Advanced Algebra w/Trig NAME ______

TEST REVIEW : Ch 3 DATE ______PER ______

Show the process to earn credit. If a method is given, you must show that method.

#1-16 Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the BEST answer.

_____ 1) At most, how many roots could the polynomial have?

_____ 2) Divide by using synthetic division.

_____ 3) Use the Remainder Theorem to find if .

_____ 4) Find the complex roots of . Use synthetic division and/or


_____ 5) Write the polynomial of least degree for the roots of , , and 5.

_____ 6) Determine the far-left and the far-right end behavior of the graph of

_____ 7) Factor to find all real zeros of .

_____ 8) Find the x-intercepts of and state whether the graph of P

crosses the x-axis or bounces at the zeros.

_____ 9) List all possible rational zeros of .

_____ 10) Name all of the rational zeros of ? Prove your process.

_____ 11) Determine between which consecutive integers the real zeros of

are located. State the reason using the zero location theorem.

a) and 0 b) 0 and 1

c) and d) no real zeros

_____ 12) Find the greatest integer lower-bound of the zeros of .

Show your process!

_____ 13) If P is a polynomial and a is a number for which , which of the following is true?

a) is a factor of P. b) is an intercept of the graph of P.

c) d) a is a zero of the polynomial.

#14-17 Completion.

______14) Divide by .

______15) Find the reduced polynomial of

if is a known factor.

______16) Determine if is a factor of:.

17) Sketch the graph of . Label x- and y-intercepts, maximum and

minimum points, and the graph.

Factor to find the roots.

Use a t-chart of values to plot points.

Find all the zeros of the polynomial functions and write the polynomial as a product of linear factors.


Use the given zero to find the remaining zeros.


Find a polynomial function of lowest degree with integer coefficients that has the given zeros.

20) Zeros:

Find a polynomial function of lowest degree with integer coefficients that has the given zeros.

21) Zeros: 3+3i, 7