗 kèhán khan

48 她 [tā] &#22905; 家学对可她里后小么心多

she, her

49 里 [lǐ] &#37324;

neighbourhood, half kilometer, <family name>, (F裏,裡) in, inside, lining;

哪里? nǎli? where?;

那里 nàli there; 这里 zhèli here

50 后 [hòu] &#21518;

queen, (F後) after, behind, <family name>;

后天 hòutiān the day after tomorrow

51 小 [xiǎo] &#23567;


大小 dàxiǎo size

52 么 [me/mo] &#20040;

(F麼,末) (interrogative suffix) 什么? shénme? what?;

为什么? wèishénme? why? 没什么! méi shénme! It doesn't matter!, Never mind!;

怎么? zěnme? how? [yāo] (S幺) youngest, one (e.g. in bus/house/phone numbers)

53 心 [xīn] &#24515;

heart; 小心 xiǎoxīn be careful;

心理 xīnlǐ psychology, mentality;

中心 zhōngxīn center

54 多 [duō] &#22810;

many, much, more; 多大 duōdà how large?; 多少 duōshǎo how many/much?

55 天 [tiān] &#22825;

sky, heaven, god, day, (=天空 tiānkōng) sky; 天气 tiānqì weather {天干 tiāngān the Ten Heavenly Stems: 甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸 jiǎ-yǐ-bǐng-dīng-wù-jǐ-gēng-xīn-rén-guǐ (these characters are sometimes used as ordinal numbers} {Compare with 夫 fū man and 无 wú without}

56 而 [ér] &#32780;

(=而且 érqiě) and, furthermore, (=然而 rán'ér) yet, even so

57 能 [néng]

can, be able;

能够 nénggòu be capable of;

可能 kě'néng maybe

58 好 [hǎo]

good, good to..., easy to...; 你好! Nǐhǎo! Hello!

[hào] to like

[hāo] 好好儿 hǎohāor in perfectly good condition

59 都 [dōu]

All [dū] (=首都 shǒudū) capital city

60 然 [rán] 天而能好都然没日于起

right, correct, so, like that;

虽然 suīrán although;

忽然 hūrán suddenly;

当然 dāngrán of course;

自然 zìrán nature

61 没 (F沒) [méi]

(=没有 méiyǒu) haven't, there isn't; 有没有?

Yǒuméiyǒu? Is there or isn't there? Have (you) or haven't (you)?

[mò] sink, overflow, disappear, confiscate

62 日 [rì]

sun, (=日子 rìzi) day; 日记 rìjì diary;

日光 rìguāng sunlight {Compare with 曰 yuē say, 目 mù eye and 甘 gān sweet}

63 于 [yú]

<family name>, (F於) in, at, for, to, from, by, than {Compare with 千 qiān thousand and 干 gān stem}

64 起 [qǐ]

rise, start;

起来 qǐlai get up;

对不起 duìbuqǐ excuse me [qi] (when used as a verb complement)

65 还 (F還) [hái]

still, yet [huán] return, give back

66 发 [fā]

(F發) deliver, utter, express, shoot, emit, develop, expand

[fà] (F髮) hair

[fa] (F髮) 头发 tóufa hair

67 成 [chéng]

(=成为 chéngwéi, =变成 biànchéng) become, <family name>;

成功 chénggōng succeed;

完成 wánchéng accomplish, complete, fulfill;

成语 chéngyǔ idiom

68 事 [shì]

matter, affair, thing, event, accident, job, responsibility;

事情 shìqing situation

69 只 (F祇) [zhǐ]

only, just, merely, <classifier implying "one of a pair", animals, vessels, utensils, etc.>;

一只猫 yì zhǐ māo a cat [zhī] (F隻) single, one, only {Compare with 兄 xiōng brother}

70 作 [zuò] do, make;

工作 gōngzuò work; 作业 zuòyè homework

[zuó] 作践 zuójian spoil, waste, humiliate, insult

[zuō] do

71 当 [dāng]

(F當) serve as, (F噹) ding-dong [dàng] (F當) proper, right, equal, (=当作 dàngzuò) treat/regard as

72 想 [xiǎng]

think, feel, consider, want, remember

73 看 [kàn]

see, look at, read, think, consider

[kān] look after, tend;

看守 kānshǒu guard

74 文 [wén] 还发成事只作当想看文

language, literature, <family name>;

文化 wénhuà culture;

中文 Zhōngwén Chinese (written) language

75 无 (F無) [wú]

without, nothingness, have not [mó] 南无 nánmó <Sanskrit>

to give oneself totally to {Compare with 天 tiān heaven}

76 开 (F開) [kāi]

open; 开始 kāishǐ begin 打开 dǎkāi open, unfold [kai] (when used as a verb complement) {Compare with 并 bìng combine}

77 手 [shǒu]

hand, a person skilled in something;

挥手 huīshǒu wave;

拍手 pāishǒu clap;

握手 wòshǒu shake/clasp hands {Compare with 毛 máo hair}

78 十 (A拾) [shí]

ten; 十三 shísān thirteen;

五十 wǔshí fifty;

十月 shíyuè October

79 用 [yòng]


好用 hǎoyòng useful;

不用 búyòng there's no need;

使用 shǐyòng use, apply {Compare with 甩 shuǎi swing}

80 主 [zhǔ]

lord, master, host, god, (=主要 zhǔyào) main, primary;

主义 zhǔyì doctrine, ~ism; 主页 zhùyè homepage {Compare with 王 wáng king}