ATCAA Early Head Start/Head Start

FamilyStrength Matrix

A Journey Together: Partnering for School Readiness and Life Success

Family Strength Matrix
Please check all areas that apply to you and your family in each category. /
  1. This assessment is designed to be reflective of you and your family.
  2. Head Start partners with families, sharing opportunities and giving support for growth, so you can identify your own strengths, needs, and interests and find your own solutions.
  3. This tool will be utilized as we partner together to identify and meet your goals.

Post-Secondary degree:
  • Associates
  • Bachelors
  • Masters
  • Doctorate
/ Post High School
  • Vocational education
  • Non-college business
  • Technical training
  • Professional training
  • Some college
  • Attending college
  • Attending vocational school
  • High School diploma
  • GED
  • No High School diploma
  • Working on GED
  • Basic reading, writing and math skills
  • Attending dual language learner classes
  • Speaks some English

  • Full-time work above minimum wage with employer-provided benefits
  • Self-employed self-sufficient
  • Full-time work above minimum wage without employer benefits
  • Self- employed meeting most needs
  • Full-time work at minimum wage with employer benefits
  • Full-time work at minimum wage without employer benefits
  • Part-time employment with employer provided benefits
  • Part-time employment without employer benefits
  • TANF
  • Unemployed with work history and skills
  • Unemployed without work history and skills

Financial Security
  • Stable income, sufficient for all essential needs
  • Able to save
  • Able to buy non-essential purchases
  • Good credit
  • Good understanding of financial concepts and can navigate financial systems
  • Fairly stable income that meets most essential needs
  • Little ability to save
  • Some non-essential purchases
  • Establishing credit
  • Some understanding of financial concepts
  • Adequate income-sufficient for basic needs
  • Trying to improve credit rating
  • Inadequate income- not always sufficient for basic needs
  • No income

Medical/Dental Care
  • All family members insured-medical, dental, vision
  • Health exams current
  • Dental exams current
  • Able to understand health care concepts and navigate medical systems
  • All family members can access emergency and routine medical care
  • Some understanding of health care concepts and medical systems
  • On Medi-Cal
  • Receiving WIC
  • Health exams past due
  • Dental exams past due
  • Limited understanding of health care concepts and the medical system
  • Majority of family members uninsured
  • Searching for a medical home
  • Searching for a dental home
  • Uninsured

  • Home ownership
  • Non-subsidized rental housing
  • Safe, affordable, appropriate housing
  • Renting safe affordable, appropriate housing for at least 1 year, without subsidy
  • Saving for homeownership
  • Usually able to afford housing
  • Reliable housing subsidy
  • Temporary or transitional housing
  • Safe, but crowded, home
  • Sharing housing due to economic hardship
  • No shelter
  • Unable to afford housing
  • Homeless

Child’s NameParent/Guardian’s NameDate Class

Notes: ______

  • Consistent dependable transportation
  • Safe car that is paid for
  • Clean driver’s license
  • Fully insured
  • Adequate transportation(public transportation or own car)
  • Basic insurance
  • Access to safe transportation when needed
  • No access to safe transportation for basic needs
  • No driver’s license

  • Knows how to seek parenting assistance
  • Has an understanding of developmental milestones
  • Knowledgeable of age-appropriate activities
  • Actively participates in transition plans
  • Is aware of parental rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
  • Would like information on age-appropriate activities
  • Needs information on IDEA
  • Parent/child roles and responsibilities enforced but not always followed
  • Does not know how or where to get help or parenting skills
  • Parent/child roles and responsibilities are non-existent

Parent Engagement
  • Child attendance at the center, or home visits,is regular and punctual
  • Attends workshops, trainings, socials or parent committee meetings
  • Is a Policy Council Representative
  • Completes In-kind
  • Is an advocate for the Head Start program
  • Volunteers
  • Attends Parent-Teacher conferences (centers only)
  • Usually completes In-kind
  • Encourages literacy
  • Is aware of what the child is learning
  • Occasionally attends socials
  • Occasionally completes In-kind
  • Child has chronic missed center attendance
or poor home visit attendance
  • Does not attend socials
  • Does not complete In-kind

Health and Safety
  • Eats balanced nutritious meals
  • Exercises regularly
  • Home is child-proofed
  • A fire escape plan is in place
  • An earthquake plan is in place
  • Working on child-proofing the home
  • Eats sufficient meals
  • Exercises occasionally
  • Making a fire/earthquake plan
  • Meal planning education needed
  • Info. requested about childproofing, fire/earthquake plan
  • Meals are few and lack nutrition
  • No exercise

Mental Wellness and Family Stress
  • Able to recognize and address the effects that stress or mental wellness issues have on family members
  • No current issues that are not being addressed
  • Aware of mental wellness resources in the community and able to pay for them
  • Recognizes the effects that stress or mental wellness issues have on family members
  • Aware of the symptoms of stress and mental wellness issues
  • Aware of mental wellness resources in the community and has access to insurance, or ability to pay for services
  • Open to recognition that family members are affected by stress or mental wellness issues
  • Aware of mental wellness resources in community and/or addressing barriers to accessing them for family members
  • Limited recognition of the effects of stress or mental wellness issues
  • Family members are affected by stress or on-going mental wellness issues
  • Limited access to mental wellness resources for some, or all, family members
  • Major barriers to resources for some, or all, family stress or mental wellness issues
  • Current effects of stress or mental wellness issues unrecognized and untreated

Community Resources
  • Knows resources available in the community and how to access them
  • Not in need of any community resources
  • Is receiving needed resources
  • Has applied for resources
  • Needs many resources
  • Limited knowledge about how to acquire resources
  • Needs all resources for basic needs
  • Needs help finding resources

Child’s NameParent/Guardian’s NameDate Class

Notes: ______
