Treasure Valley Community College

Associated Student Government (ASG) Minutes

February 12th, 2013

Call to Order: President Susanna Fleming at 7:00 PM
Roll Call: All in Attendance

Guest(s) Present:
Agenda: MM/S/P (5/0/0)
Minutes: MM/S/P (5/0/0)

Officer Reports:

President: Susanna Fleming: This week Susanna has been finalizing informationfor the new website's ASG page with Justin Mikkelsen.The new page should go live sometime next week. She has also been working with the Administrative Senator, Kacie Gastanaga, on a survey regarding the building of a track and field, and finally have the results of that survey ready to present. The Student Outreach Coordinator, Cody Baxter, and Susanna attended a meeting with a community non-profit group called Hometown Competitiveness. They would like our help in administering a survey to the student body that addresses the needs of college students within Ontario.

Vice President: Britney Meza-Turner: This week Britney followed up with two clubs about funding requests. She made an agenda for All-Club Meeting, which is scheduled for a smart room so that we can meet with Caldwell virtually. She then attended the Raining Jane event. She finally met with Justin Core to get info about the Student Center plans and layout.

Activities Coordinator: Brady Sharp: This week Brady helped organize and run the live music event, “Raining Jane”. He also started weekly midterm reviews for staff.

Secretary: Lindsey Meza-Turner: This week Lindsey digitized important Funding Request Motion Forms. He also helped advertise for the All-Clubs Meeting and a new club on campus.

Administrative Senator: Kacie Gastanaga: This week Kacie organized the survey schedule. Thisincluded setting class times with each professor for presentations. They all went well and were completed on time. Dr. Weber scanned all the surveys for us and the results are now ready to be presented to the foundation board. She then, along with Alex and Kayla, had an Academic Council meeting where they discussed many different proposals for changes to TVCC's curriculum in various departments. Also this week she attended and helped with Star Wars, Bonnie Piesse, and Raining Jane.

Student Outreach Coordinator: Cody Baxter: This week Cody workedwith ASGfor theFood for Thought Forum to get information about how to better inform students about school events and activities.Cody talked with AaronVance about the building of the Monumental Sign. Cody has also been gettinga short presentation ready for the foundation Board. He will be presentingto thefoundation Board about projects ASG is working on.

Academic Senator: Makayla Barta: Makayla successfully organized and completed the Food for Thought Forum.

Legislative Senator: Alex Plaza: This week Alex worked on plans for a video about ASG for the new website. He also talked to Justin Core and Bernie Babcock about the Monumental Sign. He then helped with Food for Thought and Raining Jane.

Statements from Audience:


a.  Track Committee – This week the Track Committee received the finished survey list. The team will now be presenting the information to the school administration.

b.  Student Center Committee –There are now floor plans and blueprints for the new Student Center.

Old Business:


New Business:


Discussion Items

a.  Food for Thought Forum – The current topic for the next FFTF is student communication. The survey will talk about how students receive information, and how they would like to.

b.  Leadership Retreat – The Leadership Retreat will be on the 18th of February. It will be a day of work and team bonding.

c.  Website Update – There is a new ASG website, which will be used for updating events and posting the minutes and agendas.

d.  Hometown Competitiveness – Hometown Competitiveness has a simple goal: Help rural communities build upon the assets they already have.

e.  All-Clubs Meeting – The All-Clubs meeting will be held in room FRCC 4 in Ontario and room 311 in Caldwell. The All-Clubs meeting introduces and helps people with their clubs and organizing club events.

Action Items

a.  Funding Request for Young Farmers and Ranchers Club

a.  Alex Plaza Moves to table the request.

b.  Makayla Barta Seconds | (MM/S/P)(5/0/0)

Long Range Items

Meeting adjourned at: 7:30 PM

Posted by: Secretary Lindsey Meza-Turner