PNHPWW FebruaryMeeting - Monthly Report

Introductions– Sherry Weinberg, President, PNHPWW – 14 attending

Coordinator’s Report–David McLanahan, Coordinator, PNHPWW
Email list–1034 (statewide), Unique web site visits January - 1,457

PNHPWW databaseproject –last 3 years dues-paying members PNHP,WA State,sorted by LD&CD so targeted emails can be sent.

Past Events:

Feb. 5th – Meeting of Seattle area Single Payer groupsPNHPWW, HCFA-WA, United for Single Payer and Whole Washingtonmet to discuss how best to collaborate to go on the offense during this rapidly changing landscape for health care reform.

Feb. 8th-Health Care is a Human Right – WA meeting - Discussion mostly of actions to defendthe ACA’s good points and some offense to single payer.A draft resolution to federal & state reps asking them to support health care reform was circulated based on the meeting discussion.

Future Events:

There may be a rally for health care reform sponsored by Congressional Representatives sometime during the House break from Feb 18-27. Stay tuned.

Feb 28th 7PM - “Now is the Time” health care reform movie free screening - Swedish Medical Center/Cherry Hill Campus Auditorium. Producers Laurie Simons & Terry Sterrenberg will lead the discussion. Bob Wickline will perform music he wrote for film. Co-sponsored by PNHPWW, HCFA-WA, and United for Single Payer and Whole Washington.

March 1st, 7:30pm – Shoreline Democrats meeting discussion on single payer -Shoreline Library.

March 8th – International Women’s Day March

March 7th, 12-1pm – UW Campus, Roosevelt Bldg, 4225 Roosevelt Way NE, Suite 308, Conference Room 357. John Geyman, MD, Prof Emeritus Family MedicinePNHPWW Chapter mentor, will talk on the “Crisis in US Health Care: Threats of GOP Actions to Repeal, Replace or ‘Repair’ the ACA”

March 15th, 7:30PM– PNHPWW Monthly Meeting - Swedish Medical Center/Cherry Hill Campus James Tower SECC

April 7th – International day of Action against Privatization of Health Care
April 22nd – Seattle March for Science – for info

PNHPWW 2017 Annual Public Meeting - a work in progress

Going on the Offensive for Single Payer in 2017

Carol Paris, MD

President, Physicians for National Health Program

Skyped in from Nashville, Tennessee

Dr. Paris is a recently retired psychiatrist who worked for more than 25 years in private practice, community mental health, prison psychiatry, and academia. She assumed the Presidency of PNHP in January. She was one of the "Baucus 8" who were arrested at the Senate Finance Committee hearing on health care reform in 2009 - protesting that single payer was not "allowed on the table." She is committed to direct action as we advocate for justice in health care.

In Dr. Paris’s talk, she described her background, how she became an activist and national leader for single payer, and how we can use this time of political instability to go on the offense for National Improved Medicare for All.You can watch the talk and discussion on YouTube.

Other News:

Still working to make our PNHPWW social media more useful. Please submit/share important info, articles, events to/on our Facebook site -

Working on technology to live steam our monthly meetings on our You Tube channel - -

New local health care professional’s coalition
In process of forming in the Seattle area. Haven’t decided on a name yet. Most of the attendees of the initial two meetingsare currently practicing physicians who are members of the National Physician’s Alliance and/or Doctors for America. “We feel that our patients (particularly our most vulnerable patients) face a high level of risk in the current political climate, and we want to advocate for them, particularly in the areas of health equity and access to healthcare.” The current priority for the group is to fight to preserve the ACA through lobbying representatives. “However, our scope is not limited strictly to the ACA or to action at the federal level. If we identify important opportunities for activism or advocacy on behalf of our patients at the state or local levels, we are open to pursuing those in the future as well.” “We hope to connect with physicians in other regions of the state/country, and also to collaborate with other physician activist groups.”To be added to the group’s email list contact Lisa Plymate.

Two new national fightback coalitions:

1)HOPE - Health Over Profit for Everyone –Website Facebook - Twitter -

Launched Feb 1st. focused on organizing for national SP legislation HR676. Initiated by Margaret Flowers, Kevin Zeese and others. New website with valuable information about advocacy and events. Will holdregular national conference calls on Mondays at 6 pm PST. These calls are open to everyone, but you must register to receive a number.


These calls will provide political updates, educate about National Improved Medicare for All, discuss strategy and plan actions to change the political culture in the United States so that NIMA is the only politically viable solution.

Schedule of calls:

Feb 13, 2017 – Dr. Robert Zarr, past president of Physicians for a National Health Program on the Basics of National Improved Medicare for All - completed

Feb. 27, 2017 – Dr. Richard Bruno, topic to be announced.

2)Campaign for Guaranteed Healthcare - launched on 1-26-17 by Healthcare-Now! – “a fightback coalition that will carry outa nationally-coordinated, large-scale andmilitant campaign to fight for single-payer healthcare”.