
28thSeptember, 2016

Rob Calvett


Please find belowthe response to your Freedom of Information request to Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

You may use and re-use this information (except for logos) under the terms of the Open Government Licence[1], either Version 2.0 or (at your option) any later version. If you would prefer to receive the information in an alternative electronic format, please let us know.

Trust response

Please could you provide the following information:


a)How many sites are there at the Trust? 2

b)What is the total number of employees across those sites? 3750

c)How many IT staff do you employ?

Pure IT only staff = 11. We do have MI staff and Project Management staff

d)What is your annual IT budget?

Pure IT only excluding the other staff mentioned previously - £1,476,589 inclusive of Pay and non-pay costs

e)Is it likely that your organisation will merge with another organisation? No


a)Please provide contacts details for your current CCIO? Mr Abdullah Jibawi – Consultant Vascular Surgeon; Length in post: 1 year

b)Please provide contacts details for your current Clinical Directors?

Mr John Hadley: Trauma & Orthopaedic, Theatres/Anaesthetics/Surgery/Critical Care; length in post: 2 years

Dr Peter Wilkinson: Acute Medicine & Emergency Services; length in post: 2 years

Dr Paul Crawshaw: Women’s Health & Paediatrics; length in post:5 years

Dr Andrew Laurie: Diagnostics & Therapies; length in post:6 years

c)Please provide contacts details for your current Medical Directors? Dr David Fluck; length in post: 5 years

d)How long have the listed individuals been in post?See above

3.Infrastructure Contracts

a)Is there an existing IT outsource contract in place? If yes: YES

o Who is the contract with? Hardware break/fix on servers only with Prestige Systems

o When is the contract up for renewal? September 17

o What is the annual value of that contract?£3400 per annum

b)Do you partner with any other trusts to procure any IT services? If yes: YES

o Please name the trusts.Royal Surrey County Hospital(RSCH)

o Please list the services that you share.We share an Airwatch service hosted at RSCH

c) Across your IT contracts do you have any Netapp Technology in use? If yes: NO

o When is the contract up for renewal?

o What was the value of the initial three-year contract?

d) Across your IT contracts do you have any Commvault Technology in use? If yes: YES

o When is the contract up for renewal? June 2017

o What was the value of the initial three-year contract? £35k however this included the installation, configuration and set up costs when we installed the system

4. Applications

a) Are you actively procuring a VNA? NO

o If yes, which technologies are you considering/have you chosen? N/A

o If no (and you have a VNA in place)

b)Which technology did you choose? Lexmark (ACUO)

c) When did the contract commence? June 2013

o If no (and you do not have a VNA in place), do you expect to go to market in the next 12- 18 months for one? N/A

d)How many applications does your organisation use? (Please select from the following) o 0-100 o 100-250 o 250-400 o 400-600 o 600+ 100 - 250

e) How many of these departmental applications are unsupported? (Please select from the following) o <10% o 11 - 30% o 31% - 50% o 51% - 75% o >75% <10%

f)What’s percentage of these applications are cloud native and therefore do not rely in on premise IT infrastructure?

o <10%o 11 - 30% o 31% - 50% 51% - 75% o >75% <10%

Please let us know if you require more details or further clarification. You can find out more about the Trust and our publication scheme at our website[2]..

If you are unhappy with the Trust’s response, please use our FOI review process by writing to:

Information Governance Manager (FOI Review)

Health Informatics

St Peters Hospital

Guildford Road


KT16 0PZ

Please be aware that reviews will not be conducted via public forum, and we will require your name and address in order to respond.

If you remain dissatisfied, you have the right under section 50 of the Act to apply to the Information Commissioner’s Officefor a decision. Further details can be found on their website[3].

Yours sincerely

Freedom of Information Administrator

Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

[1] hhtp://

