


Response to InterventionSchool Plan

RTI CommitteeMembers:

Will vary based onstudent needs.

HowoftenwillRTI Committeemeet? Will vary based onstudent needs.


Descriptionof Tier1(Core) Instruction:

The coretenet of Tier 1 is to provide high qualityinstruction to all studentsin SumterCountyElementarySchools. Thepurpose of Tier1 is to eliminate poorinstruction and behavioral supports as apossiblecause ofacademicunderachievement or behavioral problems. Sumter Countyutilizes standards-based instruction within aCommon Core Framework. Effective,evidence- based instructional practices areincorporated intoallclassrooms, regardless of grade,abilitylevel, or subject matter. Tier 1 also incorporateseffective, positive school-widebehavioralprograms. That is, allelementaryschools inSumter Countyutilizeapositive behavioral incentiveprogram to promotepositive academic and social behaviors across allstudents. Approximately80%of the student bodyshould achieve academic success when receiving Tier1 instruction alone.

Universal screeningis used to identifystudents who arestrugglingacademicallyorbehaviorallyinTier1 and might need more intensive intervention. That is, allstudents areadministered brief assessments focusedonevaluatingavarietyof target skills and behaviors. Academic universalscreeners aretypicallyadministered threetimes ayear (fall, winter, and spring) in theacademic areas of reading and math. Students who arein need ofmoreintensive intervention areidentifiedthroughpre-established,research-based cutoffscores. Behavioral screeners are administeredto identifystudents who need moreintensive behavioral interventions. Teachers complete theClassroom Universals Inventoryon each student. Students who scoredin the top 5% for each school isidentified and theirrecords arereviewed to determinewhethertheyshould begin thefollowingschoolyear on aTier2 orTier 3 behavior intervention plan.A Modification/Accommodation Worksheetis used to facilitatethe decision making process. In addition to universal screeningdata, classroomofficediscipline referraldata and teacher referrals can also be used to identifystudents in need ofmore intensive intervention.

Descriptionof Tier2Instruction:

Tier2 instruction is slightlymoreintensive than Tier1 instruction and typicallyinvolves smallergroup-based instruction. TheEarly Intervention Program (EIP) is typicallythe vehicleforthis targeted small-group instruction inour elementaryschools. Tier2also involvesmore frequent progress monitoringthanTier1. Tier2 instructionincorporatesmonthlyprogress monitoringthrough the use ofbrief assessments that areresearch-basedand sensitive to change. Students in need of aTier 2 behavioral intervention are typically provided adailybehavioral support such asamentor orCheck-In-Check Out. Students who do notdemonstrate adequate progress are provided with moreintensive intervention and areconsidered for Tier3 instruction. Approximately15%ofthe student bodyshould achievesuccess throughTier2 instruction.

Foralist of allavailableTier2 interventions and their descriptions, pleaseseethe Sumter CountyRTI InterventionInventoryfor reading, mathematics,and writing.

Descriptionof Tier3Instruction:

In Tier 3, students receiveindividualized, intensiveinstruction based on their specific skilldeficit. This instruction is typically delivered in a one-on-oneor smallgroup setting. Studentsin Tier 3 areprogress monitored on aweeklybasis. This frequentprogress monitoringallows forthedetermination ofarate of growth and provides data on which to baseinstructional decisions (i.e., determiningtheeffectiveness of the intervention). Approximately5%of thestudent bodyshould beserved through Tier 3 instruction.

Students who continueto struggle despite receivinghigh quality, research based Tier 3 interventions areconsideredforreferral fora comprehensiveevaluation to determinespecial education eligibility.

Inregards tostudents with behavioraldifficulties, those who continueto struggleafterreceivingaTier 2 intervention arefurther assessed through thecompletion ofbehavioral questionnaires bytheir teachers. Individualized behavior intervention plans are developed and implemented in the classroom. Progress on their behavioralgoals is monitored daily. As well, students who continue to struggle despitereceivingan intensive individualized behavior planareconsidered for referral for acomprehensive evaluation to determinespecial education eligibility.

Foralist of allavailableTier3 interventionsand their descriptions, pleaseseethe Sumter CountyRTI InterventionInventoryfor reading, mathematics,and writing.

Whatdistinguishes Tier2 fromTier3?

Intervention intensitydistinguishesTier2 from Tier 3 instruction. This includes aspects suchas theintervention itself, frequencyof delivery, the duration ofthe intervention, and the sizeof thegroupto whichitis provided.


Whatassessments, sources, etc. will beusedtohelpidentifywhich students needintervention?

GRASPis theprimaryuniversal screener and progress monitorforreading.

GRASP Math(2-5)and EarlyNumeracyScreeners (K1)aretheprimaryuniversalscreeners.

2-5 studentsare progressmonitoredwith GRASPMath probes.

K-1 students are progressmonitored with GRASPprobes.

ElementarywritingisuniversallyassessedwithQuarterly, Standards-Based WritingAssessments

Behavioris universallyassessedwith the Classroom Universals Inventory

How will you determinewhich students will receive Tier3 instruction?

Students will receive Tier 3 instruction when monthlyprogress monitoring at Tier 2 indicates inadequategrowth.

Who will keepupwith the RTIfolderfor eachstudent, which contains theRTI DocumentationFormandallProgress

Monitoring sheets?

Elementaryschool assistant principals willmanagestudents’ RtIfolders.

Who will notify parentsofstudent placement into Tiers 2 or3?

Elementaryschool assistant principals willnotifyparents of student placement into Tiers 2 or3.


Who willschedule Intervention Team Meetings?

The elementaryschool’sassistant principalwillschedule intervention teammeetings.

EachTier3 student willhavehis/herown Intervention Team. Whatstaffmembers will beoneachteam(i.e. principal, classroomteacher(s), speechteacher, specialed.teacher,reading interventionist, counselor, ELLteacher)?

Intervention team members will varybased on student needs.

Whatwill the role oftheIntervention Teambe?

Theintervention team willbe responsible forsuggestingevidence-based interventions appropriate for theindividual’s particular needs, based on the available data. Theintervention team willassign staffto conduct theintervention and gatherprogress monitoring data. As well, the intervention team will evaluatethe student’s response tothe specifiedintervention and makerecommendations.

HowoftenwilltheIntervention Team meet forstudents inTier2/Tier3?

The frequencywith which the intervention teammeets willvarydependingon student needs.