Name ______

Due date______

Period ______

Now that it is your Senior Year it is time to look back over your life and write your history. You will be given a large sheet of paper to complete your work. It must be neat and in color. First, choose a theme. It can be a mall, theme park, athletic field, map, puzzle pieces, weather report, video game, comic strip, profile or game.( Monopoly, Chutes & Ladders, Checkers)

Start with where you parents are from and then when and where you were born. Be sure to include: birth of siblings, changing schools, moving, loss of friendship or loved one, parent’s divorce/remarriage, questions about faith, starting a job, school work, sports/activities, illness-personal or others, pets, interests, hobbies etc. and any other details about who you are.

Life Story Grading Rubric

possible your

points points

outline main ideas (do it on back) 5

title creative & descriptive 2

creativity interesting theme 3

color bright & attractive 3

neatness clear/uncluttered/orderly 2

label people & places/symbols 5

5 people how they influenced you 10

5 places how they changed you 10

10 details specific facts/ups & downs 10


Comments: 50

You need to begin planning your future. It’s time to start thinking about the direction your life is headed. You will be given another large sheet of paper on which you will complete your work. It should be neat, colorful and thoughtful. Create a vision for yourself and your life. You’ll need to cut out and paste descriptive words and pictures for the life you want for yourself.

This will help you to draw to yourself that which is important to you.

Life Vision Grading Rubric

possible your

points points

Pictures/Cut Outs

  1. house where you’ll rest and play 2
  2. job how you’ll make a difference 2
  3. faith what it will mean to you 2
  4. friends who will surround you 2
  5. hobbies spending your free time 2
  6. health what you’ll look like 10 years 1

7. person look like 50 years from now 1

8. car what will you drive 1

9. words 10 total affirmations, phrases 5

clarity done neatly, creatively 2

labels make it clear and number them __5___



You may write on this sheet and take notes on it but

be sure to include it when turning in your project!