Example1. Citations found in different locations of digitised books

Location of Cited references / Google Books citation search results
Citation in the reference list /
Citation in the footnote /
Citation in the main text /
Citation in reference list from a “Snipped view” book (non-full-page view) /

Example 2. Matching terms in queries against description of books in GB results.

Query used / Examples of GB resultsand descriptions. / Correct match?
Moed "Citation analysis in research evaluation" 2005 / / Yes
/ No

Example 3. Filtering rules applied to remove false matches from GB citation searches

Excluded non-citation source type: excluded terms or titles either from titles or description of citing sources in GB results identified based on manual checking of sampled searches
Bibliographies, Book Reviews and Abstracts (Excluded citing titles) / We excluded “Bibliogra*” (to include bibliografía or bibliographie in other languages) in GB citing results in their titles.
Examples: International Bibliography of The Social Sciences; An Interdisciplinary Bibliography on Language, Gender and Sexuality.
We ignored GB citing results with “Book review*” in their titles.
Examples: Book Review Digest; Australian Book Review; Canadian Book Review Annual
Examples: Sociological Abstracts; Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstract; Abstracts of Public Administration, Development, and Environment; Dissertation Abstracts International; Geographical Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts
Other specific titles:
Examples: Choice; Current Publications in Legal and Related Fields; British Bulletin of Publications on Latin America, the Caribbean, Portugal and Spain; Annales
Self-mention of books / We removed any citing sources if their titles were exactly the same as titles in the searched queries. This method excluded self-mentions of books in cataloguing in publication records, front pages, back covers or on the back of the title page (the verso).

Book Advertisements (e.g., forthcoming or published series) / We removed mention of bibliographic information containing prices (e.g., $,USD, £, GBP) such as: Kemmerling, Achim. Taxing the working poor: the political origins and economic consequences of taxing low wages. E. Elgar, 2009. 151pbibl index ISBN 9781847207784, $95.00
We ignored GB results mentioning “Series Editor” and “book series”.(e.g., Lifelong Learning Book Series).
Book reviews (without prices) / We omitted any GB results containing ISBN, hardback, paperback in the bibliographic information of books such as: Harri Kiiskinen The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World. Edited by WALTER Scheidel - Ian Matthew Morris - Richard Paul Saller. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2007. ISBN 978-0-521-78053-7. XVI, 942 pp.
Authors’ biographies and contributors notes
Example / We omitted results containing below terms: Notes on authors; notes on contributors;is professor; is a professor; is emeritus professor; is an emeritus professor; is assistant professor; is assistant professor; is lecturer; is a lecturer; is senior lecturer; is a senior lecturer; is a visiting ; is visiting; his latest book ; her latest book; his recent book; her recent book; she has published; he has published; received his Ph.D; received her Ph.D; is aPh.D; she has recently published; he has recently published; he is author of; she is author of; he co-authored; She co-authored; his work; his recent work, her work; her recent work; he ishonorary; she ishonorary; isa member of; he isco-editor of; she isco-editor of; he isthe co-author with; she isthe co-author with, received his doctorate; received her doctorate; is adoctoral candidate; is full professor; is awriter of; is afellow; is a senior research fellow; is aresearch fellow; is agraduate of ; is apostgraduate student; is agraduate of; is ajunior researcher; is asenior researcher; she has taught; he has taught; he is director; she is director; he is chair; she is chair; he is head; she is head; he is president; she is president; she is dean; he is dean, he teaches. she teaches; is acontributor to; is a teaching fellow.