668 Stafford Rd., Everton Park
PO Box 2070,Kelvin Grove Qld 4059
- For the purposes of moving towards more efficient data collection and allocations for Instrumental Music, all schools are asked to ensure all Instrumental Music students are added to OLA (Other Learning Area) class groups in One School.
- This is best completed by either the reporting administrator or the timetabler.
- This should be completed by end of week 4, term 1, and updated regularly from that point.
- Staffing allocations will be managed according to information derived from OneSchool reports of these class lists. Reports from OneSchool will replace Instrumental Music Enrolment Returns.
When you create the OLA class groups, there is a category for Instrumental Music (IMU), and under that are a range of subject options. Please choose to either:
- Set up a subject for each Instrumental Music Teacher you have (eg. IMB for Band and IST for Strings if you have only those 2 teachers at your school), OR
- Set up a subject for each Instrumental Music family: Brass (IBR), Strings (IST), Percussion (INP) and Woodwind (INW).
There are many more options of subject codes available, but it would become very cumbersome to separate students down that far, and we therefore recommend and ask schools to please limit the codes you use to the above options.
Setting up Instrumental Music students in these groups will articulate with reporting AND with Excursion Planner (teachers may search for those subject codes you use from those listed above).
There are detailed instructions on OneSchool.
Alternatively, here are simple instructions to create these class lists for the first time. In OneSchool Timetable:
- in a future version of the timetable, go to Configuration > Subjects
- choose year level > OLA > Add New
- Select Category > Instrumental Music – IMU
- Select Subject > [as per options outlined above]
- Back in Timetable, go to OLA Classes (down the bottom)
- Select Subject (you should see the subject codes you added in Configuration) > Add New class OLA Class Composition to add relevant students to the class
- Make your future version of the timetable active prior to the end of week 8, term 2, and/or prior to your next reporting period setup