Ideal Client Worksheet

Use this worksheet to help identify your Ideal Client Profile. Start at the top and work your way down. If you have partners or employee’s you might want to include them in this process as well. Identifying your ideal client is the foundation to creating a tax business you love.

1) Why are you in business? |How to find your why...

What’s the reason that your tax business exists? Finding your “why” is a deep thought process that has to come from within you, and it’s the basis for everything you do.


2) Do you want to work with Individuals or businesses or both?

☐ Individuals

Defining your ideal individual client is done by identifying their demographic and psychographic profile. The following section will help you identify both.

Demographic Info:

How old are your ideal clients?


What is their occupation?


What is their income range?


What is their family composition (married, single, etc.)?


What is their net worth?


Where are they located?


Do they own real estate or other assets?


Do they have any other preferable personal attributes?



Psychographic Info:

What core beliefs do they have?


What goals do they generally have?


What’s their overall view of the world?


☐ Business Clients

Defining your ideal business client is done by identifying their demographic and psychographic profile. The following section will help you identify both.

Demographic Info:

How long have they been in business? Are they new, in their prime, or ready to sell?


What is their revenue range?


What industry are they in?


What entity type are they?


What’s their balance sheet look like? Are the profitable or do they need help?


What location are they in or how many locations do they have?


Psychographic Info:

What are their business views?

What type of effect are they trying to have on their clients and customers?



What business goals do they have?



What are their views on business growth?



3) What is your value proposition?

Now that you know your “why,” and your ideal client profile, you can define the unique thing that makes you valuable to your clients. Your value proposition should be a short statement that answers the following four questions:

Who is your target audience?



What will you do for them?



How is that different from what others are offering?



Why does that solution matter to your audience?



Now, state your value proposition:


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