Please complete the following questions. The form can be printed and completed by hand or edited in Microsoft Word to accurately reflect your requirements.
School Account Number:
School Name:
Library Name:
Please indicate which services are required, providing as much detail as possible:
Option / Required? / Instructions / LocationPlastic jackets for paperbacks?
A wallet style jacket to increase the durability of the book. / YES / NO*
Plastic sleeves for hardbacks?
Hardback books with dustcovers will have a plastic sleeve attached to increase the durability of the book. / YES / NO*
Dewey Labels
Indicate your favored label positions by dragging (or drawing) any two of the four boxes below onto the diagram opposite.
Landscape Portrait
‘ABC’ represents the first three characters of the author’s surname. Delete or amend the formats opposite as necessary.
Delete '4', '5' or '6' if you do not require Dewey to 3 decimal places. / YES / NO* / Back Cover / Spine / Front Cover
Format for Fiction:F ABC
Format for Non-Fiction:123.456 ABC
Return Date Labels
Drag (or draw) the rectangle below onto the correct position on one of the pages opposite. / YES / NO* / Inside Front page / Inside Back page
Catalogue Card / YES / NO* / Quantity per book:
Book Card / YES / NO* / Quantity per book:
Library Stamp
Please delete as appropriate. Cost of manufacture will be charged to your account.
Please provide details of the required location of the stamp. / YES / NO* / Library Stamp to be:
Provided / Manufactured*
Position of Stamp:
Total length: 12Prefix: MAT5/
From: 30001
To: 40000
Suffix: EMS
First number:
Second number:
Warning: These details may be dictated by your Library Automation Software. An incorrect specification may result in errors within your Library.
Drag (or draw) the appropriate barcode (below) into the correct position on one of the pages to the right. / YES / NO* / Code 39 / Code 2 of 5 / Other*
If Other, please specify:
Total barcode length:
Material number range:to
Back Cover / Spine / Front Cover
Inside Front page / Inside Back page
Security Triggers
3M provide a library security system. Books can be supplied with the triggers already fitted. We can purchase the triggers for you or you can supply your own. / YES / NO* / Please use: 3M "Tattle-Tape"
Customer provided security triggers*
MARC Records
These are provided as an email attachment on the day the goods are dispatched. You import the records into your library automation system and the titles are added to your catalogue before they even arrive in the country. If EMS print the barcodes for you then the barcode numbers will also be included in the MARC records. / YES / NO* / Software Manufacturer:
Software Title:
[* Delete as appropriate]
Comments / Further Information:
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