Student Name: ______

Chapter 6 Religion

Directions: Use your notes and textbook to complete the answers to the following questions.

  1. What is a large and fundamental division within a religion?
  2. What is an ethnic religion?
  3. What is a sect?
  4. What is the definition of a universalizing religion?
  5. What is the world's largest universalizing religion?
  6. What is the world's largest ethnic religion?
  7. What religion do almost 90 percent of people in the Western Hemisphere claim adherence to?
  8. Which characteristic distinguishes religion in Latin America from North America?
  9. Where are Baptists clustered in the US?
  10. Where are Lutherans clustered in the United States?
  11. Where are Roman Catholics clustered in the United States?
  12. Why are Roman Catholics clustered in the U.S. southwest primarily because of migration from where?
  13. Eastern Orthodoxy is an example of a Christian what?
  14. Lutheranism is an example of a Christian what?
  15. Where are Muslims clustered?
  16. What is the dominant branch of Islam?
  17. What is the dominant branch of Islam in Iran?
  18. What is the holiest book in Hinduism?
  19. Mahayanists, in contrast to Theravadists, emphasize Buddha's what?
  20. Adherents of which religion are also likely to believe in other religions simultaneously?
  21. What do animists believe?
  22. Which is an ethnic Asian religion?
  23. What performance is especially important in Confucianism?
  24. Reflection on what is especially important in Daoism?
  25. Define monotheism.
  26. Define polytheism.
  27. Define cosmogony.
  28. Followers of which religious branch do not trace their origin to Abraham?
  29. Judaism is classified as an ethnic rather than a universalizing religion, primarily because of what?
  30. Christianity first diffused from its hearth through what?
  31. Adherents of which religion controlled much of present-day Spain until 1492, but not since then?
  32. The agricultural calendar is relatively unimportant to which type of religions?
  33. The concept of a ghetto originally referred to the area of a city where who lived?
  34. Which ethnic religion follows a lunar calendar?
  35. The people of Quebec are distinguished from residents of neighboring Canadian provinces and the United States because they use what?
  36. How does a mosque differ from a church?
  37. Where is worship in Hinduism most likely to take place?
  38. Cremation is more important than burial in which religion?
  39. Protestants in Ireland are located where?
  40. The goal of the majority of people living in Northern Ireland is to do what?
  41. What is Hinduism's caste system?
  42. The United Nations partition plan dividing Palestine placed Jerusalem under what?


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