Catechist Handbook




Catechist Handbook


Resurrection Catholic Church

Office of Faith Formation

Dan McGowan, Director of Religious Education

Maggie McGowan, Director of Youth Ministry

3855 South Florida Ave.

Lakeland, FL33813

Phone: 863-644-0585

Fax: 863-644-8697

Cell Phone: 863-860-7404 (Dan)

863-860-7585 (Maggie)

Overview of Religious Education

“The definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch, but also in communion and intimacy, with Jesus Christ.” CCC 426

We are put in touch with Jesus in the Gospel. Jesus sent His disciples on a mission. We in catechesis are on that same mission today. We are called to seek out the lost sheep, to proclaim the word of God and to expect no reward in return.

As a catechist, we need to introduce or improve upon the Christian life of those we teach. “Christian life requires that it be cultivated in all its dimensions: knowledge of the faith, liturgical life, moral formation, prayer, belonging to community (and) missionary spirit.” GDC 87

As a catechist, we must teach the person to read their own life experiences as they relate to the Christian story so that a “conversion” of heart and mind will lead one to discover God’s plan for them.

The Six Fundamental tasks of

Catechesis (GDC-NDC)

  • Knowledge of the Faith
  • The Meaning of Liturgy and Sacraments
  • Promotes Moral Formation
  • Teaches How to Pray
  • Prepares for Life in Community and Active participation in the Life & Mission of the Church
  • Promotes a Missionary Spirit; Prepares Faithful to be Christians in Society.

The Role of the Catechist:

No methodology, no matter how well tested, can dispense with the person of the catechist in every phase of the catechetical process. The charism given to him or her by the Spirit, a solid spirituality and transparent witness of life, constitutes the soul of every method. Only his or her own human and Christian qualities guarantee a good use of texts and other work instruments. GDC 156


Each grade of our program follows a designed Scope and Sequence. Most textbooks contain the scope and sequence used with their materials. Catechists should make themselves familiar with the Scope and Sequence of their grade and the grade before and after them. Our Youth Minister, Maggie McGowan, designs our High School program; lesson plans and other materials are available to the teacher through her.

Management and Supervision of Children
  • Establish rules for students to follow. Set reasonable limits and expectations and enforce them consistently.
  • The daily schedule is important. Children need structure. Volunteers should be flexible in implementing the schedule due to children’s needs and weather conditions.
  • Volunteers should know the whereabouts of their students at all times.
  • Volunteers should make consistent effort to get to know children as individuals.
  • Volunteers should help children work through conflicts and problems.
  • Kindness works miracles; let children know when they have done a good job.
  • Be positive with children; point out the positive when asking a child to do something. i.e. instead of “don’t run”, say “please walk”
Qualities of Good Teacher
  1. Possess extensive knowledge of the subjects they teach and a willingness to learn more.
  2. Enthusiastic!
  3. Genuinely like kids and are determined that their students are successful.
  4. Flexible, flexible, and flexible.
  5. Understand the developmental phases of the ages they are teaching.
  6. Know how to challenge students.
  7. Willing to go the extra mile to be sure students understand the material presented.
  8. Have the ability to motivate students.
  9. Ability to create a positive classroom environment.
  10. Good communication with parents.
  11. Creative!
  12. Able to teach children how to think.
  13. Sensitive to cultural and economic diversities.


Catechists are representatives of our parish community. Any teacher found guilty of a felony will be dismissed. Any behavior that may be deemed to have a detrimental effect on the parish or its reputation may be grounds for dismissal.

Every volunteer is expected to uphold the regulations of the parish and its standards of professional conduct. The parish encourages full discussion of its rules and policies, but these discussions should occur in an appropriate context and certainly never in the hearing of parents or students. Criticism of the parish, colleagues, programs, or students is only appropriate when it is intended to improve upon the situation. Violation of the above is a serious breach of professionalism for any volunteer of Resurrection Catholic Church.

Smoking is not allowed in any of the school buildings or on school grounds or in the presence or view of any student. The use of intoxicants by the volunteers while Religious Education is in session, or while officially chaperoning students is strictly forbidden.

Harassment (adult-adult, student-student, or adult-student) of any individual because of their sex, religion, color, national origin, age, or disability is strictly prohibited by the diocese. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and will not be tolerated at any diocesan entity. (Policy #ER008, Attachment A)

"If a teacher, coach or administrator is aware of behaviors or language that could be considered harassment (such as initiation activities, hazing, wedgies, etc.) or know that students use sexually explicit language to other students, those knowledgeable, responsible adults must take action to correct the behaviors (directive, April 30, 1998, )."

Any clergy, religious, or lay employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Orlando who knows or has cause to suspect that a child has been subjected to any form of abuse or neglect by any person, including another diocesan employee or volunteer, religious or clergy, immediately will (Policy #PS006; FL Statues Chapters 415 and 232.50):

  • contact the Florida Department of Children and Families, see DRE for phone number and procedures
  • respond to local DCF with additional information
  • cooperate with any and all authorities in the investigation of any child abuse report

What You Can Expect From Resurrection Religious Education Program

  1. You will be treated as a valued fellow staff member who contributes to the goals of Resurrection Catholic Church through your volunteer work.
  2. You will receive appropriate orientation and training prior to beginning your assignment and you will receive all necessary supervision and support from parish staff throughout your time with us.
  3. You will be provided with opportunities to continue your personal faith formation, both here at Resurrection and through monthly meetings/workshops with other volunteers from around the Diocese of Orlando.
  4. You will be able to attend the Catechist Certification Program of the Diocese of Orlando or the University of Dayton virtual learning program used by our diocese, at our expense.
  5. You will be entrusted with any necessary confidential information required to accomplish your duties.
  6. Your valuable time will not be wasted due to lack of planning, coordination and cooperation within the program.
  7. Your efforts, accomplishments and dedication will be appreciated and recognized.
  8. The class size will be no greater than 25 students.
  9. You will have access to the following resources:
  10. Copy machine
  11. Videos
  12. Music
  13. Worksheets
  14. Parish library
  15. Classroom supplies
  16. You will receive an annual performance review so that you and the Parish Staff may better evaluate the success of our program.
  17. Resurrection, with the help of the diocese, will maintain accurate records documenting your service to our community.
  18. Your suggestions to improve your particular assignment and our program in general will be welcomed by the DRE and Youth Minister.
  • All of the above will be done in a spirit of friendliness and cooperation so that Resurrection will continue to be known as a great place to volunteer.



When the fire alarm sounds everyone is to leave the buildings using the exit routes shown on the fire escape map displayed in all areas of the school. Everyone is to vacate the buildings in silence and as quickly as possible. If your attendance sheet has been collected make sure you have a class roster so that you can take attendance after vacating the classroom, otherwise take your attendance sheet. Notify the DRE/YM if a student is missing. Students not accounted for will be located by the DRE/YM.


  1. When weather conditions warrant, the office will announce over the intercom the following message: CODE BLUE WEATHER.
  2. When you hear this announcement, the children are to file immediately and silently into the corridor and sit against the wall (old school classrooms and middle school building), get down under their desks (in Classroom Gr. 3-4-5) or under the tables (parish hall and library).
  3. The teacher is to take attendance and notify the office if anyone is out of the room. The teacher should not leave the room to locate a missing student. The DRE will locate the child.
  4. If you or your class is not in your regularly scheduled area (outside for a special activity or in church), please notify the office as to your whereabouts.
  5. Students outside are to go to the nearest building and follow the above procedures.
  6. If it is a CODE BLUE WEATHER drill or the WEATHER EMERGENCY has passed, the office will make a general announcement of ALL CLEAR.
Intruder or Other Emergency

1.When emergency conditions warrant, the office will announce over the intercom the following message: CODE BLUE.

2.When you hear this announcement all classroom doors are to be locked. Students are to move away from windows. Lights are to be turned off and blinds closed. The teacher is to take attendance and notify the office if anyone is out of the room. The teacher should not leave the room to locate a missing student.

3.If you and your class are not in your regularly scheduled area (outside or church) pleasenotify the RE office as to your whereabouts.

4.Students outside are to go to the nearest building and follow the above procedures. If you are not with your class, stay where you are and notify the office of your location and the location of your class.

5.If it is a CODE BLUE drill or the EMERGENCY has passed; the office will make a general announcement of ALL CLEAR.

Bomb Threat

A recipient of a bomb threat should acquire as much information as possible from the caller, pull the closest fire alarm, and notify the DRE/YM (and only the DRE/YM) immediately. Fire emergency procedures will be in effect. If and when it is determined to be safe to return to the buildings, teachers and students will be notified.


The Parish Pavilion has been designated as our off-campus gathering area. If the campus is to be evacuated, the students are to begin walking in an orderly fashion to this site. An immediate evacuation is to take place if you hear this announcement:

“Everyone is invited to the program on the court under the Pavilion.”

Evacuation Plan

·All students and volunteers will proceed to the Pavilion and await further instructions.

What Resurrection Religious Education Expects from You

Policy 423 of the Diocese of Orlando states:

“All parish catechetical personnel must be practicing Roman Catholics and persons of evident faith. They must have good communication and human relations skills with a demonstrated attitude of care and concern for others. All parish catechetical personnel must be working toward certification of be certified by the Diocesan Office of Religious Education.”

  1. Please understand that volunteering is a commitment to serve your parish. We need you, and we depend on your commitment.
  2. We ask our volunteers to commit to one year of service. Of course, if you move out of the area we cannot hold you to this promise. With a positive evaluation you have the opportunity to continue to serve year after year.
  3. You first responsibility is to know your own duties and how to do them promptly, correctly and pleasantly. If you need help please ask.
  4. You are expected to cooperate with the DRE/Youth Minister, parish staff and your fellow catechists so as to maintain a positive team attitude.
  5. You are expected to take advantage of opportunities for personal and spiritual development that are offered to you, and attend all training sessions scheduled for your ministry.
  6. We need you to voice your opinions and contribute your suggestions to help improve the quality of our Religious Education Program.
  7. You are required to express the teachings of the Catholic Church, not your personal views.
  8. Please informDan or Maggie as soon as possible of any anticipated absence or lateness.
  9. Take good care of parish/school property. Return and replace any items you used (chairs and desks should be left as you found them). Please monitor your students at all times. In case you need assistance in the classroom call 860-7404 if you have a cell phone, or contact the DRE/Youth Minister as soon and safely as possible.

10 Plan your lessons prior to class. Contact the office for any needed supplies or materials (please one or more days before you need them). If you spend your own money please keep your receipt and request reimbursement from the DRE/Youth Minister.

Volunteering Policies and Procedures

"Covered Volunteer": Any unpaid person engaged or involved in a diocesan activity, and who is entrusted with the care and supervision of children, and/or persons engaged or involved in ministry who have regular individual contact with the elderly or disabled whether in a hospital, nursing home or residential setting either through visiting or through bringing communion to them.

POLICY: Background check, fingerprinting and Safe Environment Training:

In an effort to ensure the safety of those persons under the care of the Diocese, all Church Personnel and covered volunteers will be required to submit a completed Criminal Background Check Form as well as a complete set of fingerprints so as to facilitate a criminal background screening.

All Diocesan employees and covered volunteers including clergy, principals, instructional personnel, seminarians, school and parish employees, directors of religious education, catechists, youth ministry directors and volunteers, religious brothers and sisters, coaches (whether paid or volunteer), music/choir directors, employees and volunteers of Bishop Grady Villas, counselors of children or Vulnerable Persons, Boy/Girl Scout Troop Leaders, independent contractors working as substitute teachers or temporary school office personnel, and child care center employees and volunteers will be background checked every five years through the FBI/FDLE screening process. For all individuals, this policy supersedes other requirements of any federal or state policy.

The Diocese of Orlando is committed to doing everything in its power to ensure the safety of all those entrusted to its care, particularly youth, the elderly and the disabled. Since we believe that each individual is created in the image of God, we also hold that all individuals must be treated with dignity and respect. Therefore, the Diocese of Orlando considers any abuse or neglect of any kind to be totally unacceptable and contrary to Christian principles.

FINGERPRINT REGISTRATION AND SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING can be found at the following web page of the Diocese of Orlando.

If you have any questions about this please contact Dan McGowan

Attendance, Absence and Lateness

Please understand that your attendance is critical to the success of the program. If you are unable to come, or if you will arrive late, please contact the Secretary or the DRE immediately. Give him as much time as possible to arrange for someone else to cover your position until you arrive. We know there will be times when you will be ill, or unable to meet your commitment for one reason or another. Please inform Laura or Dan so that we my find a substitute catechist while you are gone.

Driving Record

Volunteers whose volunteer work requires operation of a motor vehicle must present and maintain a valid driver's license and a driving record acceptable to our insurer. You will be asked to submit a copy of your automobile insurance and Drivers License number. 48 hours prior to driving students you must submit your license for a background check. Any changes in your driving record must be reported to the parish immediately.

Confidential Information

Information of a confidential nature maybe shared with you during the course of your service. You must not share this information with anyone who does not have a professional right or need to know. Such information is not to be shared with your family, friends, or acquaintances. Do not use this information yourself for other purposes.

Release of confidential information to unauthorized persons can result in dismissal from your service, and could involve you in legal proceedings.

Every student attending our School of Religious Education has the right to confidentiality, but at the same time, volunteers must use their best judgment. In case of a student issue that requires immediate help, please inform the DRE.

No one is permitted to remove or make copies of any student records, reports or documents without prior approval.

Contact and E-mail

Those in parish leadership should never engage youth in personal email, regular mail or phone communications.

If you email youth regarding parish programs, you must send copies of the email to parents/guardians at the same time.

If you call a young person about a program or ministry, speak with a parent/guardian first to ask permission to speak to their child.


It is the responsibility of every volunteer to help maintain the physical security of parish buildings. Develop habits that insure security at all times. For example:

  • Know the location of all alarms and fire extinguishers, and familiarize yourself with the proper procedure for using them.
  • Review the fire drill evacuation routes (see map on classroom wall)
  • In case of a life-threatening situation in the classroom call 911.
  • To contact the Office of Religious Education from any phone dial:Front desk112; Dan 113; Maggie 114.
Religious Education emergency cell phone number is 860-7404 or 860-7585
  • When you leave the classroom make sure that all doors are closed and no children are left unattended. Also check the bathrooms. If a parent does not pick up a child on time, please bring the child to the RE Office. We will call the parents.

We only have our students for a limited time. Let us use it for their greatest benefit. Please limit the use of the playground to a minimum.