4122 Alpha St. Apt. 11

Lansing MI, 48910

Phone (517) 410-7399

OBJECTIVE: To obtain a full time position as a Research Technologist


Bachelor of Science in Physiology. Michigan State University, 2005

Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Michigan State University, 2005


Research Assistant

2002-Present: Radiology: Anatomy Dept. & Neuroscience Prog., Michigan State University

Under: Dr. John Irwin Johnson


§  Lab Focus: computerized mapping & comparative analysis of mammalian brain structures

§  Rufous Wallaby Brain Atlas: used coronal, horizontal, and saggital brain tissue slices stained for cell bodies and myelinated fibers. Sections were scanned into computer, analyzed and cytoarchitectural features were labeled, mostly nuclei and fiber tracts, using Adobe Photoshop and referencing opossum and rat brain atlases

§  In charge of laboratory organization, including data, supplies and equipment, and attended weekly lab meetings

Research Assistant

2003-Present Neuroscience Program, Michigan State University

Under: Dr. Cynthia Jordan and Dr. Marc Breedlove

Laboratory Website:

·  Lab Focus: Spinal Nucleus of the Bulbocavernosus (SNB), sexual dimorphism in the medial amygdala, fetal androgens and sexual orientation, co-factors in steroid mediated neural plasticity

·  Animal Care: assist in rodent colony management (ear clipping, weaning, breeding)

·  Animal Research Techniques: rodent behavioral testing (rotorard, foot prints, hang test), perfusions, gross animal dissections

·  Histology

·  Microscopy

·  General Lab Maintenance


Proficient in Windows 98 and XP, Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, and Access, Macintosh OS 9 and X, Security software and software based firewalls, Adobe Photoshop, NIH Image.


·  Brain Cytoarchitecture in a Large Grazing Marsupial, Rufous Wallaby Thylogale billardieri. Michigan State University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum, 2005.

·  Anabolic Response to Testosterone in Transgenic Mice with Knocked-down Androgen Receptor in Skeletal Muscle Fibers. Michigan State University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum, 2004.

·  Neuroanatomical Correlates of Male Ejaculation. Advanced Neuroanatomy Seminar, 2004.

·  General Neurobiology of Borderline Personality Disorder. Advanced Neuroanatomy Seminar, 2004.

·  Neurocorrelates of Love. Advanced Neuroanatomy Seminar, 2004.

·  Neurobiological Correlates of Intelligence. Advanced Neuroanatomy Seminar, 2004.


·  Brain Awareness Weak Presenter, 2005

·  Ingham Regional Medical Center Emergency Room Volunteer, 2003

·  MSU Gospel Chorale, 2000-2003

·  Into The Streets Volunteer, 2000-2002


References available upon request