November 21, 2013

7:00 P.M.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ann Easly-DeBisschop at 7:05P.M. with Directors Mike Blackaby, Renae Corn, Doug Iwasa and Paul Kraft in attendance. Also in attendance were Superintendent Nicole Albisu, Director of Finance Mary Jo Evers, Director of Instruction & Student Services Melissa Williams, Director of Federal Programs Anabel Ortiz Chavolla, Director of Personnel/Operations Eric Norton, Christina Marfice, Argus Observer reporterand Administrative Assistant Jolene Masterson with 50 people in attendance.

Chairman Ann Easly-DeBisschop welcomed the audience and led the flag salute.

There were no agenda changes.

Consent items for the regular monthly meeting were reviewed. Director Renae Corn moved to approve the consent items.

  1. Special Session Minutes of October 17, 2013;
  2. Regular Session Minutes of October 17,2013;
  3. Special Session Minutes of October 28, 2013;
  4. Special Session Minutes of October 29, 2013;
  5. Personnel;
  6. Accounts Payable covering checks #407592 - #407939totaling $528,928.81;
  7. Finance Report;

Director Doug Iwasa seconded the motion which passed unanimously with all members voting yes.


Student Recognition for the Month ofNovember were Aiken – Ronni Bryant, Micaiah Widmer; Cairo – Katelyn Oester, Marcos Rodriguez; May Roberts – Hailee Hill, Jake Jones; OMS –Jaelen Grove, Gonzalo Espinoza; OHS – Michael Hussey, Diana Ramirez. Unable to attend were Trey Trejo, Destiny Gonzalez – Alameda; Joshua Reed, and Marisa Rivera – Pioneer.

Noah Navarrette reported on happenings at OMS.We meet again! Here is the OMS update for November! Our annual cookie dough fundraiser was a great success! We raised nearly $7,000 for student rewards, our 8th grade dance and many other things that our student council funds! OMS implemented a new tardy policy a couple weeks back… I’m proud to report that the number of tardies has decreased with the new policy! I’m pretty sure it has something to do with lunch detention and Saturday school! I know I am getting to class on time! The TAG after school program that is including yearbook activities and newspaper writing has been meeting weekly. Students are learning photography and how to write succinct articles about what is going on in their community. The newspaper is published monthly so the entire school reads what the students have written. Between 12-22 students participate, depending sports activities. I have to say it is pretty cool to read a paper written by students for students! Something I am excited about is the new OMS proficiency reward system… in a nutshell if we keep up with our proficiencies we get to attend a movie in the Tiger gym AND we have chances to earn popcorn & candy to eat during the movie. The OMS choir has three upcoming performances during December. On December 12, the choir, along with the art department, will hold a fund-raiser concert at OMS with holiday music for both choir and individual soloists. Handmade stained glass windows and delicious baked goods will also be sold. On December 17th, the choir will join with the other Ontario Choirs for their winter concert in the Cub Gym at OMS. Finally, the choir will perform at the Presbyterian Community Care Center on December 19th. The girl’s basketball teams are off to a great start! Both 7th & 8th grade teams have won some games and lost some games but everyone is having a great time! This weekend the OMS wrestling team participated in a tournament at Capital High School; there were over 600 wrestlers at this tournament. All of our wrestlers did a great job representing OMS, but we are especially proud of Jason Gissel, Hugo Vasquez, and Alex Arocha who placed in their weight classes. Last but not LEAST, something new we started this year is a spirit competition between 7th & 8th grade. A few students from each grade participate in 3 different activities while their grade cheers them on. The grade with the most wins gets possession of the spirit stick! I am proud to report that in our latest class spirit competition the 8th graders retained possession of the Spirit Stick!

Thania Trejo, reported on what is happening at OHS. Basketball and wrestling season will be starting soon. They are currently getting their teams together and practicing. The Girls Basketball team's first game is December 10th. The Boys Basketball team is to be announced, as well as wrestling's first match.

The Help Them to Hope Canned Food Drive will be kicking off with our "How the Grinch Stole the Canned Food Drive" pep assembly on November 26th. The food drive will end on the 11th of December. We will be having five big events to help raise cans. They consist of the Home room Competition, Canned Castle Competition, Cans for Hot Cocoa, and the Teacher Auction. Also, at the basketball game on the 10th of December, we will be passing around jugs for the community to donate money to the drive, as well as having a free throw competition during half time. You pay one dollar to participate and if you make the free throw, you can receive a 2-Liter soda of your choice. The Sadie Hawkins dance is coming up as well. The date set for the dance is December 7th, with the theme being "Under the Lights" sports. Lastly, our November Teacher of the Month is Mr. Linegar for Most Giving.

Mary Jo Evers, Director of Finance, reported that she attended the OSBA Conference. Funding for school districts was discussed. She explained that HB 2098 was passed and the poverty consensus rates have been the same since 2001. The district will net $180,963.12 because of the corrections in the poverty rate and the way they are weighted. Nyssa will lose funding and Vale will gain funding. It is not fully approved yet. This is a fair way to do the rate. Mary Jo discussed the Bond subsidy. We make a payment twice a year. Our refundable credit payment will be reduced by 7.2%. The sequestration reduction rate will be applied until the end of the fiscal year (September 30, 2014). She said health care regulations were discussed at the OSBA conference. The coaches have presented a problem as health care needs to be offered. Mary Jo noted that she has a plan to help with this. Questions were asked with regard to officiating for sports activities. There was a draw of $5,000.00. Manny explained that there is a pot of money and draws are taken to pay for the officials.

Superintendent Nicole Albisu gave an update on CTE. Nikki explained she attended the team meeting and Mike Blackaby also attended. There were approximately 50-75 people in attendance. The first lady of Oregon spoke to the group. Riley Hill gave an over view of the projects. The objective is to come together with a declaration of cooperation essentially an endorsement. Roger Watkins spoke with regard to the welding pilot projects. He did a nice job of explaining the challenges. Director Mike Blackaby noted that Director Renae Corn could not attend. It was nice to talk to different people and see how they work toward the funding allocations.

Nicole Albisu also reported that the district will be running short handed with only one resource officer. Mark Alexander, Chief of Police contacted her. The city is short-handed and wanted to know if they could have one resource officer for one month to help with investigations. Nicole spoke with Andy Kovach and Lisa Estrada. They were both flexible. We can still contact the resource officer if needed.

Public Comments- None


Superintendent Nicole Albisu thanked Jeff Hamm and Ruth Creek for their hard work. She looks forward to building trusting relationships with the classified group. Director Mike Blackaby moved to approve the classified contract. Director Paul Kraft seconded the motion which passed unanimously with all members voting yes.

There was no action on the OSBA election.

Discussion was held with regard to the approval of changes in job descriptions. Eric will send the descriptions electronically to the Board members.

Topics for Future Board Meetings:

Approval of Changes in Job Descriptions

Audit presentation – December meeting

The meetingadjourned at 7:50 P.M.



