Evidence2Success Implementation Workgroup Charge

The charge of the implementation workgroup is to develop an implementation plan to present to the community board for adoption and to monitor the plan’s execution to ensure that programs are being implemented with fidelity and high quality. The implementation workgroup will collaborate with the evaluation workgroupand thedata partner on planning and changes to programs in response to program or community-level data.

Key Task Checklist

Develop a written Implementation Plan for the selected program(s)

Work with the community board and participating agenciesto chooseprogram providers

With the program purveyor, identify necessary training and/or technical assistance

Identify potential barriers to successful implementation and ways to address them

Develop Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and data-sharing agreements

Train front-line staff (with the data partner as a resource) to effectively monitor program delivery, emphasizing importance of monitoring quality, fidelity and participant outcomes (in the Monitoring Program Implementation and Outcomes Workshop)

Train volunteers how to observe program sessions, including observation protocols and forms (in the Observation Workshop)

Work with finance workgroup to finalize budgets

Establish a schedule for reviewing and revising the Implementation Plan, as needed

Collaborate with the evaluation planning workgroup and the local data partner to develop a reporting schedule as part of a continuous quality improvement (CQI) process

Keep the community and the community board informed about implementation progress and program recruitment

Group Structure and Membership

Local sites cantailor workgroups to fit their goals and capacity. In some cases, a single workgroup may be charged with overseeing the planning and implementation of all selected tested, effective programs. In other instances, a separate implementation team may be created to oversee implementation and evaluation for each program.

Ideally, the implementation workgroup will be composed of six to eight core members and will be facilitated by the local coordinator. Other suggested members include the data partner, as well asrepresentatives from participating provider agencies,public systems, referral sourcesand program implementers such as teachers and clinicians.The group must include representatives of the community. The participation of family and youth served by the program is strongly encouraged.

Because the charge of implementation workgroups is closely tied to that of the evaluation workgroup, at least some overlap in the membership across these groups is recommended to facilitate plan development and reduce the likelihood of duplicative efforts.


Members agree to:

  • develop a sufficient understanding of the selected program(s) and how they should be implemented;
  • work toward selecting implementation indicators that will be used as part of a CQI process to improve program implementation;
  • identify, understand and address issues that pose challenges to successful implementation;
  • work to develop buy-in within their organization; and
  • ensure that the community is represented and kept informed of implementation progress.

Frequency of Meetings

Members agree to:

  • participate in workgroup meetings of one to three hours each month over four to sixmonths to develop the implementation plan;
  • participate in regular workgroup meetings of one to three hours during early implementation of the selected tested, effective programs;
  • attend 75 percent of all meetings; and
  • prepare for all meetings by reading the advance reading assignments and minutes from previous meetings.

After the first six months of implementation, implementation workgroup members may reassess how often to meet, based on the level of ongoing implementation challenges. At a minimum, the implementation workgroup should continue to meet on a quarterly basis.

Decision-Making Process

Liaisons to the community board will be selected by workgroup members.All key decisions of the implementation workgroup will be reviewed by the local Evidence2Success community board for final approval.