Expense Reimbursement and Per Diems

As for the operation and betterment of the Grant Iowa County Tavern League, the League shall reimburse members for their travel and expenses to the following:

State Events

All Events: The GICTL shall pay all registration fees for attendance. Members must pre-register with GICTL.

State Conventions: Attending members will be paid a per diem of $150.00 per day of attendance. Members are required to attend all meetings, take part in voting as required, and make a report to the membership at the local league monthly meeting following the convention. The total league budget for per diems shall be capped at ($450.00 per member multiplied by number of delegates allowed). Attending members applying for per-diem must pre-register with GICTL no later than the local league monthly meeting prior to the convention. Attending members receiving per-diem are required to give a report to the membership at the next local league monthly meeting. If there are more attendees than number of delegates needed the per diem will be split among attendees, excepting The League President, whom shall always be paid full per diem.

Legislative Day: All members pre-registering with the GICTL shall be paid a $100.00 per diem for their full attendance. Attending members applying for per-diem must attend all scheduled meetings with the appropriate legislators. Attending members receiving per-diem are required to give a report to the membership at the next local league monthly meeting. The total league budget for per diems shall be capped at $1000.00, to be divided evenly among all attendees, excepting the League President whom shall always be paid the full per diem.

League Leaders: Members selected to attend League Leaders day shall have their lodging paid for up to 2 nights and a $100.00 total per diem. Members are required to attend all meetings during League Leaders day. The total league budget for per diems for League Leaders day shall be capped at a total of $300.00. If there are more willing attendees than 3, the per diem shall be split among attendees, excepting the the league president, whom shall always be paid full per diem. Attending members applying for per-diem must pre-register with the GICTL no later than the local league monthly meeting prior to league leaders day. Attending members are required to give a report to the membership at the next local league monthly meeting. Attending members shall be any member in good standing who volunteers to attend, or the league may encourage members to attend if the subject matter is of particular importance to a specific league member or dealing with issues that member is directly involved with in a way beneficial to the local league.

3rd District Events

Caucuses & Meetings: All members are encouraged to attend 3rd District meetings and caucuses. Attending members that attend a 3rd District meeting or caucus outside of Grant/Iowa Counties, shall receive a $100.00 per diem. This per diem shall not apply if the meeting or caucus is at a Convention where convention per diem applies. The league budget for each individual 3rd District caucus or meeting shall be capped at $500.00, to be divided equally among all attendees, excepting the League President, whom shall always be paid the full per diem. Attending members are required to give a report to membership at the next local league monthly meeting.

Events or Fundraisers: Members attending 3rd District events outside of Grant & Iowa Counties to work as requested by the 3rd District, shall have up to1 night of lodging provided and $100.00 per diem paid for number of days worked. The league budget for each 3rd District event shall be capped at ($100.00 per day of required work X number of required volunteers from our local league.) Attending members are required to give a report to membership at the next local league monthly meeting.


All other events requiring attendance by GICTL members will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Per diem payments and lodging requests up to $200.00 per member are allowed to be awarded by the League President. Payments totaling over $200.00 per member must be awarded by motion and approval of membership at a league meeting.

Any member receiving State per diems or reimbursement from other sources shall not be eligible for GICTL per diems or reimbursements

The league shall provide a debit card to be in possession of and used by only the

local league president. The president may use the debit card as they see fit for the appropriate league related expenses of membership, travel, advertising, etc. The league president is required to obtain a dated receipt for all such expenses and provide such receipt and accompanying explanation to membership at the following local league monthly meeting. Should the president fail to provide such tracking of the expenses from the debit card, the expenses in question shall be paid by the league only after motion by membership at the local league monthly meeting, barring such the president shall reimburse the league for said expenses.


Only after all requirements for reimbursements have been made shall the league provide the stipulated payments. Any reports to membership would ideally be given orally, however if members seeking reimbursement are unable to attend the next local league monthly meeting, the report may be provided as a written report, emailed to a league officer if necessary, or related to a member attending the next local league monthly meeting to be presented on their behalf. Barring the accomplishment of all requirements, the league shall withhold payment of reimbursements.