Indigenous Triple P Extension Training - Participation requirements and nomination form

Families NSW is offering a one day extension training course in Indigenous Triple P to both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal practitioners. This course is for practitioners who have attended Group Triple P training and have received group accreditation or are due to receive accreditation in the near future.

This training is for practitioners who are currently working with Aboriginal families and communities, and want to deliver Triple P courses that are more culturally appropriate for Indigenous communities. There are no additional accreditation requirements after attendingthis training.

Indigenous Triple Pis provided to families as a small group program over 8 weeks, with 5 small group sessions and 2 one on one sessions with the Triple P practitioner.

What does participating in the Indigenous Triple P traininginvolve?

To participate in the program, agencies must support their staff to:

  • attend this one day extension training
  • provide Indigenous Triple P to Aboriginal parents with children aged 3-8 years - at least one course within 6 months of completing training[1]
  • participate in anevaluation of the program

The evaluation will assist in determining whether Triple P is effective for Aboriginal families. The evaluation will examine engagement, retention rates and may investigate outcomes for Aboriginal families participating in Indigenous Triple P courses delivered by both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal practitioners.

Families NSW will provide practitioners with Indigenous Triple P parent resources to assist them to provide the program to families.Other costs associated with providing the programs to families will need to be met by each agency.

For more information please contact Janette Antouny on 02 9716 2060 or

Triple P training nomination form

Position title:
Contact details:
Phone number/s: (W) (Mobile)
Postal address:
E-mail address:
Do you identify as:
Aboriginal YES / NO and/or Torres Strait Islander YES / NO
  1. In your role, do you provide services to Aboriginal children and/or families?
Rarely  Sometimes  Exclusively 
  1. Please explain the types of services offered by your organisation to Aboriginal families/communities.
  1. Since completing Triple P training, have you delivered groups or seminars to families?
  2. If YES, please advise
Number of groups run......
Number of seminars run......
Total number of families involved ......
How many of these families were Indigenous......
  1. If NO, why not?
  1. What geographical areas to you service?
  1. Please outline how you would go about delivering the course to Aboriginal families? (How will you promote the course? What local organisations will you approach? What strategies will you use to engage parents for the duration of the course, etc)

Name of Course: IndigenousTriple P extension training
(provided by Triple P International)
Course Venue: Bankstown Community Services – Conference Room Level 4
41 – 45 Rickard Road, Bankstown
(next door to McDonalds)
Course Dates: Friday May 20th 2011
Cost of course: Triple P training is being funded as part of the roll out of Triple P by Families NSW.Please note costs associated withstaff-replacementswhile you attend training must be met within each agency’s existing resources.
Any dietary requirementsfor the lunch provided at course?(e.g. gluten free, vegetarian, diabetic)
Will you need to stay away from home to attend training? Yes / No
If yes - what nights?
Accommodation/meals will be provided for people in rural and regional areas where training is a significant distance from your home and usual place of work
Employee name:
Manager Name:
I agree to support my employee to provide at least oneIndigenous Triple Pcourse to families with children aged 3-8 years within 6 months of them completing this training.
Date of first Group:
Manager Signature:
Manager Contact details:
Phone number/s: (W) (Mobile)
Postal address:
E-mail address:

Please send completed form by FRIDAY 6th May 2011 to Janette Antouny at

Communities & Early Years Division by fax 9716 2820, or scan and email

If you are no longer available to attend could you please advise Janette Antouny at your earliest convenience to ensure the place is offered to someone on the waiting list.


[1] This may form part of your existing commitment to deliver 2 groups per year (or 1 per year for part-time practitioners)