3. What is the coalition’s 12 Month Action Plan for addressing youth substance use in the community? (30 points)

Bulloch Co. Alcohol & Drug Council 2017-2018 Action Plan
DFC Goal One: Increase community collaboration
Objective One: By September 1, 2016, 90% of coalition members will be trained in the SPF model and exhibit strong understanding of coalition members’ roles in each step of that model.
Strategies: Community collaboration will be increased by actively involving coalition members in the five steps of the Strategic Prevention Framework. (Target group: community at-large)
Activity / Who is responsible? / By when?
Coalition Member Orientation (introduction to SPF, Member Roles, Bylaws, etc.) / Coalition staff / November 2015
Member Skills & Interests Inventory / Coalition staff/members / During orientation of new members
Election of coalition officers / Coalition members / December 2015
Active participation in coalition meetings and subcommittees / Coalition staff/members / Ongoing
Needs Assessment Training / Coalition staff/ regional and state prevention staff / October 2015
Conduct community needs assessment regarding alcohol use and prescription drug abuse / Coalition staff/members / November 2015 – February 2016
Hold three community focus groups to discuss underage alcohol use and prescription drug abuse / Coalition staff/members / January – February 2016
Development of social media outlets (webpage, facebook, instagram, Youtube) / Youth advisory board/community volunteers / November 2015 – January 2016
Update all social media sites / Youth advisory board/Coalition staff/Public Relations committee / Ongoing
CADCA (Washington, DC) / Coalition staff/member / February 2016
Capacity Training / Coalition staff / February 2016
Summit on Substance Abuse, Mental Health, and School Safety/Discipline (annual conference) / Coalition staff/members / March 2016
Coalition Mid-Year Planning / Coalition members / April 2016
Networking throughout county, region, and state / Coalition staff/members/youth / Ongoing
Recognition of coalition’s members and efforts / Coalition staff/Public relations committee / Ongoing; End –of-yr celebration (September)
GA School on Addiction Studies / Coalition staff/member / August 2016
Year 2 Planning Retreat / Coalition staff/members / September 2016
Bulloch Co. Alcohol & Drug Council 2017-2018 Action Plan
DFC Goal One: Increase community collaboration
Objective Two: By December 2016, 90% of coalition members will indicate an increase in community collaboration as evidenced by a partnership self-assessment.
Strategies: Community collaboration will be increased by actively involving coalition members in the five steps of the Strategic Prevention Framework, with strong emphasis on Capacity Building and Cultural Competence (Target group: community at-large)
Activity / Who is responsible? / By when?
Coalition Member Orientation (introduction to SPF) / Coalition staff / November 2015
Member Skills & Interests Inventory / Coalition staff/members / During orientation of new members
Election of coalition officers / Coalition members / December 2015
Active participation in coalition meetings and subcommittees / Coalition staff/members / Ongoing
Participation in community events (education opportunities) / Coalition staff/members/youth / Ongoing
Capacity Building Workshop for coalition members / Coalition Staff/Possible Contract Staff / January 2016
Development of social media outlets (webpage, facebook, instagram, Youtube) / Youth advisory board/community volunteers / November 2015 – January 2016
Update all social media sites / Youth advisory board/Coalition staff/Public Relations committee / Ongoing
Partnership Self-Assessment (initial) / Coalition staff/members / February 2016
Town Hall Meeting / Coalition staff/members/community volunteers/Youth / March - April 2016
Coalition Mid-Year Planning / Coalition members / April 2016
Cultural Competency Workshop for coalition members / Coalition Staff/Potential contract staff / May 2016
Networking throughout county, region, and state / Coalition staff/members/youth / Ongoing
Recognition of coalition’s members and efforts / Coalition staff/Public relations committee / Ongoing; End –of-yr celebration (September)
Year 2 Planning Retreat / Coalition staff/members / September 2016
Bulloch Co. Alcohol & Drug Council 2017-2018 Action Plan
DFC Goal Two: Reduce youth substance use
Objective One: By December 2016, 68% of students in grades 6-12 will report peer disapproval of alcohol use.
Alcohol Related Strategies: Community Assessment through surveys & focus groups, Community Briefing on Alcohol, Youth Advisory Board Initiatives, and Health Communication Strategies (Target group: local students in grades 6 - 12)
Activity / Who is responsible? / By when?
Youth board recruitment / Youth Board Coordinator/Coalition staff / October 2015
Youth board orientation / Youth board Coordinator/Coalition staff / October 2015
Teen Maze (simulation of potential consequences of underage drinking) / Coalition Staff & Members
Community Volunteers / October 2015
Conduct community survey to address underage alcohol use / Assessment subcommittee / October – November 2015
Youth board empowerment meetings / Youth Board Coordinator / Monthly during school year; August - May
Youth Board Fall Retreat (introduction to “Above the Influence” campaign) This campaign helps youth identify ways to refuse pressure to drink alcohol. / Youth Board Coordinator/Coalition Staff/Coalition volunteers / November 2015
Recruit youth to participate in focus groups / Youth Board Members / November 2015 – January 2016
Conduct community survey to assess attitudes, beliefs, & behaviors toward alcohol / Assessment subcommittee / November 2015 – February 2016
Conduct three focus groups (2 youth, 1 adult) to assess attitudes, beliefs, & behaviors / Assessment subcommittee / January – February
Conduct “Tag It” activity (part of “Above the Influence” campaign) youth express that they are above the influence of alcohol / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board members / January – Mid February 2016
Gather data from the 2015 GA Student Health Survey II / Coalition staff / March-April 2016
Recognize youth efforts through media / Youth Board Coordinator/Public relations subcommittee / Late February – March 2016
Conduct “Be It” activity (youth write their slogan as it pertains to being alcohol free) / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board Members/Board of Education / March 2016
Compile quantitative & qualitative data (from community assessment) / Coalition staff / March 2016
Analyze and summarize data / Assessment subcommittee / March – April 2016
Conduct “Express It” activity (youth express desire to be alcohol free through drama, song, or dance) / Youth Board Coordinator/ Youth Board members / April 2016
Youth Board Spring Retreat / Youth Board Coordinator/Coalition Staff/Volunteers / April 2016
“Picture It” activity (highlights risks associated with underage drinking during Prom/Graduation Season) / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board Members/Other Youth / April – May 2016
Conduct environmental scan of local alcohol outlets to assess product pricing, placement, and promotion / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board Members/Volunteers / May 2016
Develop public education campaign to increase awareness & knowledge of local data (including peer disapproval) / Coalition staff & members
GSU volunteers / May – July 2016
Attend leadership training at Georgia Teen Institute; prepare action plan for upcoming school year / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board Members/Adult volunteers / June 2016
Display “Picture It” Projects in schools & throughout community / Youth Board Coordinator/Public relations subcommittee/Youth Board Members/Schools / August 2016
Youth board recruitment (for upcoming school year) / Youth Board Coordinator/Current Board Members / August – September 2016
Bulloch Co. Alcohol & Drug Council 2017-2018 Action Plan
DFC Goal Two: Reduce youth substance use
Objective Two: By December 2016, students in grades 6-12 who report past 30-day alcohol use students will decrease by 7%.
Alcohol Related Strategies: Community Assessment through focus groups; Seller/Server Training; Compliance Checks; Public recognition of those in compliance; Community Briefing on Alcohol; Youth Advisory Board Initiatives, and Health Communication Strategies Target group: local students in grades 6 - 12)
Activity / Who is responsible? / By when?
Youth board recruitment / Youth Board Coordinator/Coalition staff / October 2015
Youth board orientation / Youth board Coordinator/Coalition staff / October 2015
Teen Maze (simulation of potential consequences of underage drinking) / Coalition Staff & Members
Community Volunteers / October 2015
Youth board empowerment meetings / Youth Board Coordinator / Monthly during school year; August - May
Youth Board Fall Retreat (introduction to “Above the Influence” campaign / Youth Board Coordinator/Coalition Staff/Coalition volunteers / November 2015
Recruit youth to participate in focus groups / Youth Board Members / November 2015 – January 2016
Conduct community survey to assess attitudes, beliefs, & behaviors as related to underage alcohol use / Assessment subcommittee / November 2015 – February 2016
Conduct three focus groups (2 youth, 1 adult) to assess attitudes, beliefs, & behaviors as related to underage alcohol use / Assessment subcommittee / January – February
Conduct “Tag It” activity (youth express that they are above the influence of alcohol) / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board members / January – Mid February 2016
Gather data from the 2015 GA Student Health Survey II / Coalition staff / January 2016
Recognize youth efforts through media / Youth Board Coordinator/Public relations subcommittee / Late February – March 2016
Conduct “Be It” activity (youth write personal slogan as it pertains to being alcohol free) / Youth Board Coordinator/ Youth Board members / March 2016
Compile quantitative & qualitative data (from community assessment) / Coalition staff / March 2016
Analyze and summarize data / Assessment subcommittee / March – April 2016
Youth Board Spring Retreat / Youth Board Coordinator/Coalition Staff/Volunteers / April 2016
“Picture It” Activity (highlights risks associated with underage drinking during Prom/Graduation Season) / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board Members/Other Youth / April – May 2016
Conduct environmental scan of alcohol retail outlets to assess product pricing, placement, and promotion / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board Members/Volunteers / May 2016
Develop public education campaign to increase awareness & knowledge of local data / Coalition staff & members
GSU volunteers / May – July 2016
Attend leadership training at Georgia Teen Institute; prepare action plan for upcoming school year / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board Members/Adult volunteers / June 2016
Display Art Projects in schools & throughout community / Youth Board Coordinator/Public relations subcommittee/Youth Board Members/Schools / August 2016
Launch Phase 1 (public education) of health communication program / Coalition staff / August – September 2016
Youth board recruitment (for upcoming school year) / Youth Board Coordinator/Current Board Members / August – September 2016
Bulloch Co. Alcohol & Drug Council 2017-2018 Action Plan
DFC Goal Two: Reduce youth substance use
Objective Five: By December 2016, 80% of alcohol retailers will be in compliance with underage drinking laws as evidenced by compliance checks results
Alcohol Strategies: Seller/Server Training, Media Advocacy, and Compliance Checks Target group: local alcohol retailers)
Activity / Who is responsible? / By when?
Provide TIPS training information to alcohol license holders / Coalition staff/members / October 2015
Conduct initial compliance check / Law enforcement; GA Dept. of Revenue / November-December 2015
Send letters notifying compliance or non-compliance / Coalition staff / January 2016
Hold TIPS training / Local TIPS trainer (member of law enforcement) / March 2016
Conduct second round of compliance checks / Law enforcement; GA Dept. of Revenue / April 2016
Air PSAs announcing upcoming compliance checks / Coalition staff/PR committee / July 2016
Conduct compliance checks / Law enforcement; GA Dept. of Revenue / August 2016
Media recognition of retailers found to be in compliance / Coalition staff/PR committee / August – September 2016
Send letters notifying compliance or non-compliance / Coalition staff / August – September 2016
Bulloch Co. Alcohol & Drug Council 2017-2018 Action Plan
DFC Goal Two: Reduce youth substance use
Objective Four: By December 2016, 95% of youth in grades 6-12 will report that they think prescription drug abuse is harmful.
Prescription Drug Strategies: Community Assessment through focus groups; Community Briefings on Prescription Drugs; Youth Advisory Board Initiatives; and Health Communication Strategies Target group: local students in grades 6 - 12)
Activity / Who is responsible? / By when?
Participate in statewide Gen Rx prevention initiative / Coalition Staff/Members / October 2015; ongoing
Youth board recruitment / Youth Board Coordinator/Coalition staff / October 2015
Youth board orientation / Youth board Coordinator/Coalition staff / October 2015
Teen Maze (simulation of potential consequences of Rx drug abuse) / Coalition Staff & Members
Community Volunteers / October 2015
Youth board empowerment meetings / Youth Board Coordinator / Monthly during school year; August - May
Youth Board Fall Retreat (introduction to “Above the Influence” campaign) / Youth Board Coordinator/Coalition Staff/Coalition volunteers / November 2015
Recruit youth to participate in focus groups (part of community assessment on prescription drug abuse) / Youth Board Members / November 2015 – January 2016
Conduct three focus groups (2 youth, 1 adult) to assess attitudes, beliefs, & behaviors as they relate to misuse of prescription drugs / Assessment subcommittee / January – February
Conduct “Tag It” activity (youth express that they are above the influence of prescription drug abuse) / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board members / January – Mid February 2016
Gather data from the 2015 GA Student Health Survey II / Coalition staff / January 2016
Recognize youth efforts through media / Youth Board Coordinator/Public relations subcommittee / Late February – March 2016
School Drug Policy Review / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board Members/Board of Education / February – March 2016
Conduct “Be It” activity (youth write their slogan as it pertains to not abusing or misusing prescription drugs) / Youth Board Coordinator/ Youth Board members / March 2016
Compile quantitative & qualitative data (from community assessment) / Coalition staff / March 2016
Analyze and summarize data / Assessment subcommittee / March – April 2016
Youth Board Spring Retreat / Youth Board Coordinator/Coalition Staff/Volunteers / April 2016
“Express It” Activity (youth express desire to not abuse or misuse prescription drugs through drama, song, or dance) / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board Members/Other Youth / April – May 2016
Develop public education campaign to increase awareness & knowledge of local data / Coalition staff & members
GSU volunteers / May – July 2016
Attend leadership training at Georgia Teen Institute; prepare action plan for upcoming school year / Youth Board Coordinator/Youth Board Members/Adult volunteers / June 2016
Display Art Projects in schools & throughout community (art projects are incorporated into monthly meetings) / Youth Board Coordinator/Public relations subcommittee/Youth Board Members/Schools / August 2016
Launch Phase 1 (public education) of health communication program / Coalition staff / August – September 2016
Youth board recruitment (for upcoming school year) / Youth Board Coordinator/Current Board Members / August – September 2016
Bulloch Co. Alcohol & Drug Council 2017-2018 Action Plan
DFC Goal Two: Reduce youth substance use
Objective Six: By December 2016, there will be a 3% decrease in the number of students who report that it is easy to get prescription drugs that are not prescribed to them
Prescription Drug Strategies: Reduce youth access to prescription and over-the-counter medications by sustaining medicine drop boxes; increase awareness of risks associated with misuse and abuse of prescription medications Target group: local students in grades 6 - 12)
Activity / Who is responsible? / By When?
Awareness Campaign (identifying physical, mental, & legal risks associated with Rx drug abuse) / Coalition members
Law Enforcement / October 2015 - Ongoing
Inserts at local pharmacies with list of commonly abused medications & locations of medicine drop boxes / Coalition members/local pharmacies / November 2015; then ongoing as needed
Gather data from local law enforcement agencies regarding amount of medicine received / Coalition staff / Quarterly
Publicize efforts in local media / Coalition staff/members / Quarterly
Provide information to families seeking Hospice care / Coalition staff/members / January 2016; then ongoing
Provide information (education – safe storage – secure disposal) to local VA clinic / Coalition staff/members / January 2016; then ongoing
Provide information (education – safe storage – secure disposal) to physicians / Coalition staff/members / January 2016; then ongoing
Increase awareness of Rx drug abuse by presenting at local civic club meetings / Coalition Staff/Members / January 2016; Ongoing
Provide information at local community events / Coalition staff/volunteers/Youth / October 2015; Year Round
Participate in Statewide Gen Rx Program / Coalition staff/members / October 2015; Year Round