Attention: Careers Advisors, Year 9, 10 and 11 Coordinators,
HODs of Biology and Science
Year 9, 10 and 11 BEES Day
Date: Friday 9th September 2016
Location: Central Institute of Technology,
Green Skills Building
140 Royal Street, East Perth
Cost: $0/student
The Biology, Earth and Environmental Sciences Day (BEES Day) is an annual event that showcases some of the exciting careers that are related to these subjects. It is designed to increase students’ awareness about the wide range of opportunities available through studying these sciences and motivate students to consider these when making their subject selections.
Presenters from a wide range of industries will share experiences from their work and engage students in hands-on activities. For 2016 we are pleased to have activities and presentations from North Metropolitan TAFE, Whiteman Park, Department of Mines and Petroleum, Department of Fisheries, SERCUL, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University, City of Perth and private consultants.
School groups are invited to attend the full day or either the morning or afternoon program; which includes two 45 minute sessions. Representative from the organisations will also be available to answer questions and provide materials about opportunities to study science at a tertiary level during the lunch time break.
From the list on the next two pages, select the presentations your class wishes to attend in order of preference. Please email your selection to Gun Dolva () or fax your selection to 08 6211 2000 as soon as possible (before the 2nd September). We will make every effort to accommodate your requests. This will work on a first come first serve basis. If we are unable to accommodate all your requests we will assign your class to the most similar available activity. From this we will prepare a session timetable for you.
Session Times / Session 19.45–10.30am / Session 2
10.45-11.30am / Session 3
12.00-12.45pm / Session 4
Please fax or email your selections back before 2nd September, thank you
BEES Day Friday 9th September 2016
Name of School ______
Contact Staff Member ______
Mobile number of Staff Member ______
Number of Students ______Year Level ______
Organisation / Presenter / Presentation / SelectionPlease indicate your preferences
City of Perth / Shelley Smith / Stormwater Management. How it impacts waterways and what can be done to implement water sensitive urban design
Curtin University / Mr Rob Weymouth / Sustainability – making the world a better place? Sustainability is not just a buzz word but a different way of looking at the world. In this workshop students will hear from a sustainability professional about the sustainability worldview then get achance to participate in activities based on real world sustainability issues.
Department of Fisheries / Ms Paula Kalinowski / Science of Sampling. Have you ever wondered what a Fisheries scientist does? In this hands-on activity students will try a range of sampling techniques used by fisheries and marine scientists to monitor the marine environment and make sure fisheries are sustainable.
Department of Mines and Petroleum / Two of more of these presentations / Where do our fuels come from? Petroleum exploration and mining in Western Australia – the past, today and the future. And a short activity identifying rocks and minerals.
Department of Mines and Petroleum / Mining and environment. Protecting the environment when mining. Who does what and how? And a short activity where you can select which plant to put where to rehabilitate a closed down mine site.
Department of Mines and Petroleum / Creating safe workplaces. It is not just about lifting and handling but also managing air, water, soil, biological and other hazards. Participate in a quick mines safety audit.
Department of Mines and Petroleum / Petroleum pipelines. Most of the gas that we burn in our homes comes from the North West Shelf, which is 1500km north of Perth. How does it get to you? And how do we keep people and environment safe? Come and find out about the oil and gas pipelines in WA.
Edith Cowan University / ECU students and staff. Up to 2 different topics. / Research in natural sciences. Are you passionate about learning about and finding out about animals and plants and how they survive and live in their ecosystems? Find out what students from ECU Natural Sciences are up to. In this session they will share with you what they are doing and how they are using the opportunities at ECU to forge a career. Sessions will include topics such as marine biology, wetland conservation and ecosystem function.
Organisation / Presenter / Presentation / Selection
Please indicate your preferences
Murdoch / ECU students and staff. Up to 3 different topics. / Research in natural sciences. Are you passionate about learning about and finding out about animals and plants and how they survive and live in their ecosystems? Find out what students from Murdoch are up to. In these sessions they will share with you what they are doing and how they are using the opportunities at ECU to forge a career. Sessions will include topics such as parasitology, fish biology and remote area conservation and monitoring practices.
North Metropolitan TAFE / Ann Bona / Tour of Greenskills Building. The building is built using sustainable practices and won an National Green Building design award in 2014. During the tour you will learn about the principles of such a design and have an opportunity to discuss how these ideas can be used elsewhere.
SERCUL / Rose Weerasinghe / Mozzie Wise. The rapid urban expansion of Perth region is seeing an increasing number of people living in close proximity to stormwater wetlands and drains. Mosquito control can be very challenging at these sites,
due to restricted site access, proximity to people and limited resources. Chemical control should not be viewed as a long term solution due to the prolonged use of chemicals leading to mosquito resistance
and the off- target effects on aquatic organisms.
Our new research targets to better understand mosquitoes and develop ecologically sound mosquito management through combine effort of integrated approach: Cultural, physical, biological and chemical.
Whiteman Park / Dr Christine Rafferty and Ms Kelly Morley / Tracks, scats and nocturnal trappings. Woodland Reserve, the Park’s primary conservation program, is a breeding facility for the state’s rare and endangered fauna. But it’s not just about breeding animals. Find out what environment officers do to manage the bushland for the health of the native animal population and one of the ways they can check – playing with poo!
Email or fax your selection to Gun Dolva () or fax to
08 6211 2000 before the 2nd September 2016.