Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch 3rd January 2018

Minutes of a meeting at El Paraiso restaurant Urb Del Mar

Chairman Paul Edwards

Vice chairman Danny Kay

Membership Secy “

Secretary Margaret Forshaw

Treasurer John Forshaw

Welfare Co-ordinator John Langford

Welfare Volunteer Robin Hargrave

Attendance: 22 Full members 15 Associate members 2 visitors

Apologies received from: N & C Louden, P Garnham, A MacRae Clifton,

P & V Cluney, G Burden, C Thorley, L & C Brown, D & S Conway, M & L Peters, F & H Goodman, J Lovewell, J Billet, R Lyon.

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed members and visitors.

Members stood for the shipmate’s prayer and a period of silence was observed for those who had fallen since our last meeting.

The Chairman asked if everyone had read the minutes, if there were any comments or amendments. He asked that they be accepted this was proposed by Robin Hargrave and seconded by Bob Oulds. There were no matters arising and they were accepted unanimously.

Chairman’s Report: The Chairman had no report as such as he had been away, he did wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year. He himself had a fall whilst in Belgium. He is looking forward to this month’s menu del Dia.

Vice Chairman’s Report: Danny thanked Dick for organising our xmas party last month, which was very well supported and hopefully enjoyed by all those who had attended.

Thank you to all of those who donated food/toiletries for our two nominated charities (soup kitchen/reach out). Your donations were delivered on the 16th by the Treasurer, Secretary, Rose and myself. I apologise for not informing you all of the time/place if anyone wished to be there but was unable my computer refused to let me send out any e-mails.

Menu del Dia January 18th at la Piazza11 Punta prima shopping complex February 21st restaurante Tuto Ave Purisima Torrevieja

March 19th Rendezvous restaurant details next month.

Lists for names available directions to any venue just drop me an e-mail. There will be NO raffle at meal. List closing one week before date.

Any member who hold assets for the association could you please give me a list of assets held thank you.

Membership fees are due , for those of you who have already paid I have your 2018 stickers, see me at stand easy to give or receive.

Any change in personal details please keep me informed,

New member Doug McClone was presented with his card.

Secretary’s Report: Once again I have put out forms for the A G M in March. I need them back tonight so that the Agenda can be out for the February meeting. We particularly need your nominations for charities and any topic for discussion, if it is not on the Agenda it cannot be discussed.

When we delivered your gifts to Reach Out they presented us with a certificate this is on the table.

Best wishes to the branch have been sent from Mike & Ruth Wright, jean Turrell and Baz and Maddie Winwood.

Treasurer’s Report: John gave his account of our various funds the general/ charity/ and shipmates. Also how much we had in the bank. John said the charity fund will be increased by the time of the AGM due to the extra donations at February’s meeting.

Welfare report: John said he has basically no report nobody had

notified him of any illness. He did want to remind members of the I C E card or on your phone in case of emergency contact numbers.

Social report: Unfortunately Dick was unable to be here tonight as he had come down with a virus.

P R O: Rose unable to be here.

Any Other Business: New member Doug McClone gave a resume of his activities to date.

Danny reminded members any directions etc for the menu del dia at restaurante Tuto send him an e-mail.

The meeting was formally closed at 1745 the next one being here on February 7th at 1700.