
Grading Policies and Procedures


Mathematics Student will be graded on the total percentage points earned each quarter. Points are earned by homework completion, class work, quizzes, tests, math spiral, and special projects. The following items: math composition book, calculator, pencil, pen, ruler, loose-leaf and graph paper, must be brought to class at all times (unless notified otherwise). Math book should be covered throughout the school year.

Grading Scale

100-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D 59 and below F

·  Homework 25%

·  Quizzes 20%

·  Tests 40%

·  Class work, Spiral and Projects 15%


·  Total 100%


Homework will be assigned every day, except on the test days. Homework may include book assignments, journal entries, worksheets, project work, and study guides. Each assignment will be checked in and corrected in class the following day. Homework should be neat and complete. Save all homework.

All work (problem solving, steps) must be shown. If an answer is not accompanied by work, student may loose credit for that problem. Student has a second chance to make up a missed assignment (now worth ½ credit), after that, it is zero points; however, if student is absent due to illness, arrangements need to be made for make-up work. It is student’s responsibility to make up missed class work.


Quizzes will vary in points and will be given throughout every chapter. These quizzes will help to prepare for the chapter test. Quizzes may be announced a day in advance and will focus on information covered in a short period of time. The best way to study for a quiz is to review your homework problems and notes from class.


A test will be given at the end of each chapter. Student should save all notes and quizzes to help to study for the test. Chapter tests will be announced several days in advance.

Math Composition Book

Math graph composition book is required for this class (one per quarter) and must be brought to class every day. Books will be collected and graded quarterly. All homework and notes should be kept in the composition book in order (dated and labeled).


There may be several projects and/or special assignments during school year. Math projects may vary in extent and point value, and can be a group or individual assignments. More details will be supplied when each project is assigned.


***It is vital to be prepared and be in class each and every day. Please, ask questions, seek help if and when needed, be respectful of yourself and others, be willing to try and work hard. Take pride in your work, always do your best. Dishonesty will be penalized by zero.

***Let’s have an enjoyable, productive, and fun year!!!