Technical Committee for Juice and Juice Products
Drafted by David Cunningham
The TCJJP spring meeting was held March 14, 2012, during the Pittsburgh Conference in Orlando, FL
Present were:
Name / E-mail Address / OrganizationAllen Mitchell / / Florida’s Natural
Antelmo Santos / / Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
April DeAtley / / Perkin Elmer
Charles Schneider / / Perkin Elmer
Chris Smith / / The Coca-Cola Company
Courtney Phillips / / Perkin Elmer
Dana Krueger / / Krueger Labs
David Cunningham / / Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
David Hammond / / Eurofins
Emily Bornstine / / The JM Smucker Co.
Filomena Valim / / Florida Dept of Citrus
Flora Bui / / Eurofins
George Penson / / Cott Beverages
I-Pin Ho / / The Coca-Cola Company
Jean Bernius / / Elementar/Iosprime
Judy Griffin / / The Coca-Cola Company
Karen Barnes / / Nestle
Kasi Sundaresan / / iTi tropicals Inc.
Ken Rosnack / / Waters Corporation
Lars Reimann / / Eurofins Scientific
Prabhakar Kasturi / / Pepsico/Quaker Oats
Robin Sutka / / Elementar/Iosprime
Shawn Havey / / Clement Pappas Co.
Supat Sirivicha / / Eurofins Scientific
Tiffany Highben / / The JM Smucker Co.
After the participants had introduced themselves the following issues were covered:
Approval of Agenda – The agenda was approved.
Approval of Minutes from 2012 Fall Meeting in Boston, MA - Minutes were approved as written - see attached.
Membership and Treasurer’s Report - Lars Reimann reported for 2011 the TCJJP had income of $2,300 in dues and $6,700 from TCJJP workshop registrations, expenses of $695 for web services and $4,500 for the TCJJP Workshop, ending 2011 with a net gain of $3,800 and a balance of $23,300 in the TCJJP account. In addition, the TCCJP Workshop held last fall in Boston was financially supported through generous contributions from Waters Corporation and Covance Laboratories. Lars also reported 2012 TCJJP membership renewals are currently down, through 3/14/2012 only 4 individual and 9 corporate memberships had renewed for 2012, compared to 2011 when 6 individual and 16 corporate members renewed their TCJJP memberships. The membership roster was circulated so attendees could check their status and new attendees were encouraged to join. (Copy of Roster attached)
Action Item:
· Treasurer’s report was approved.
Election Update - David Cunningham recapped the results of last fall’s election. People were elected to fill all six open positions on the executive board and one person elected to fill the open secretary’s position with the decision to split the secretary/treasurer position. This coming fall’s election requires the filling of two three-year terms on the executive board, the position of committee chair and the position of committee chair elect, which are both two-year positions. David Cunningham asked for volunteers to form a nominations committee to help develop a slate of candidates for the election or for volunteers willing to run for any of the open positions, with the intent to send a ballot out to all voting members 60 days prior to the fall meeting as called for in the TCJJP by-laws.
Action Item:
· David Cunningham to follow up with volunteers for nominations committee and/or the ballot.
TCJJP Activites Recap - Prabhakar Kasturi updated the committee on TCJJP events of the past year.
· In 2011 the TCJJP held joint meetings in conjunction with the IFU last spring in Bonita Springs, FL and the JPA last fall in Boston, MA. These meetings provided opportunities for TCJJP members to meet other people involved in the juice industry on both a national and international basis, likewise providing a similar opportunity to members of the IFU and JPA.
· The TCJJP fall workshop directly followed the TCJJP fall meeting in Boston and focused on what can be done to leverage new technologies in fruit juice analysis. Waters Corporation was an important partner and contributor to the content of the workshop held at their corporate office in Milford, MA through the efforts of Antoniette Gledhill. Approximately 30 people attended the workshop and good feedback was received from all participants. The success of this workshop raised the question of whether or not there is a need to have workshops on a regular basis and what they should be covering. Prabhakar asked everyone to let him know their thoughts. Lars Reimann commented that the discussions were of great interest, especially when getting to learn what was of interest to the others in attendance. Waters made the material presented available to all attendees through their website. A recommendation was made to also post the presentation to the TCJJP website to make the materials available to all members.
Presentations -
Kasi Sundaresan of iTi tropicals - Presented a thorough review of nine tropical and exotic fruit juices that included information regarding the growing, harvesting and processing of the fruit and insights into the issues being seen with regards to their economic adulteration (see attached).
Break - A break sponsored by Perkin Elmer was held.
Charles Schneider and Courtney Phillips of Perkin Elmer - Courtney talked about the analysis of fungicides in juice, specifically highlighting the current interest in carbendazim in orange juice. Courtney discussed various sample preparation techniques {QuECHers and SPME) and instrumental analyses (LC/MS/MS and LC-TOF) which provide high analyte selectivity and sensitivity. Courtney further discussed the use of a Direct Sample Analysis (DSA) probe as a way to introduce samples to a TOF-MS by atmospheric ionization of samples with minimal sample preparation for the qualitative analysis of pesticide residues in fruit juices. Courtney also stressed another advantage of using TOF-MS is the capability to have “All Data, All the Time” which allows you to re-analyze your data at any time for something you didn’t know to look for the first time around. Charles provided an overview of arsenic speciation analysis in apple juice using ICP-MS (See attached).
Industry Issues Roundtable - Dana Krueger led a current industry issues discussion.
· Dana briefly reviewed current contaminant issues in fruit juice with regards to arsenic, lead, carbendazim and methanol. David Cunningham expanded upon the methanol issue noting the JPA announced receiving a letter from OEHHA in California informing them methanol was going to be listed under Prop 65, but that fruit and vegetable juices would be exempt from being required to warn consumers since the methanol present is naturally occurring. However, products containing added pectin would not be exempt from the warning requirements of the statute, pending the establishment of a safe harbor level. A question was asked about how returning of essences to fruit juice concentrates would be treated.
· Dana alerted everyone to potential adulteration of imported lemon juice with some product from Peru having been found containing only 10-20% lemon. In addition, there are still issues with pomegranate adulteration.
· Lars Reimann asked if anyone has heard of or had any interest in an issue concerning organoselenium.
· Dana mentioned there have been some instances of coconut water adulteration, with the finding of added sweeteners that were picked up on by CSIRA, formol number, potassium content deficiency and an increased sorbitol level on the order of glucose level. It was asked if the sorbitol level changes with fruit maturity. Shawn Havey also mentioned Gerstal was going to be looking at coconut water, but Dana mentioned they were going to most likely be looking at flavors and fragrances.
· Prabhakar Kasturi brought up the AOAC stakeholders panel meeting that was going to take place the following week, explaining the new process AOAC is using to establish new official methods of analysis. One aspect is the establishment of working groups to identify new method needs, with one group currently focused on food authenticity methods. It was suggested TCJJP may want to become involved in this process since fruit juice authenticity was the founding topic of interest. Dana mentioned that it should be noted the IFU already has a substantial number of published, validated fruit juice authenticity methods and questioned why AOAC is looking to duplicate this effort, at least with regards to fruit juices. It was also noted that the IFU fruit juice methods are available to anyone, for a fee.
Next Meeting (2012 Fall Meeting) – Time and place for next meeting was discussed. A proposal was made to hold the meeting during the AOAC annual meeting in Las Vegas, NV, which AOAC would tentatively schedule for the afternoon of Thursday, October 4, 2012. However it was mentioned that USP will be meeting in Boston this fall and the fall JPA meeting will be in Atlanta, which might be other options to consider.
Action Item:
· David Cunningham will poll members regarding meeting preferences and follow up on finalizing arrangements for the fall meeting with the executive board.
· Karen Barnes asked members present to let the officers know of any topics of interest for the fall meeting. It was noted that Mike McLaughlin might be able to provide an FDA update, if the meeting were being held in conjunction with the AOAC meeting he plans to attend.
The consensus of the participants was to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
David Cunningham
Committee Secretary
Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
1. March 14, 2012 Meeting Agenda
2. Minutes from Meeting in Boston November 2011
3. TCJJP Membership roster as of March 2012
4. iTi tropicals presentation
5. Perkin Elmer presentation on LC/TOF and DSA
6. Perkin Elmer presentation on Arsenic analysis and speciation
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