Student PayReport
Description of Process
The Student Pay Report is used by Student Payroll Attendance Clerks to review processed pay for their hourly students.
Detail of Process
- Navigation: Main Menu > Chico Human Resources > ReportTL - Student Pay Report
- To choose an existing Run Control ID, you can
- Enter the Run Control ID directly in the field OR
- Click to generate a list of existing Run Control IDs previously set up in your database
- Click Add a New Value to create a new Run Control ID. You can name this anything you want (only viewable to you), as long as it has a maximum of 30 characters and does not have any spaces (e.g. skl).
Warning: Once a Run Control ID is created, it cannot be deleted.
The Student Pay Report page displays:
- Report Period Selection
- Enter the Begin Date (MMDDYYYY) of the date range you want to see a listing of time and labor hours/$ (usually would be the beginning of a pay period, ie, 03/01/2012) or click on the calendar icon to choose a date.
- Enter the End Date (MMDDYYYY) of the date range you want to see a listing of time and labor hours/$ (usually would be the last day of a pay period, ie, 03/31/2012) or click on the calendar icon to choose a date.
- Job Code – Enter or select Job Code.
- Can choose 1870, 1871, 1868, 1874, 1875, 1150 or 1151
- Payable Status – Select the appropriate Payable Status radio button based on the output you need to review.
- ‘Transmitted - Sent PIP’ (Time that has been approved and sent to SCO for pay) or
- ‘Needs Appr’ (Time that has been processed by Time Admin, but not approved).
- Print Option – Select as desired.
- Select CSV if you want an Excel document output
- Select PDF if you want an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) output
- Department – Enter the Department ID(D+5 digit number)
- Use the to look up the Department ID, if needed.
- Click ‘Advanced LookUp’
- Enter the Department name in the ‘Description’ field.
- Click the button to look up your Dept id. You will only be able to look up the departments that you have security access to run this report for.
- Use the button to insert additional departments.
- Use the button to remove department(s).
- Check the ‘Report Single Department’ checkbox if you only want the output for an individual department.
- Click to initiate the process.
TheProcess Scheduler Requestpage will appear with theTL Student Pay Report(process name CHITL005) listed:
- UserID: should be set to the UserID you use to log in to PeopleSoft.
- Server Name= PSUNX; Type = Web; Format = PDF
- Click to return to the Student Pay Report Page.
- A ‘Process Instance’ will appear under the Run button. This is the unique number for your report output.
- Click the ‘Report Manager’ link to retrieve your report output.
- Click on the ‘Administration’ tab, if needed. In the ‘Description’ column, look for the most recent process named–TL Student Pay Report and matching process instance to see the ‘Status’ of your report.
- Click the button until the Status for the process reads ‘Posted’.
- Click the ‘Details’ link to open the Report Detailwindow.
- Click the .pdf or .csv link(s) to open the TL Student Pay Report.
- A document will open and can be printed and archived as needed.
HRIS-CMS-StudentPayReportQS.docx Page1 of 3Last Revised: 12/6/2016 (DS)