DNA and RNA Flashcards

1.  Q: What are the 2 types of nucleic acids?

A: DNA and RNA

2.  Q: What are Nucleotides?

A: The monomer of Nucleic Acids

3.  Q: What’s the function of DNA?

A: Controls the production of every protein a cell

4.  Q: What 3 processes make proteins?

A: DNA Replication, Transcription, Translation

5.  Q: What are the three parts of a nucleotide?

A: Phosphate group, sugar, and nitrogen base

6.  Q: What is the sugar for DNA?

A: Deoxyribose

7.  Q: what is the sugar for RNA?

A: Ribose

8.  Q: What makes up a chromosome?

A: DNA wrapped around proteins called histones

9.  Q: What nitrogen bases are found in DNA?

A: Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine

10.  Q: What nitrogen bases are found in RNA?

A: Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Uracil

11.  Q: Which scientist(s) worked with rough and smooth bacteria transformation?

A: Fredrick Griffith

12.  Which scientist(s) continued Griffith work by working with DNA and protein destroying enzymes?

A: Oswald Avery

13.  Which scientist(s) worked with radioactive label and bacteriophages to prove the DNA was the genetic material?

A: Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase

14.  Q: Which scientist(s) created the base pairing rules?

A: Erwin Chargaff

15.  Q: Which scientist(s) used X-Ray diffraction to take pictures of DNA?

A: Rosalind Franklin

16.  Q: Who discovered the structure of DNA, called it a double helix?

A: James Watson and Francis Crick

17.  Q: What is DNA Replication?

A: Process in which DNA makes a copy of itself

18.  Q: Where and when does DNA Replication take place?

A: In the nucleus during the S phase of Interphase

19.  Q: What is DNA Helicase?

A: Enzyme that unzips DNA by breaking the hydrogen bond between the nitrogen bases

20.  Q: What is DNA Polymerase

A: Enzyme that rebuilds DNA during DNA replication

21.  Q: What are the three types of RNA?


22.  Q: What is mRNA- real name & function?

A: Messenger RNA, carries the blueprint for making proteins

23.  Q: What is tRNA- real name & function

A: Transfer RNA, carries amino acids to the ribosome

24.  Q: What is rRNA- real name & function

A: Ribosomal RNA, forms part of the ribosome

25.  Q: What is transcription?

A: Process in which the RNA triplets are formed and mRNA receives the instructions to make proteins from DNA

26.  Q: Where does Transcription take place?

A: In the nucleus

27.  Q: What is RNA Polymerase?

A: Enzyme that builds a mRNA strand during Transcription

28.  Q: What is the Promoter Region?

A: region on DNA that tells RNA polymerase where to bind to make RNA

29.  Q: What is Translation?

A: Process in which mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA are used to make proteins

30.  Q: Where does Translation take place?

A: In the cytoplasm on a ribosome

31.  Q: What is a Codon?

A: 3 nitrogen bases found on mRNA, complementary to anticodons on tRNA

32.  Q: What are Anticodons?

A: 3 nitrogen bases found on tRNA

33.  Q: What is the Start codon and what does it do?

A: AUG, tells tRNA when to start translating on mRNA

34.  Q: What are the Stop Codons and what do they do?

A: UAA, UAG, & UGA, tells tRNA when to stop translating on mRNA

35.  Q: What is Mutation?

A: a mistake in DNA sequencing

36.  Q: What is a Point mutation?

A: mutations that only affect one nucleotide

37.  Q: What are Frame shift mutations?

A: mutations that shift the “reading” frame of the genetic message by inserting or deleting a nucleotide

38.  Q: What is a Chromosomal Mutation?

A: DNA change in the number or structure of chromosomes

39.  Q: What is Duplication?

A: a segment of the chromosome is repeated

40.  Q: What is Deletion?

A: Segment of the chromosome is missing

41.  Q: What is Inversion?

A: Part of the chromosome becomes oriented in the reverse of its usual direction

42.  Q: What is Translocation?

A: When part of one chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome

43.  Q: What is DNA’s nickname?

A: Big Daddy

44.  Q: What is mRNA’s nickname?

A: Little Momma

45.  Q: What is tRNA’s nickname?

A: Tyrone

46.  Q: What is rRNA’s nickname?

A: Ramada Inn

47.  Q: What is mRNA’s nickname?

A: Little Momma

48.  Q: What are Introns?

A: Junk DNA, removed from mRNA before it leaves the nucleus

49.  Q: What are Exons?

A: Expressed DNA, is spliced together and leaves the nucleus to be used to make proteins

50.  Q: What are the Base Pairing Rules?

A: Adenine pairs with Thymine and Cytosine pairs with Guanine