CC TRI CLUB is a USA Triathlon affiliated club (Texas Southwest Region). As a club member, you are entitled to a $3.00 discount on annual USAT memberships. To take the discount, write above the application, “Member CC Tri club, CC, TX”. Yearly age group rankings are given to athletes who complete 3 or more sanctioned events in triathlon and/or duathlon (not combined). We have members of all ages, sex, and abilities. Some race, some win, some participate for fun, others are relay specialists, but we all have a great time doing what we do!! When the club was formed, the main goal was to introduce people to the sport, encourage camaraderie, and participate as a group representing the area. A monthly newsletter via e-mail, monthly meeting (the first Tuesday of every month at the Executive Surf Club), Facebook, and the website (swimbikeruncc.com) are your sources for information on club activities, training schedules, upcoming events, event results, workouts, and races.

Please fill out ALL THE REQUESTED INFORMATION. Please return this entry form with your check payable to CC-Tri Cluband mail it to–Mary Kay Schultz, 954 Delaine,Corpus Christi, TX78411.

2013-Membership is renewed annually, upon your renewal or sign up date: Circle: New Member or Renewal Individual Membership $36.00 Family $46.00

Name______Name of Spouse______

Date of Birth ______Spouse’s Date of Birth______

USA Triathlon Number______Spouse’s USAT Number ______

Address______City ______State____ Zip______

Phone #s Home:______Cell: ______Work #______

E-mail address______

Spouse’s e-mail address (if they want to receive e-mails) ______

How did you find out about the club?______

As a member, we request that you VOLUNTEER for at least 2events per year. It is a great way to see all the action up close and cheer on your fellow members and friends! Please visit the website (swimbikeruncc.com) for event information. The only way to successfully hold an event is through volunteerism, we wouldn’t want to race without them !!

I know that participating and/or volunteering in club activities is potentially hazardous. I should not participate in club activities unless I am medically able and properly trained. I assume all risks associated with participation and/or volunteering in club activities including, but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including high heat and humidity, the conditions of the road and traffic on the course. All such risks being known and appreciated by me, having read this waiver, and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application for membership, I for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release USA Triathlon, Corpus Christi Triathlon Club and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in these club activities even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver.


Parent’s Signature if under 18______Date______