Hilliard Bradley Athletic Boosters

September 11, 2017 – 7:00 PM - Hilliard Bradley High School

In Attendance: Terry Waggener (Vice President), Donna Waggener (Secretary) , Matt Slyh (Treasurer), Jerry Trivette (Concessions Treasurer), Kim Ellison (Sports Treasurer), Vickie Trivette, Jim Banaag, Shari Baith, David Shook, Debbie Shook, Jeff Hutton, Allison Hutton, Tawnya Jones, Michelle Followell, Becky Frim, Doreen Hribar, Kris White, Amy Meyers, Matt Meyers, Melissa Dixon, Karen Brown, Tammy Viggiano, Terri Glenn, Cort Hamilton, Melissa Lewis, Shelli Miller, Vicky Lemmermen, Jodie Schweitzer, Amy Grainger, Alex Gossard, Tammy Rondy, Janet Siford, Scott Siford, Julia Rice, Barb Miles, Carrie Duckworth, Sharla Speelman, Marcus Graber, Becky Pallay, Allison Olin, Michelle Burr, Scott Burr, Jay Alexander, Richard Osborne, Lisa Sullivan, Michelle Spears, Heather Norris, Brenda Langhurst, Aric Zimmerman, Samantha Brill, William Starrett, Amber Starrett, Donna Long

Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm

Coaches: Donna Long, Tennis; Alex Gossard, Boys Lacrosse; Carrie Duckworth, Cheer; Julia Rice, Girls Soccer

Guests/New Members: The Membership Committee has done an outstanding job and there 12 new members in attendance.

Athletic Director: Cort Hamilton

Old Business

·  Minutes of the August meeting were presented to Trustees for review. Motion to approve 1st Kim Ellison, 2nd Shari Baith. Approved.

·  Finance Report

o  August financial report was presented to Trustees for review. Motion to approve 1st Jeff Hutton 2nd Melissa Dixon. Approved.

o  The number of new memberships has already exceeded the budget projection for the year.

·  Coaches Report

o  Cheer thanks everyone for great support for football games.

o  Girls Tennis won their first doubles tournament and are 9-4 so far.

o  Boys Lacrosse new coach Alex Gossard is looking forward to getting started.

Athletic Director Report

o  Fall sports are starting out very well and have been well attended.

Committee Reports

·  Improvement & Maintenance – no pending requests at this time.

·  Scholarship – still working to refine the application and make it available on Naviance.

·  Website – No report.

·  Membership – There may be a table at more football games.

·  Fundraising – Casino night is October 28 at the Franklin County Fairgrounds, Ganyard Building from 7.30-11.30pm. Tickets are $40 per person and $75 per couple, and are available now on the website. More publicity is needed, everyone is encouraged to share via Twitter and Facebook. Volunteers are needed to be dealers and general support that night. The Craft Fair is November 4 and vendor spots are still available. The mattress sale is September 23 in the field house.

·  Finance –a replacement is still urgently and immediately needed for concessions treasurer. One person has expressed interest and will shadow Jerry to see what is involved.

·  Concessions – The new sign up is on the website, though not working perfectly just yet volunteers are always needed for events.

·  Publicity – No report. Chair needed

·  Spirit Wear – The Davidson game sales were huge, new items need to be ordered to replenish the stock.

·  Historian – No report. Richard Osborne has volunteered to be Chair.

New Business

·  Girls Volleyball is doing a fundraiser for Patches of Light on October 5 at the home game, there will be t-shirts for purchase and raffles.

·  The following changes to the Standing Rules were proposed:

1)  Language was changed requiring notification to and approval of the Chair of Improvement & Maintenance when the Athletic Department is ordering more than 15 divisional, regional and state awards. Motion to approve by Marcus Graber, 2nd Allison Hutton, Approved by show of hands.

2)  Change to Meeting Attendance section to allow $25 attendance funds per general meeting for officers who attend. If an officer is also a Trustee they may not receive attendance funds for both. Motion to approve Shelli Miller, 2nd Shari Baith. Approved by shows of hands.

The Steering Committee will meet September 25 at 7pm at Lucky’s. The next General Meeting will be on Monday, October 9 in the Aux Commons at Bradley.

Motion to adjourn : 1st Shari Baith 2nd Tammy Viggiano. Meeting adjourned at 8.00 pm.

HBAB General Session Page 2