Congratulations! You have made a decision to recertify for the newly revised Certified Commissioning Professional (CCP)certification.

Before completing this recertification application, please go to our website and download the Candidate Handbook. This Handbook provides a comprehensive explanation of the recertification process and eligibility requirements.

Recertification Applicantsshouldreview the appropriate recertification sections in the CCP Candidate Handbook in order to understandthe requirements for the revised program.Although during this first recertification process you will only be required to complete a percentage of the recertification requirements in the future you will need to meet all the requirements of the program. The application contains five sections:

Section I. Applicant Information;

Section II. Recertification Requirements;

Section III. Code of Ethics and BCA Essential Attributes;

Section IV. Certification of Accuracy and Affirmations; and

Section V. Payment Information.

Please ensure all sections of your application are complete. Please call (877) 666-2292 with questions.

The application information is held in strict confidence according to the BCCB Privacy/Confidentiality Policy and the BCCB Records Retention Policy. These policies may be viewed in the Candidate Handbook and apply to all aspects of CCP programincluding application materials, examinations, scores and other records.

The Building Commissioning Certification Board (BCCB)

The BCCB does not discriminate in the participation in the CCP Certification Program and prohibits discrimination against its applicants, candidates, certified persons, employees, and volunteers on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, or sexual orientation.

Application Instructions

Applicants for recertification must meet the requirements described in Sections II. Please list your legal name on the application.

The address entered should be the address at which you wishto receive all BCCB correspondence, including the new CCP certificate. This may be either your personal address or your business address.

The instructions and requirements on this application should be read in their entirety prior to submittal. Applicants will be notified one time of deficiencies in their application. Candidates submitting incomplete recertification applications will be notified in writing of the deficiencies, and provided 30 days to address issues as described. If the recertification application is not complete within the 30-day window, the BCCB will provide notification that the credential is revoked.

Failure to respond to the BCCB during this 30-day period will result in forfeiture of all recertification application fees and revocation.Please see the CCP Candidate Handbook for complete information.

Completed applications should be saved in a PDF format, using the following naming convention: Last_First_CCP_RECertApp.pdf.

Completed Applications may be submitted via email to , or by mail to the BCCB offices by a traceable source. Applicants are responsible for saving a completed copy of the application.

This application can be used to maintain an existing certification only.

Please direct written communications to:

Building Commissioning Certification Board

Attention: Certification Manager

1600 NW Compton Drive, Suite 200

Beaverton, OR 97006

1-877-666-BCXA (2292) (toll-free)

Fax: 503-747-2903


Section I: Applicant Information

Date of application submission:Click here to enter a date

Legal Name: Last, First, Middle

Name(as it should appear on your certificate):Click to enter name.

Mailing Address, City State, Postal Code:Click to enter text.

Phone:Click to enter text.Email: Click to enter text.

This contact information is for my ☐ home or ☐ business.

Current Employer: Click to enter text.

City, State You Work in: Click to enter info.

Original certificate issue date: Click to enter a date.

Section II: Recertification Requirements

Mandatory Requirements

Applicants must participate in one commissioning project in the last three years and earn a total of 12 points over the course of three years. Of the 12points 6of them must be earned from continuing education. The second 6 points can be earned from a variety of options. For more details see the Candidate Handbook.

  1. The certificant must participate in implementing the commissioning process for a minimum of one project. No points awarded.

Building Name: Click here to enter text.

City/State/Country: Click here to enter text.

Dates of Service: Click here to enter text.

Name of Reference: Click here to enter text.

Reference Phone: Click here to enter text.

Company/Organization: Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.

  1. Applicant must show 6 CEs from education/training

Title of Training/Class / Activity (i.e., webinar) / Delivered by Organization / Date(s) / Number of Hours / Number of Points
Choose an item. /
  • Webinars - 1 point per hour of attendance
  • Conference Session - 1 point per hour of attendance
  • Workshops - 1 point per hour of attendance
  • College Credit (traditional or online) – 10 points per college credit
  • Training online or in person – 1 point per hour of attendance

Other Qualifying Recertification Requirements

  1. Applicant must show 6 Points from approved list below

Organization/Event Name / Activity Type / Title / Date(s) / # of Hours / # of Points
  1. Participate as a team member on a commissioning project of a non-residential new or existing building: 10 points. (This is in addition to the mandatory requirement.) Please enter information below.

Building Name: Click here to enter text.

City/State/Country: Click here to enter text.

Dates of Service: Click here to enter text.

Name of Reference: Click here to enter text.

Reference Phone: Click here to enter text.

Company/Organization: Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.

For all other options please enter on chart above.

  1. Continuing Education (CE):
  • Webinars – 1 point per hour of attendance; 2 points per hour as presenter for the first presentation, then 1 point per hour for subsequent equivalent presentation
  • Conference Presentation -1 point per hour of attendance; 2 points per hour as presenter for the first presentation, then 1 point per hour for subsequent equivalent presentations
  • Workshops – 1 point per hour of attendance; 2 points per hour as presenter for the first presentation, then 1 point per hour for subsequent equivalent presentations
  • College Credit (traditional or online) – 10 points per college credit
  • Training online or in person – 1 point per hour of attendance; 2 points per hour as a presenter for the first presentation, then 1 point per hour for subsequent equivalent presentations.
  1. Certification Examination Development – Services as a Subject Matter Expert to BCCB. 2 points awarded for 1 hour of participation – up to 25 points.
  2. Regulatory Work: Participation in development or maintenance of regulatory standards. 1 point awarded for 1 hour of participation – up to 10 points.
  3. Retest: Meet the current qualifications for and pass the certification exam: 25 points.
  4. Publications: – 5 points per article, up to 10 points.

Section III: Code of Ethics and BCA Essential Attributes

Code of Ethics

  1. Exercise a reasonable industry standard of care in the performance of professional duties.
  2. Perform professional duties with trust, integrity, and honesty.
  3. Hold paramount the health and safety of the public in the performance of professional duties.
  4. Work in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and regulations; demonstrate integrity, honesty, and fairness in all activities; and strive for excellence in all matters of ethical conduct.
  5. Act with integrity in any relationship that involves an employer or client and disclose fully to an affected employer or client any conflicts-of-interest resulting from business affiliations or personal interests.
  6. Represent qualifications accurately and honestly.
  7. Offer products and services only in areas where competence and expertise will satisfy the client and public need.
  8. Agree to comply with and uphold all policies, procedures, guidelines, and requirements of the certification program; use the designation as authorized and only in the approved manner; acknowledge that the certificate and marks are the property of their respective owners; and return the certificate and discontinue use of the designation and marks when required to do so.
  9. Accept responsibility for maintaining the credential through recertification and continuously uphold the Code of Ethics.
  10. Voluntarily and immediately report any felony convictions or other legal dispositions that would constitute violations of this Code of Ethics that have not already been disclosed, regardless of when they occurred, and report any conditions that prohibit fulfillment of duties as set forth in the competency requirements.

Below are the Essential Attributes of the Building Commissioning Association (BCA). The BCCB believes that they are important to the practice of commissioning today and therefore incorporates them into the Attestations of the CCP certifications.

Essential Attributes of Building Commissioning (as adopted by the BCA Board of Directors, 1999)

It is BCA’s premise that, “The basic purpose of building commissioning is to provide documented confirmation that building systems function in compliance with criteria set forth in the Project Documents to satisfy the owner’s operational needs. Commissioning of existing systems may require the development of new functional criteria in order to address the owner’s current systems performance requirements.”

BCAconsidersthefollowingattributestobesofundamentaltoeffectivebuildingcommissioningthatall membersagreeinwritingtoadheretothemwhenevertheyserveasaproject'sCommissioning Authority:

  1. TheCommissioningAuthority(CA)isinchargeofthecommissioningprocessandmakesthefinal recommendationstotheownerregardingfunctionalperformanceofthecommissionedbuilding systems.
  2. TheCAisanobjective,independentadvocateoftheOwner.IftheCA'sfirmhasotherproject responsibilities,orisnotunderdirectcontracttotheOwner,aconflictofinterestexists.Whereverthis occurs,theCAdiscloses,inwriting,thenatureoftheconflictandthemeansbywhichtheconflict shallbemanaged.
  3. Inadditiontohavinggoodwrittenandverbalcommunicationskills,theCAhascurrentengineering knowledge,andextensiveandrecenthands-onfieldexperienceregarding:
  1. Buildingsystemscommissioning,
  2. Thephysicalprinciplesofbuildingsystemsperformanceandinteraction,
  3. Buildingsystemsstart-up,balancing,testingandtroubleshooting,
  4. Operationandmaintenanceprocedures,and
  5. Thebuildingdesignandconstructionprocess.
  1. Foreachproject,thecommissioningpurposeandscopeareclearlydefinedintheCAcontract.
  2. TheCArecommendsthecommissioningrolesandscopeforallmembersofthedesignand constructionteamsbeclearlydefinedin:
  1. Eachdesignconsultant'scontract,
  2. Theconstructionmanager'scontract,
  3. GeneralConditionsoftheSpecifications,
  4. Eachdivisionofthespecificationscoveringworktobecommissioned,and
  5. Thespecificationsforeachsystemandcomponentforwhichthesuppliers'supportisrequired.
  1. Eachprojectiscommissionedinaccordancewithawrittencommissioningplanthatisupdatedasthe projectprogresses.Thecommissioningplan:
  1. Identifiesthesystemstobecommissioned,
  2. Definesthescopeofthecommissioningprocess,
  3. Definescommissioningrolesandlinesofcommunicationsforeachmemberoftheprojectteam, and
  4. Estimatesthecommissioningschedule.
  1. Onnewbuildingcommissioningprojects,theCAreviewssystemsinstallationforcommissioning relatedissuesthroughouttheconstructionperiod.
  2. Allcommissioningactivitiesandfindingsaredocumentedastheyoccur.Thesereportsare distributedastheyaregenerated,andincludedinthefinalreport.
  3. Thefunctionaltestingprogramobjectivelyverifiesthatthebuildingsystemsperforminteractivelyin accordancewiththeProjectDocuments.Written,repeatabletestprocedures,preparedspecifically for eachproject,areusedtofunctionallytestcomponentsandsystemsinallmodesofoperating conditionsspecifiedfortesting.Thesetestsaredocumentedtoclearlydescribetheindividual systematictestprocedures,theexpectedsystemsresponseoracceptancecriteriaforeachprocedure, theactualresponseorfindings,andanypertinentdiscussion.
  4. Thecommissioningauthorityprovidesconstructiveinputfortheresolutionofsystemdeficiencies.
  5. Everycommissioningprojectisdocumentedwithacommissioningreportthatincludes:
  1. Anevaluationoftheoperatingconditionofthesystemsatthetimeoffunctionaltestcompletion,
  2. Deficienciesthatwerediscoveredandthemeasurestakentocorrectthem,
  3. Uncorrectedoperationaldeficienciesthatwereacceptedbytheowner,
  4. Functionaltestproceduresandresults,
  5. Reportsthatdocumentallcommissioningfieldactivitiesastheyprogress,and
  6. Adescriptionandestimatedscheduleofrequireddeferredtesting.

Section IV: Certification of Accuracy and Affirmations

To qualify for the CCP examination you must respond to the following questions and sign the Certification of Accuracy and Affirmations in this Section.

  1. Have you received a regulatory reprimand? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If Yes, please provide details concerning the facts related to the reprimand.

  1. I hereby attest to, and certify that, the following statements are true, correct, and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I further agree to fulfill the obligations set forth as follows:

☐Y ☐NHaving read the CCP Code of Ethics, I agree to act and conduct my practice in accordance with the currently adopted Code and Policies.

☐Y ☐NHaving read BCA Essential Attributes of Building Commissioning, I agree to act and conduct my practice in accordance with the currently adopted Essential Attributes.

☐Y ☐NI understand and agree that I am obligated to report, in writing, in a timely manner any changes concerning my responses to this application to the BCCB, including any notice of address change.

☐Y ☐NI have never been the subject of any professional or occupational credentialing, license, certification or registration, ethics or other disciplinary matter(s) or proceeding(s).

☐Y ☐NI understand that any intentional or unintentional failure to provide true and complete responses to this application may result in sanctions by the BCCB.

If you answer "NO" to any statement(s) above, please provide a written explanation on a separate page. Attach the page to this application.

  1. I am requesting special testing accommodations. ☐Yes ☐ No

If yes, please attach documentation as required by the CCP Candidate Handbook.

Communication and CCP Registry Policy

I understand that a condition of certification is acceptance from the BCCB of all “official correspondence.” I understand that refusal to accept “official correspondence” or issuance of a demand to have my personal information removed from the BCCB data base will cause revocation of certification status. I further understand that a benefit of CCP Certification is that limited information concerning CCP Certificants is posted on the CCP online Registry and that information concerning my certification status will be shared with outside agents. I also understand that the BCCB at times may share my contact information with outside agents promoting education and programs of interest to building commissioning practitioners. I have indicated my willingness/unwillingness to be included in the database, the published registry and to receive additional information related to the profession as indicated below:

☐I give my permission for the BCCB to include my information in the BCCB internal database and to send me all official communication.

☐I give my permission for the BCCB to post my name, current employer, state/province of practice, and certification title information on the CCP Registry.


Read each of the following statements carefully. By signing and dating below, you are affirming that each statement is true. If you cannot truthfully attest to all of the statements, you are not eligible to be certified. Please note that, should the BCCB determine that you have falsified any attestation, your application may be rejected, your examination scores may be canceled, and/or your certification may be revoked.

  1. I certify that the information provided in this application is true, accurate, and verifiable to the best of my knowledge. Further, I agree to notify BCCB of any material change in the information provided in this application or of the occurrence of any event or development bearing upon my eligibility for certification, including, but not limited to any criminal conviction or disciplinary action by a licensing board or professional organization.
  2. I understand that, once the BCCB processes and approves this application, the fee for this certification program is non-refundable.
  3. I understand that I must take the examination within six (6) months of application approval.
  4. I understand I am personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the examination content and may not discuss or document the exam content in any format except with BCCB staff. I also understand that I have the opportunity to request special accommodation for the examination with appropriate documentation of a disability.
  5. I understand that BCCB certification is valid for a period of three (3) years. Should I be granted certification, I understand that if I seek recertification, it is my responsibility to demonstrate evidence of my continued competence in the field of building commissioning. I will notify the BCCB of changes in contact information so that I can be reached regarding recertification.
  6. I understand that BCCB reserves the right to verify any or all information on this application and that any incorrect or misleading information may constitute grounds for rejection of my application, revocation of my CCPcertification, or other disciplinary action. I authorize BCCB and its officers, directors, employees, agents, and assigned examiners to review my application to determine whether I have met BCCB’s standards for certification; this review may include contacting employers, references or educational institutions to confirm the veracity of statements made on this application.
  7. I understand and agree that BCCB reserves the right to use my examination score and certain data from my application to prepare summary statistical analyses, some of which may be published, but that my individual data will not be made public.
  8. I indemnify and hold harmless the BCCB and its officers, directors, employees, agents, and assigned examiners from the decision made on my application as long as such decision was made in good faith according to all BCCB policies and procedures, and does not constitute gross negligence by the BCCB or their officers, directors, employees, agents and/or assigned examiners.

I acknowledge that I have read this application and BCCB’s certification requirements, policies and procedures, and I understand that it will be my responsibility to remain in compliance with all of BCCB’s certification requirements, policies and procedures.

Signature Date Click here to enter a date.

Section V: Payment Information

The following application fees are in effect:

Select One / Status / Cost
☐ / Application Fee for Individual and Corporate BCA members: BCA Member #______ / $300
☐ / Application Fee for non-BCA members / $450
☐ / Examination Fee if you choose to take again as part of your recertification. / $150
Late application charges. Note: If the application is received or postmarked after the recertification due date, the appropriate charge will be applied even if not checked here.
☐ / Late application received within 90 days of certificate expiration / Plus $100
☐ / Late application received 91-120 days of certificate expiration / Plus $200
Late application received 121 days after certificate expires must reapply for certification / N/A
Total / $ Enter total

The BCCB must receive the applicationfee in full along with therecertification application before processing. We accept checks drawn on a company account, personal checks, money orders, cashier’s checks. All check MUST be made out to the Building Commissioning Certification Board. We also accept credit card payments from VISA and MasterCard. We do not accept cash, Discover Card or American Express.

Payment Type: ☐Visa ☐MasterCard ☐Check: Enter check #. (Make checks out to BCCB)

Card number: Click here to enter text.Expiration (mm/yyyy): Click to enter a date.

Name as it appears on the card: Click here to enter text.

Billing Address: Click here to enter text.

Billing City, State, Postal Code: Click here to enter text.

Signature of cardholder: DateClick here to enter a date.