Course Syllabus

CIS 310: Principles of Information Systems

Spring 2015

Instructor: Dr. Selwyn EllisEmail:

Office: CAB 128 B

Office Hours:

Monday8:00 – 11:00 1:00 – 3:00

Tuesday9:45 – 10:45 11:45 – 12:00 1:45 – 2:00

Wednesdayby appointment

Thursday9:45 – 10:45 11:45 – 12:00 1:45 – 2:00

Fridayby appointment

Required Text

Using MIS,7thEdition by David M. Kroenke, Pearson.

Course Description

Provides an introduction to concepts and principles of information system resources, analysis, development, management, and applications.

Learning Objectives
Students will gain an understanding of the terminology, concepts, issues, and components of Information Systems for business.

  • Hardware: Be able to identify the major components of a PC and be able to customize a PC for purchase.
  • Software: Be able to distinguish between the different types of software
  • Information Assurance: Be able to recognize the major concepts in Information Assurance
  • Be able to explain how to use the Internet effectively for business.
  • Be able to explain the involvement of stakeholders with their organization’s Information Technology efforts.


The student shall be responsible for all material covered in the class lectures. Each exam will include not only the material from the assigned text chapters, but also from the readings, guest lectures and any other materials covered in the class lectures. You are also responsible for any announcements made in class.


We will have 3 exams. If you must miss an exam for any reason, you must let me know in advance. In the case of an emergency, contact me as soon as possible to make plans for dealing with the situation.Test dates will be announced in class.

Participation and Professionalism

As business students, it is important that you are able to conduct yourself in a professional and courteous manner. Please refer to the College of Business Student Responsibilities for details on appropriate classroom decorum. Additionally, no laptops, cell phones, PDAs or other electronic devices will be allowed in class.


As stated in Chapter 3 of the University Catalog,

Louisiana Tech University uses the Class Attendance Policy of the University of Louisiana System. Minimum class attendance regulations for the colleges and universities under the control of the Board are as follows:

Class attendance is regarded as an obligation as well as a privilege, and all students are expected to attend regularly and punctually all classes in which they are enrolled. Failure to do so may jeopardize a student's scholastic standing and may lead to suspension from Louisiana Tech.


Exam 1100

Exam 2100



Attendance/Participation 50

Project 50



Your final letter grade will be based on a 10 point scale relative to the exact number of points for the given assignments.

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to read, understand, and adhere to the Louisiana Tech Academic Honor Code. Violations of the honor code will be reported.

Students With Disabilities

We are eager to assist in acquiring and providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals. The office of Disability Services (Wyly Tower 319) coordinates campus-wide efforts to provide information and services to Louisiana Tech students with disabilities. Inquiries concerning services for students with disabilities are directed to the Office of Disability Services. Services are available to students who provide appropriate documentation to the Office of Disability Services. Any student with a documented disability condition (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) requesting classroom accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services and bring their letter to me as soon as possible so that we can work together to arrange the needed accommodations.

Disaster Preparedness

In the event that a disaster or other emergency results in campus closure, this course will continue via blackboard. You will be required to login to for further instructions. Please enroll in the Emergency Notification System to receive official campus updates. You may also refer to or for updates.

I reserve the right, when necessary, to modify the syllabus, alter the grading policy, change examination dates, and modify the course content. Modifications will be announced and discussed in class. You are responsible for those changes.

Tentative Class Schedule


/ Topic
R3/12 / Introduction – Chapter 1
T3/17 / Chapter 1
R3/19 / Chapter 2
T3/24 / Chapter 3
R3/26 / Chapter 4
T3/31 / TBA Review
R 4/2 /

Exam 1

T4/7 /

Chapter 5

R4/9 / Chapter 6
T 4/14 / Chapter 7
R 4/16 /

Chapter 8

T4/21 /

TBA Review

R4/23 /

Exam 2

T4/28 /

Chapter 9

R 4/30 / Chapter 10
T 5/5 / Chapter 11
R 5/7 /

Chapter 12

T 5/12 /


R 5/14 /

TBA Review

T 5/19 /

Exam 3