(Family Name, First Name, Middle Name) /
Date of Birth: / 10.07.1962 / Birthplace: / Shumen /
Office Address: / Home Address: /
Bulgaria, Shumen, PO Box 9712
Street University "№ 115
Shumen University "Bishop Konstantin of Preslav, FMI / 9700 Shumen 10 Prezviter Grigoriy str ap.6 /
Phone: / (+359) 54 830495 / Phone: / (+359) 897473258 /
Fax: / (+359) 54 830371 / Fax: / (+359) 54 830371 /
E-mail: / / E-mail: / /
Education (University / High School, Faculty / Department, Course, Year of Graduation ): /
Military academy, “Panaiot Polov”, Shumen, Electrical Engineer, 1985. /
Honours/Titles/Qualifications (Organization, Title, Year of Award):
Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Assoc.prof , 2010 /
Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, PhD ,2007. /
Previous Experience, Positions held in the last 5 years (Organization, Position, Title, Dates): /
Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Assis.prof , 2006
/Fields of Scientific Research (Keywords): /
Computer networks, Computer Communications, Informatics, Information Technology, Operating Systems, Security information systems,. /
Membership in Scientific and/or Professional Institutions, Bodies, and Organizations: /
IEEE since 2004 /
Foreign Languages (Level of Proficiency):
Indicate competence on a scale from 1 to 5 (where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent) /
Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
English / 4 / 4 / 4
Russian / 4 / 4 / 3
References: /
1. / Prof. DSc Eng. Andon Dimitrov Lazarov, Bourgas Free University /
2. / Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Ivan Krustev Tsonev, Shoumen University “Bishop Constantin Preslavski” /
3. / Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislav Denchev Simeonov , Bourgas Free University /
Principal Publications in the last five years[1]: /
1. Bedzev B, Tasheva Z, Milev A.P., An algorithm for synthesis of nonsinusoidal radar signalsCompSYS TECH 2005, Varna.
2. Bedzev B, Tasheva Z, Milev A.P., An algorithm for synthesis of aperiodic optical orthogonal codes , CompSYS TECH 2005, Varna
3. Milev A.P., An approach for increasing the informational throughput of optical CDMA system, UNITECH’06 , Nov., Gabrovo
4. Milev A.P., About using optical orthogonal codes for traffic type recognition in CDMA system, UNITECH’06 , Nov. , Gabrovo
5. Milev А.P., Bedzev B, Bogdanov R., Automated system for generating optical orthogonal codes, Second International Conference SES’06 Varna
6. Milev A.P., Minchev C., A simulation model of an optical communication CDMA system, CompSYS TECH 2007, Rouse
7. Milev A.P. , Vasileva S., Simulation of algorithms for 2-phase locking in distributed databases, International conference Automatics and Informatics’2007 , Oct. Sofia
8. Milev A.P. , Congestion management by applying active queue manipulation UNITECH’08 , Gabrovo
9. Milev A.P , Research of congestion in network segment by using random early detection , UNITECH’08 , Gabrovo
10. Al. Milev, Zh.Tasheva, T. Tashev WLAN and WMAN Security Problems, International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communication, SECITC 2009, Bucharest, Rumania, Journal of Information Technology and communication Security
11. Zh.Tasheva , Al. Milev, Generalization of the Self Shrinking Generator in the Galois Field GF(pn) International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communication, SECITC 2009, Bucharest, Rumania, Journal of Information Technology and communication Security
12. Al. Milev, V. Mutkov, B.Najdenov, An algorithm for construction of Optical Orthogonal codes, 17th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2009 Nov. 2009, Belgrade, Serbia
13. B.Stoyanov, Al, Milev, Research on the Self-shrinking 2-adic Cryptographic Generator, 17th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2009 Nov. 2009, Belgrade, Serbia
14. Al. Milev, A simulation of optical CDMA system using EDW codes, International Conference Automatics and Informatics’09 Sofia Oct 2009
15. Al. Milev , S. Vasileva Modeling of two-version algorithms for two-phase locking in distribution databases, International Conference Automatics and Informatics’09 Sofia Oct 2009
16. Al. Milev , V. Mutkov , Research over correlation properties of families optical orthogonal codes, International Conference on CompSysTech’09 June Ruse
17. Milev Al. About Security of WiMax used for e-learning system, International conference UNITECH’10 , Gabrovo /
[1] Please enclose a separate sheet, if necessary.