Levers and Linkages, Cams and Cranks. / DURATION
Selected LO’s and AS’s / Integration
Across / Statement of the Problem / Learning and Teaching Activities / Details of assessment / Barriers to Learning / Date completed
LO1: Technological processes and skills
AS: Investigate
AS: Design
AS: Make
AS: Evaluate
AS: Communicate
LO2: Technological knowledge and understanding
AS: Systems and Control - Mechanical
LO3: Technology, Society and the Environment.
AS: Indigenous
AS: Impact
AS: Bias / Within
LO2 & LO3
with LO1
Scientific Investigations
Language -
LO5 : Thinking and Reasoning
Arts and Culture - LO3: Participating and Collaborating / A big beverage company, promoting PROUDLY SOUTH AFRICAN, needs an improved advertisement for their product, keeping the 2010 soccer in mind.
According to them the problem with their adverts is that, they are very static and they need to have movement associated with their products .They need you to develop an animated product, which will appeal to all societies and taking environmental factors, bias and cultural diversity into consideration.
This animated advertisement will be used in shop windows and or on billboards not bigger than 150 mm length 750 mm height.
Use either cams or linkages. / Activity 1
Learners are given a scenario with mechanisms and a set of questions to answer.
Activity 2
Introduction of 8 classical machines by the teacher. Then learners are to find out the 8 classical machines available in their surroundings, draw / make picture cutouts and label their names.
Activity 3
The teacher introduces learners to levers. Also expose them to concepts such as effort, load and fulcrum.
Activity 4
Teacher introduces learners to the three lever classes.
Activity 5
The teacher introduces learners to different types of linkages. The teacher then gives learners pictures of different linkages for learners to do practical activities so as to establish fixed, moving pivots and the direction of movement. / Activity 1
Case Study
Teacher and peer assessment
Activity 2
Teacher assessment
Activity 3
Activity 4
Case study
Memo. (possible answers)
Activity 5
Teacher assessment
Selected LO’s and AS’s / Integration
Across / Statement of the Problem / Learning and Teaching Activities / Details of assessment / Barriers to Learning / Date completed
Activity 6
The teacher introduces to different types of cams and concepts like followers.
The learners are asked to design and make cams and followers (Practical).
Activity 7
The teacher introduces learners to cranks and how do they work. The teacher then gives learners pictures of cranks for learners to do practical activities so as to establish how they move.
Activity 8: Project
Activity 8.1
Learners investigate, analyses existing product relevant to an identified problem:
·  Safety
·  Suitability of material
·  Cost
·  Manufacturing method
·  Fitness for purpose
Activity 8.2
Learners write design brief and list product and design specifications and constrains for a solution to an identified problem based on design key words e.g.
·  Purpose
·  Environment
·  Safety etc
Activity 8.3
Learners generate a range of possible solution that show clear links to the design brief, specifications and constraints.
Activity 8.4
Learners in groups choose possible solution and develop a chosen idea using graphics. / Activity 6
Teacher assessment
Activity 7
Teacher assessment
Selected LO’s and AS’s / Integration
Across / Statement of the Problem / Learning and Teaching Activities / Details of assessment / Barriers to Learning / Date completed
Activity 8.5
Learners develop plans for making that include the following :
·  Resource list e.g. material list, tools, people, cost etc.
·  Formal drawings showing drawings dimensions or quantities: e.g. orthographic, oblique/Isometric views, sequence drawings, exploded views.
·  Manufacturing sequence e.g. flow charts
·  Chooses and uses appropriate tools and materials to make the designed product accurately and efficiently.
·  Uses measuring and checking procedures while making to monitor quality and changes encountered when making the product.
·  Safe working practices and efficient use of materials and tools.
Activity 8.6
Learners evaluate the product or system based on design brief, specifications and constraints using self designed procedures e.g. questionnaire, testing procedures and suggest sensible improvements that would result in a more effective or higher-quality end product.
RESOURCES: Card board, glue, wooden dowels, scissors, wire, paper fasteners, pliers etc.
EXPANDED OPPORTUNITIES: Refer to Teachers Guide For The Development of Learning Programmes, page 45.
REFLECTIONS :Refer to Teachers Guide For The Development of Learning Programmes, page 45.