Prenatal Development
Objective: Students will study prenatal development stages and Teach to Learn to others the information they are responsible for using models, pictures, and notes.
Time: Three 65-minute class periods
Supplies: A Month at a Time – From Conception to Birth -- Student
Information Binder (color copy each packet and place in a binder
with sheet protectors) I have 20 binders so each group has
about 3. (I spent several hours putting this packet together from
the resources sighted at the end of the binder. Please include
these references in your binders.)
A Month at a Time --student study guide
Human Reproduction and Development Kit (from Nasco) 1 for each
With Child large–size spiral-bound charts (from Childbirth 1 for each group
Labor and Delivery Nurse --Guest Speaker
Pictures from Student Binder in envelopes (5)
Note: This an expensive lesson, but my students love it! They are fully engaged and remember the information because all their senses are incorporated into the learning process. I had to move away from the video that shows all this information because too many students were falling asleep and thought this section of class was dull.
Day 1
1. Divide students into 5 groups.
Group 1- 1st Trimester (effects on mother), 1st Month (fetal development)
Group 2- 2nd and 3rd Month (fetal development)
Group 3- 2nd Trimester (effects on mother), 4th and 5th month (fetal development)
Group 4- 6th month (fetal development), 3rd Trimester (effects on mother), 7th month
Group 5- 8th and 9th month (fetal development), Postpartum
Students need to read together from the Student Information Binder the section they have been assigned. After reading the information through once, they should use the spiral-bound chart to find and supplement information they have read. At this point students should take notes in their study guides. After taking notes, students should identify the fetus from the Human Reproduction and Development Kit that correlates with their assigned section. Next students should review their information with each other as to what they will share in their Teach to Learn groups.
Day 2
2. Assign Teach to Learn Groups. There will be five of them. Have students get in their groups from the day before. Give each member in each group a colored card (there will be five colors. Some groups may have 2 of one color, if so, these students will team-teach the information they gathered the previous day.) Have students break into their new groups according to the colored card they have.
Teach To Learn- Starting at the beginning of the study guide, students will take turns presenting the information they researched the day before. Students should use the Human Reproduction and Development Kit and the With Child large–size spiral-bound chart during their presentation. Have students stand before their groups and teach what they know.
Day 3
3. Have a Labor and Delivery Nurse from a local hospital come and present the labor and delivery information under the Birth section in the study guide. The nurse I have come to class, brings a video that shows three live births, one natural, a C-section, and an epidural. She also brings a real placenta to show students at the end of class. It is a fabulous presentation!
4. Have students get into five groups. Line up pictures from the envelopes in the order of development and be able to identify the major developmental features for each picture.