central high school 2006-2007

Lesson Plans

WEEK(s) of:__10.29______to_11.2______/ 2007____ Cycle:_1____Semester:__1______

Teacher’s Name: Barber Department: Science Academy : Health/Engineering
BLOCK __1 & 4_____ ROOM #___316______ / MONDAY / Teacher’s Notes/ Reflection
NJCCCS & HSPA Clusters/Content: 5.5.12.A.1
Lesson Objective:SWBAT
1)Explain the three components of the cell theory.
2)Distinguish between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
3)Describe the function of the nucleus.
4)Describe how to use a microscope.
5)Go over old test.
Initiation/Warm-up/Sponge Activity: ( 5 Minutes)
Warm-up Activity: What is your definition of a cell?
Whole-Group Direct Instruction: ( 20 Minutes)
Teacher Will: go over HW, and give notes on above topics, NJIT fellow will present animations of Cells Alive
Individual & Cooperative-Pair/Group Activity/Student Presentations ( 50 Minutes)
Students Will: investigatedifferent types of organisms while learning to use the microscope.
Closure/Exit Ticket/Student Reflection Activity: ( 5 Minutes)
Expert & Confused sheet
Homework: study for quiz on prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes, complete microscope questions
Assessments: Expert & Confused sheet
Materials/Equipment/Technology Used: computer and projector for notes and pictures.
COURSE ______
BLOCK ____ ROOM #______ / TUESDAY / Teacher’s Notes/ Reflection
NJCCCS & HSPA Clusters/Content: 5.1-5.4
Lesson Objective:SWBAT
1) Create a portfolio to display work completed from Ch 1& 2.
Initiation/Warm-up/Sponge Activity: ( 5 Minutes)
Warm-up Activity: If you could write a letter to anyone, to whom would you write it?
Whole-Group Direct Instruction: ( 10 Minutes)
Teacher Will: give quiz, go over HW, explain the Portfolio.
Individual & Cooperative-Pair/Group Activity/Student Presentations ( 20 Minutes)
Students Will: collect completed work from their notebooks and create a portfolio.
Closure/Exit Ticket/Student Reflection Activity: ( 5 Minutes)
What work are you most proud of in your portfolio?
Homework: Study for quiz on microscope parts, Portfolio letter.
Assessments: Portfolio
Materials/Equipment/Technology Used: None
COURSE ______
BLOCK ____ ROOM #______ / WEDNESDAY / Teacher’s Notes/ Reflection
NJCCCS & HSPA Clusters/Content: 5.5.12.A.1
Lesson Objective:SWBAT
1)Identify and describe the functions of major cell organelles.
2)Finish portfolios by placing everything into a folder.
3)Fill out Edible Cell Sheet
Initiation/Warm-up/Sponge Activity: ( 5 Minutes)
Warm-up Activity: What is the function of the nucleus?
Whole-Group Direct Instruction: ( 20 Minutes)
Teacher Will: give quiz, go over HW, and give notes on above topics
Individual & Cooperative-Pair/Group Activity/Student Presentations ( 50 Minutes)
Students Will: take notes on above topics, finish portfolio, fill out sheet for edible cells.
Closure/Exit Ticket/Student Reflection Activity: ( 5 Minutes)
Homework: complete worksheet on organelles
Assessments: portfolio
Materials/Equipment/Technology Used: computer and projector for notes and pictures
COURSE ______
BLOCK ____ ROOM #______ / THURSDAY / Teacher’s Notes/ Reflection
NJCCCS & HSPA Clusters/Content: 5.5.12. A.1
Lesson Objective:SWBAT
1) Design their Edible Cell using the planning sheet from yesterday.
Initiation/Warm-up/Sponge Activity: ( 5 Minutes)
Warm-up Activity: Gather materials needed for Edible Cell- use planning sheet.
Whole-Group Direct Instruction: ( 5 Minutes)
Teacher Will: go over HW, give directions for Edible Cells
Individual & Cooperative-Pair/Group Activity/Student Presentations ( 25 Minutes)
Students Will: create an Edible Cell using materials provided, NJIT fellow with work with students in small groups to review concepts
Closure/Exit Ticket/Student Reflection Activity: ( 5 Minutes)
Homework: Study for quiz on organelles, complete analysis sheet on project
Assessments: Edible Cell
Materials/Equipment/Technology Used: None
COURSE ______
BLOCK ____ ROOM #______ / FRIDAY / Teacher’s Notes/ Reflection
NJCCCS & HSPA Clusters/Content:
Lesson Objective:SWBAT
1) Explain the process of diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, and active transport.
Initiation/Warm-up/Sponge Activity: ( 5 Minutes)
Warm-up Activity: What does it mean that a cell membrane has a lipid bilayer?
Whole-Group Direct Instruction: ( 20 Minutes)
Teacher Will: give quiz, go over HW, and give notes on above topics
Individual & Cooperative-Pair/Group Activity/Student Presentations ( 50 Minutes)
Students Will: take notes, model the permeability of cell using iodine and starch through an experiment.
Closure/Exit Ticket/Student Reflection Activity: ( 5 Minutes) Expert and Confused sheet.
Homework: Work on Organelle Collage Project over break.
Assessments: Lab Analysis questions
Materials/Equipment/Technology Used: computer and projector for notes and pictures.
NJCCCS & HSPA Clusters/Content:
Lesson Objective: SWBAT describe the functions of the organelles studied..
Activity: Students will gather pictures representing each organelle and create a collage. Pictures will be numbered and student will describe why this picture represents the organelle.
Date Assigned: 11.2
Due Date: 11. 13