International Police Work Dog Association

20146THAnnual Texas IPWDA K9 Training Seminar

Alvin Police Department

1500 South Gordon Alvin, Texas

February 23rd, 2014 – February 28th, 2014

I PWDA Federal Tax# is 20-5883593

Registration Form:

Please complete all three forms and mailthem to:

Scott Green Alvin Police Department1500 South Gordon StreetAlvin, TX 77511

Name: IPWDA Membership #:

Mailing Address:

City: State: Zip code:

Home:( ) - Cell:( ) -

Email: Agency:

Agency Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

Work Phone:( ) - K-9’s Name: Breed:

Number of years with Law Enforcement K-9 experience: K-9’s Age: Check One: M F

Will you be attending: Patrol Narcotic Explosive (please circle)

Will you be participating in IPWDA Certifications? Yes No

IPWDA 2014 - Texas

Cost:Seminar Fee only - $225.00 members and Non-members

Late Registration after February 1, 2014, for members and Non-members will be $325.00.

IPWDA MembershipFee –$45.00 for Regular Members / $60.00 for Associate Members

All IPWDA Membership fees paid to IPWDA atNo membership fees accepted at seminar. You must be a member in good standing to certify, if not your certifications will not be valid. Make sure membership is current.

Waiver of Liability—Legal Disclaimer

The Undersigned Participant understands that Police Dog training has the potential for injury to the participant. Police Dog training can not bemade risk free. In consideration of being allowed to participate in the 2014Texas IPWDA Workshop the participant agrees to release fromany claims of damages due to injury the International Police Work Dog Association, Event Trainers, Event Helpers, Host Agencies, participatingAgencies, sponsoring organization, or any involved Dog Training Facility. The participant also agrees to hold harmless any agent, official, officer, or servant of theInternational Police Work Dog Association, Host Agencies, or Participating Agencies.The participant understands that there may be strong disagreement between experts on some of the presented material. The participant isultimately responsible for the proper use, training, and deployment of his/her canine.

Print Name: Signature Date:

I understand that my dog must be crated when left alone in the room. I understand that I am responsible for any damages caused by my dogdue to a failure to properly secure my dog in the room.

Print Name Signature Date:

Fill out completely and return all three forms to:

IPWDA—2014 Texas;

Attn: Scott Green

1500 SouthGordon St.

Alvin, Texas 77511

Method of payment: By Check: $225.00 Check made out to “IPWDA– 2014Texas” enclosed. Mail check along with registration forms to the above address.

IPWDA Membership can be paid at

T– Shirt Size: Sm Med Lg XL XXL XXXL

IPWDA 2014 - Texas

Please thoroughly fill out the form to give us an idea of what you would like to work on, which will help us to better staff and organize the seminar. You will NOT be scheduled into any particular event based upon response to this survey. Eachday at the seminar you will make your own schedule and attend what will be most helpful to you.

Motivational Obedience Building a “soft dog” Surface Problems Outing problems

Scenarios—Tracking Package Searches Scenarios-Muzzle Recalls

Scenarios—Narc. Vehicles Scenarios—Explosives Scenarios—Article Searches

Scenarios—Building Search Scenarios—Apprehensions Scenarios—Narc. Packages

Certifications will be the most difficultitems to schedule, and may impactsome of our other offerings. Pleasenote which best describes you:

My certification is current and I will/will not be certifying at the event.

I need to certify at the event in someareas (list):______

I’m going to certify in everything that isoffered.YES / NO

I’ll take you up on the offer for seminarregistrants only and certify aheadof time! YES / NO

Certifications available prior to February 12th, 2014 In Houston, Texas, Email JohnIveyat

Hotel Information:Rate: $79.00 a night/ dogs kept in crate when not in rooms. Mention IPWDAwhen booking reservations.

La Quinta

880 South Loop Hwy 35

Alvin, Texas 77511


For more questions or more information contact us at

IPWDA 2014 - Texas