Principal’s Post: February 21, 2017
Dear CKRS Families and Friends,
As most of us remembered, Saint Valentine’s Day was last week and just in case you may have forgotten someone on the 14th, God designed our hearts so that love doesn’t have a shelf-life which makes it the timeless perfect gift to give and receive every day of the year. The Children here at CKRS were reminded of just how very much each one of them is loved and valued as a member of our school community in many ways throughout the school day. It was true a lovely day for us all from start to finish.
As snowflakes and hearts give way to shamrocks and tulips, Lent begins next Wednesday, March 1st. CKRS will mark the beginning of the holy season of Lent with an Ash Wednesday Liturgy at 9:00a.m. All members of our school faith Community are welcomed to come join us at Mass. Throughout the Lenten Season, the children at CKRS will be made more aware of the religious significance and the various Catholic traditions including but limited to fasting, praying, doing works of mercy and participating in the Stations of the Cross that mark the forty days prior to the celebration of Easter. During Lent, as a daily reminder to the children, we will be holding our annual“Coin Crusade” for the poorest of the poor children around the world who lack the bare essentials of life. A few coins can change poverty for these children by giving financial support to organizations who empower those in need by providing a sustainable way of life through education, farming and animal husbandry. Along with our prayers, we hope these little coin sacrifices make for big change in the hearts of our students and the lives of those children it helps.
Friday the Feb. 10thwasour Friday BINGO Fever Night at Holy Eucharist Parish Hall. A big CKRS Thank You to Loretta Ravelli for all of her efforts and energy in being the driving force behind this important fundraising event and the Father’s Club who gave their time to make the evening such an enjoyable evening for all who attended and and a profitable endeavor for our school. This annual BINGO supports the special enrichment programs including but not limited to IXL, Storia, Awesome Stories, and Discovery Streaming here at CKRS that benefit all of our students throughout the entire year.
Not quite March Madness yet, but CKRS also has a few BIG BASKETBALL GAMES coming up in the next few weeks for both our undefeated Varsity Girls and our Varsity Boys. The girl’s play their last of the regular season game against their top rival Saint Peter’s tomorrow night, Wednesday February 22nd. On February 28th we will hold our 8th Grade Farewell game for the boys. It would be wonderful to have the gym packed to honor our 8th Grade players who will take the home court for the last time in both of these home matches. I hope you can plan a family night and come out and show your CKRS spirit and send our graduating student athletes off with a wonderful memory that lasts a lifetime.
Last but not least, I would be remiss if I didn’t welcome our Middle States Association Team visiting our abundantly blessed school this week. I am sure they will enjoy their time here learning about all things CKRS, commending our successes and making recommendation to make us even better.
As always, thank you for all you are, all you do and all you give to our school community and making our students at CKRS feel so very loved. Please know, you are loved too and your kindness, support and generosity does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.
In the King’s Service
Mrs. Hartman