Contestant Manual

March 1, 2015

Welcome To Columbus!

This manual has been prepared with the hope that it will make pageant week a less stressful, more enjoyable experience for you. So often it is not knowing what to expect that causes apprehension and apprehension causes stress. Read this manual carefully. Some of it will be discussed with you during Forum Weekend and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get clarification then and also during Orientation. At any time you can call the Miss Georgia Pageant Office (706) 322-2315) or your Field Director for more information.

Pageant week is what you make it. If you arrive rested, organized, and prepared to compete only with yourself, you will leave with happy memories and many new friends. The members of the Miss Georgia Organization look forward to welcoming you to Columbus – you are the reason we do this.

You are embarking on a wonderful opportunity. We welcome all of you with open arms and wish you the very best of luck.


What you do – Where you go – And how you conduct yourself while in Columbus for Pageant Week are all governed to a large degree by rules and regulations. These rules are in effect from the time you arrive in Columbus until you depart. Actually, these rules provide the standard and practice that will help all of us to control and cope with the many pressures and problems that come during the week. They are based upon common sense and are broad enough in scope to include most situations.

If a contestant’s conduct is deemed unsatisfactory by the Hostess Committee and by this conduct the image and good name of the Miss Georgia Pageant are deemed to be in jeopardy, the Hostess Chairman will issue the contestant a warning. If the situation is corrected, no other action will be taken. If not corrected, the President and the Chairman of the Board will be notified.

We ask your cooperation in abiding by these rules and trust that you recognize, with us, that without them it would be impossible to maintain the respect and reputation of the Miss Georgia Pageant.

Housing for Miss Contestants

You will be staying at the Broadway Crossing Apartments located at #25 West Tenth Street. The apartments are part of the student housing provided by Columbus State University. Each unit has two bedrooms with twin beds, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining area, and a living room. Apartments also have a refrigerator, microwave, and dishwasher. They are fully furnished. There will be four contestants assigned to each apartment.

Flowers and Mail

For relatives and friends staying in Columbus, please advise them to deliver flowers and mail to Hostess Headquarters. Hostess Headquarters is located in the Lobby of the Broadway Crossing Apartments. No contestant will be allowed to receive any type of correspondence except in this manner. Nothing should be sent to you at the theater or given to you during visitation.

Please encourage your family, friends and franchise members to send you mail rather than flowers, balloons and food. Space is limited; flowers die, balloons deflate, food spoils and there is the problem of clearing out the apartment when the week is over.

Please note that the address for Mail and the address for Flower delivery are different:

Mailing Address:



Rankin Events Office

1004 Broadway

Columbus, GA 31901

Delivery Address for Gifts:



#25 West Tenth Street

Columbus, GA 31901

Items You Need To Bring for Miss Contestants

Please plan to bring the following with you:

•  Sheets, pillow, pillowcase and blankets for a twin bed
Garbage bags

•  Alarm clock or clock radio

•  Towels and washcloths

•  Laundry basket

•  Toiletries

•  Special foods or snacks (optional)

•  Medications

Optional Items for Miss Contestants

Some items you may wish to talk with your apartment mates about bringing to avoid duplication if you want them:

•  Coffee maker

•  Dishes, pots, pans, and silverware (if you plan to cook)

•  Paper towels or napkins

•  Plastic cups

•  Television

•  Iron and ironing board

•  Full-length mirror

•  Extra Power strip outlet

•  Camera

•  iPod

•  Computer/iPad

The two meals you will be responsible for are breakfast and dinner. Lunch will be provided. There is a refrigerator, microwave and dishwasher in each apartment.


Each contestant will be assigned a hostess for Pageant Week. She will do everything possible to help you have a successful and pleasant week. Her job is to make sure you are where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there, wearing what you are supposed to be wearing and doing what you are supposed to do. She will be your most ardent supporter. She will listen when you need to talk, help you find solutions when problems arise, and cheer for you from the sidelines.


You will be e-mailed a working schedule. Please print it out and bring it with you when you report during pageant week. It will list rehearsal times and all official Pageant events. we ask you alway be on time for each event. Remember, you are required to be on time and on stage when you are participating in either competition or production numbers. We suggest you check this constantly so that you will always be at the right place at the right time. Be aware, however, that like all schedules it is open to revision. When in doubt, check with your hostess.

Transportation for Miss Contestants

Transportation will be provided for Miss Georgia contestants. You will not be allowed to use your own vehicle.


Trained security is on duty at all times at the apartments and theater. They are there for your protection. Listen to their instructions.


Contestants will be permitted to bring a cell phone. However, contestants may only use their cell phone when they are in their apartment. Cell phones are not permitted any where other than the contestant’s apartment. We will adhere to the Miss America rule and collect cell phones before we leave the apartment and return them when we return to the apartment . If a contestant is caught with her cell phone or trying to use her cell phone outside her apartment, it will be taken away and not given back until the competition is over. Again, cell phones are not permitted outside the apartment.



Computers are allowed to be brought and used in the contestant housing facilities. Internet service is available in contestant rooms. Computers are not allowed in theater.


Contestants are not permitted to speak to a judge at any time, nor appear in the presence of a judge or group of judges, except at regular scheduled events.

Backstage Areas

No one will be allowed in dressing rooms or the area leading to the dressing rooms except contestants, hostesses, and production staff.


Name badges are worn at all official or public events (even rehearsals, meals, etc.) throughout Pageant Week. It is worn around the neck.

Publicity and the Press

Public popularity is not a factor considered by the judges in the selection of Miss Georgia. Some contestants receive a large amount of publicity while others receive very little. This results from different degrees of interest by the news media in the hometowns that request interviews and pictures. Be sure that your local news media is aware that you are in Columbus and that the Pageant is taking place.

Accredited media persons can be scheduled for interviews and photographs provided they present their credentials to the Media Chairman and agree to the following conditions:

•  All pictures and interviews are at the convenience of the contestants and hostesses.

•  They may not interfere with rehearsals or other events.

•  A hostess must be present during any media appearance by a contestant.

•  Hostesses will terminate any interview that may cause embarrassment to a contestant.

•  Only pictures in good taste are allowed.

•  Pictures of contestants in swimsuits are allowed only when regularly scheduled as a Pageant event.

•  No pictures or interviews are permitted backstage once the Pageant is underway.

Contestants may express their ideas and personal opinions on any subject when interviewed by the press. Questions are often asked to determine how young women feel and how they think about current problems and issues existing in our country. Other questions may center on the contestant and her activities and accomplishments. We rely on the contestant’s good judgment to speak as a representative of her community and state.

Contestants should always realize that they are speaking for publications that will be read or heard by many people. Answer questions forthrightly as possible. Avoid over-talking. Long interviews are often cut because of limited space or time and this may result in thoughts being taken out of context.

If a contestant considers any question too personal or embarrassing, she should give a “no comment’ type answer. Try to be tactful but you do not have to answer. Your hostess will support your right not to answer any questions that are too personal. You may want to arrange a signal with your hostess so she knows when you want her to interfere on your behalf; she will do it anyway whenever she feels questions are inappropriate.


The producer schedules rehearsals. They are mandatory for all contestants. It is not an option whether you rehearse or not. It is essential that you pay careful attention to all instructions. To put it in simple terms as possible: “If the producer isn’t happy, no one leaves the theater no matter how hungry or tired you are.” When you are not on stage, you should sit in the audience and observe QUIETLY.

Dress rehearsals are scheduled for every competition. What you wear for regular rehearsals is your decision but you MUST wear your competition clothes for dress rehearsals. We strongly encourage you to practice in your competition clothes before you come to Columbus. Adjustments may be necessary that there will not be time for during the week. It is essential you practice walking in your competition shoes both before you come to Columbus and on stage after you arrive. Since the theater is kept at a cool temperature, you may also want to bring a light jacket or sweater with you. Many contestants carry a small traveling or duffel bag back and forth to rehearsals with reading materials, iPods, sweater or jacket, small snacks, water bottle, etc. Remember, absolutely no food is allowed in the theater at the River Center.


Food for Miss Contestants

Various businesses and civic groups in Columbus provide all meals. A volunteer arranges all meals. Please be gracious and thankful to the individuals and establishments providing these meals. The only meal you are responsible for is breakfast. If you are in the habit of eating certain snacks or foods, feel free to bring that with you for your apartment. Additional information will be given to you about food before you arrive. Pageant Week is not the time to diet! You will be on stage rehearsing for long hours; even if you do not normally eat breakfast, we strongly urge you to eat this week.


Prescriptions and Medicines

If you are taking medicine under a doctor’s orders, please bring an ample supply with you. If you need medical assistance, advise your hostess immediately. A doctor is on call. Bring a small amount of money and medical insurance card with you in case you need a prescription filled and your parents are not in town.


Except in an unusual circumstance you should not need money. You should bring a small amount in case it is necessary to get a prescription filled. Hostesses will not go shopping for you. Bring with you extras of such things as hose, lipstick, curlers, hair dryers, etc. In an emergency, your hostess will try to contact your parents.

Dressing Rooms

There is very limited space in the dressing rooms. You must be able to dress in “two seconds”; the time between production numbers is short. Put these two facts together and it becomes obvious you must be both organized and prepared!

Once clothing is taken to the River Center dressing room, it stays. Clothing cannot be moved back and forth between the River Center and the contestant apartment.

Label everything including garment bags, shoes, underwear, makeup, jewelry.

And all other items used such as hairspray and firm grip, etc…

Get two of everything that you will need both at the apartment and the theater so that you do not have to carry things back and forth. BORROW the second set of rollers, etc.

Have scissors, pins, needles, and thread to match your clothing, especially your competition clothes.

Try to have sturdy zippers in your gowns – small buttons are a nightmare for quick changes. Nylon zippers often break.

Bring a cover up for use backstage.

Bring a sheet to put on the floor when you are changing gowns.

Remember to pack enough make-up, eye lashes, hairspray, firm grip, tape or whatever you use during competition for the entire week.

Don’t forget to pack some hand wipes to keep your hands free of makeup residue. That way, your clothing and others will be free of makeup marks.