Othello Unit Exam 70 points total DO NOT WRITE ON TEST

Matching: choose a name from the following list to respond to the descriptions below. One name will be used more than once




1. The Moor

2. The wife of Iago

3. The man who helps Iago follow though with his evil plans

4. The prostitute who associates with Cassio

5. The one who sends Othello to Cyprus

6. Father of Desdemona

7. The man demoted for fighting with Roderigo

8. The one who loses her handkerchief

9. The man who ironically got labeled “honest”

10. The only character to commit suicide

11. Which character recruits Iago to help him win over Desdemona?

a. Montano b. Roderigo c. Lodovico d. Cassio

12. Which nation threatens the Venetian stronghold at Cypress?

a.  Libya b. Egypt c. Greece d. Turkey

13. What is the definition of dramatic irony?

a. when a character says on thing but means the opposite

b. when something happens that is the opposite of what we would expect

c. when a character spontaneously begins to rap Shakespearean style

d. when the audience knows something the character does not know

14. What is the definition of situational irony?

a. when a character says on thing but means the opposite

b. when something happens that is the opposite of what we would expect

c. when a character spontaneously begins to rap Shakespearean style

d. when the audience knows something the character does not know

15. What is the definition of verbal irony?

a. when a character says on thing but means the opposite

b. when something happens that is the opposite of what we would expect

c. when a character spontaneously begins to rap Shakespearean style

d. when the audience knows something the character does not know

16. As the play opens, Iago and Roderigo are discussing the fact that Othello has chosen whom to be his officer?

a. Montano b. Iago c. Cassio c. Picasso

17. Identify the character that said the following: “I lay with Cassio lately, / And being troubled with a raging tooth/ I could not sleep” (3.3.470-3).

a. Othello b. Iago c. Roderigo c. Lodovico

18. When Brabantio confronts Othello, what does he accuse Othello of using to win Desdemona’s affection?

a. Charisma, clyster pipes, and fitchews

b. Ottomites, blazoning pens, and anthropophagi

c. Foul charms, drugs or minerals

d. Goats and monkeys

19. What type of irony is it when Iago says: “Men should be what they seem” (3.3.146)?

a. dramatic b. verbal c. situational d. both a and b

20. At the start of act five, what ends up happening as a result of Roderigo’s attack on Cassio?

a. Cassio gets killed c. Cassio stabs Iago’s leg

b. Roderigo stabs Cassio’s leg d. Roderigo gets killed

21. What physical illness plagues Othello at the start of Act IV?

a. Swine flu b. Epilepsy c. Senioritus d. Delirium tremens

22. Why did Desdemona decide to advocate for Cassio?

a. Because Cassio is a good man

b. Because Cassio is her half brother

c. To display her total domination of Othello

d. To get the money Cassio promised her

23. In Act five, which character would most likely have said: “No, I will speak as liberal as the north. / Let heaven and men and devils, let them all, / All, all cry shame against me, yet I’ll speak” (5.2. 261-3)?

a. Iago speaking to Bianca

b. Othello speaking to Brabantio

c. Emilia speaking to Othello

d. Desdemona to Roderigo

24. Which of the following is the best example of the theme of deception in Shakespeare’s Othello?

a. Iago telling Roderigo that he hates the Moor

b. Iago convincing Othello that Desdemona was unfaithful

c. Roderigo falling in love with the married Desdemona

d. Othello demoting Cassio for fighting

25. Identify the form of figurative language the following represents:
“O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! /It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock/ The meat it feeds on” (3.3.195-7).

a. simile b. personification c. onomatopoeia d. metaphor

26. Which of the following is the best example of a character suffering inner conflict?

a. Othello, in his attempt to not believe Iago’s lies

b. Iago, in his having to decide if he loves Emilia more than Desdemona

c. Roderigo, in having to decide whether fighting with Cassio was a good idea

d. Emilia, in trying to convince Desdemona that affairs are always justified

27. What does Cassio do with Desdemona’s handkerchief?

a. Allows Iago to take it c. Wears it on his head gangsta style

b. Gives it back to Desdemona d. Gives it to Bianca to copy

28. What seems to be Iago’s opinion of his wife, Emilia, and all women?

a. they are worth and honorable

b. they are superior to men in a number of ways

c. they are weak willed and foolish

d. they are lusty, misguided, and nagging

29. Why did Cassio originally become Othello’s lieutenant?

a. Cassio had prior success in battle

b. Because Roderigo turned down the offer

c. Cassio knew how falsely promote himself

d. Othello gave in to Desdemona’s request

30. “Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see: / She has deceived her father and may deceive thee” - Brabantio. What literary device is this an example of?

a. Simile b. metaphor c. foreshadowing c. personification

31. What, to Othello, does the handkerchief symbolize? (after Iago tells him she gave it to Cassio)

a. his mother’s memory

b. Desdemona’s devotion

c. Desdemona’s unfaithfulness

d. Bianca’s love of Cassio

32. While he is hiding, who did Othello assume Cassio was talking about with Iago?

a. Desdemona b. Bianca c. Emilia d. Chelsea

33. As she lay dying, whom does Desdemona say is at fault for her murder?

a. Desdemona b. Othello c. Cassio d. Brabantio

34. What was Iago’s’ desired outcome of Cassio and Roderigo’s first fight?

a. Roderigo and Cassio are imprisoned

b. Both are seriously injured

c. Roderigo openly weeps so Othello slaps him

d. Cassio is loses his title as lieutenant

35. What becomes of Iago at the very end of the play?

a. he is killed by Othello’s favorite smothering pillow

b. Roderigo is left to decide his fate

c. Cassio is to determine his punishment

d. he writes a letter of apology to all deceased