The University of Akron

Office of the Registrar




Transfer evaluations in DARS have been performed for every student who attended other institutions before coming to The University of Akron. As the courses are entered and evaluated, the source course (transferred course) is displayed with a red book and the target course (UA course) is displayed with a blue book, creating an evaluated group.

A secondaryfunction of Exception Processing is to access these transfer courses and convert them into UA equivalents or pseudo courses that are used within the DARS requirements/sub-requirements.

Each evaluated group (Evalgrp) is listed separately with its corresponding red/blue book listing of the courses. The target course (blue book course) is displayed as alink; this link will open to the page where changes/updates can be made and saved.

Keep in mind … exceptions to course numbers can ONLY be performed by the departments who “own” the courses. For example, a transfer course gets assigned the course number UNKN:T01 or 0001:T01 (on the blue book). The course numbers UNKN:T01 and 0001:T01 indicate that the course has no direct equivalent at The University of Akron. Only the English Department could determine that UNKN:T01 is a direct equivalent for 3300:111, and they would have the authority to change it to 3300:111.
To begin, input the student ID in the Student Number field. Click on the Continue button directly below. A Search using Student Last Name, First Name can also be done.

The Audit Request panel will open. Click on “Transfer Evaluations” on the Menu Bar at the top and then click on “View Transfer Evaluations.”

The student’s Transfer Evaluations page is displayed.

In the example below, EvalGrp 001 is displayed, with 0001:T01 as the target course.

PSYC 20651, Child Psychology (red book course),is a course suitable for the Social Science Requirement within General Education. The target course 0001:T01 will be updated with the pseudo course GE-SSC-PSY to enable it to match on the degree audit.

Click on 0001:T01, which is the link to the edit course page. This action opens the target course so that it can be updated. Locate the Crs Num field.

In the Crs Num field, input GE-SSC-PSY and a “P” in the Pflg field located beneath the Title field. The changes will look like the following example:

When finished, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the SAVE/EDIT button. You will then be returned to the Transfer Evaluation page.

The Transfer Evaluation page now displays the course as GE-SSC-PSY. To lock this course, click on the EVALLOCK box. Locking the course will prevent it from being changed if another Transfer Evaluation is run on the student.

After clicking the box, click the SAVE CHANGES button at the bottom.

NOTE: A target course that is locked cannot be updated until the lock has been removed on that particular course group. To remove the Evallock, click on the checkmark that appears on the same line as the source course (red book course), and the checkmark will disappear. Then click the SAVE CHANGES button. Now updates may be made on the target course by clicking on it.

A course that was previously updated/locked by another college or department must not be removed. An alternate identity may be added to the course.


To add a second identity to a course that has already received a pseudo course or equivalent course number, click on the target course (blue book) link to open the target course panel.

Locate the ACourse1 field and the APflg1 field.

Insert the course number or pseudo course needed as the second identity. NOTE: when using a pseudo course in the ACourse1 field, a P must be entered in the APflg1 field. If a course number is inserted in the ACourse1 field, the APflg1 field should remain blank.

When finished, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the SAVE/EDIT button. You will then be returned to the Transfer Evaluation page.

If the course was previously locked, click on the Evallock box again and then the SAVECHANGES button.


Revised 3/16/10