Name: Kristin Wahl

IRA STANDARD / Artifacts / Rationale /
1. Foundational Knowledge. Candidates have knowledge of the foundations of reading and writing processes and instruction. As a result, the candidates:
1.1  Demonstrate knowledge of psychological, sociological, and linguistic foundations of reading and writing processes and instruction. / Exams from RE 5100, Beginning Readers and Writers
Certificate from NCSIP II, Foundations of Reading
Case studies from RE 5537, Educating Students with Reading Disabilities
Inquiry project from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature / These artifacts demonstrate my understanding of the foundations of the reading and writing processes with students of differing psychological, sociological, and linguistic abilities. Within these artifacts, I deepen my understanding of the processes that beginning readers and writers, students with reading disabilities, and ESL students go through when learning how to read. The knowledge that I have gained from these artifacts has better prepared me to work with my current and future student populations.
1.2  Demonstrate knowledge of reading research and histories of reading. / Book Clubs Research Project from RE 5040, Teacher as a Researcher
Inquiry project from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature
American Diploma Project Paper from RE 5540, The Art of Differentiating Vocabulary and Comprehension
The Three R’s Paper from RE 5540, The Art of Differentiating Vocabulary and Comprehension
RTI Reflection Paper from RE 5537, Educating Students with Reading Disabilities / These artifacts demonstrate my understanding of current research that relates to improving reading strategies, increasing students’ motivation to read, introducing ESL students to reading and writing, and establishing classroom communities through book clubs. Other artifacts that I have included relate to the current educational philosophy of education-based organizations and modern views and beliefs of the present education system of America. These artifacts have increased my awareness of educational research and have provided me with ideas to incorporate into my own classroom. Reading different articles has also opened my eyes to other opinions and perspectives on current educational issues.
1.3  Demonstrate knowledge of language development and reading acquisition and the variations related to culture and linguistic diversity. / Inquiry project from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature
Exams from RE 5100, Beginning Readers and Writers / These artifacts demonstrate my knowledge related to the language development and reading acquisition of different learners. In these artifacts, I have deepened my knowledge how beginning readers, struggling readers, students with reading disabilities, and ESL students learn how to read. I have learned that the processes involved in teaching these students how to read are similar to one another. Through these artifacts I have learned how to identify the stages of reading that students struggle with and which strategies work best with these weaknesses.
1.4  Demonstrate knowledge of the major components of reading (phonemic awareness, word identification and phonics, vocabulary and background knowledge, fluency, comprehension strategies, and motivation) and how they are integrated in fluent reading. / Exams from RE 5100, Beginning Readers and
Certificate from NCSIP II, Foundations of Reading
Vocabulary Strategies Project from RE 5540, The Art of Differentiating Vocabulary and Comprehension
Book Clubs Research Project from RE 5040, Teacher as a Researcher
Inquiry project from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature
Certificate from NCSIP II, Foundations of Reading / These artifacts demonstrate my understanding of the major components of reading including phonemic awareness, word identification and phonics, vocabulary and background knowledge, fluency, comprehension strategies, and motivation. All of these components work with one another to create proficient and knowledgeable readers. These artifacts specifically identify how to use these different reading components with beginning readers, struggling readers, students with reading disabilities, ESL students, and advanced readers. Differentiating instruction for all readers will create an environment where every student is given the opportunity to reach his/her full learning potential.
Standard 2. Instructional Strategies and Curriculum Materials. Candidates use a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, methods, and curriculum materials to support reading and writing instruction. As a result, the candidates:
2.1 Use instructional grouping options (individual, small-group, whole-class, and computer based) as appropriate for accomplishing given purposes. / Vocabulary Strategies Project from RE 5540, The Art of Differentiating Vocabulary and Comprehension
Book Clubs Research Project from RE 5040, Teacher as a Researcher
Oregon Trail Content Area Project from RI 5730, Reading and Writing Instruction for Advanced and Intermediate Learners
Inquiry project from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature
Poetry Assignment from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts / These artifacts demonstrate my knowledge related to grouping students in order to complete activities related to reading and writing. Differentiating classroom instruction and literacy activities allow students to share their ideas with their peers and to learn from other students. Grouping students can allow time for specific instructional activities or lessons that address specific students’ strengths and weaknesses.
2.2 Use a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, and methods, including technology-based practices, for learners at differing stages of development and from differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds. / Oregon Trail Content Area Project from RI 5730, Reading and Writing Instruction for Advanced and Intermediate Learners
Inquiry project from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature
Multigenre Project from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts
Poetry Assignment from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to differentiate instruction for every learner in my classroom. Each artifact offers the students several options as to how they can respond to the activity, lesson, or unit. Individual students have their own specific way in which they learn best. These artifacts give my students the choice to select ideas or topics specific to their interest and learning styles.
2.3 Use a wide range of curriculum materials in effective reading instruction for learners at different stages of reading and writing development and from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. / Writing Mini-Lesson from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts
Book Clubs Research Project from RE 5040, Teacher as a Researcher
Inquiry project from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature
Multigenre Project from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to use a wide-range of curriculum materials during reading and writing instruction with my students. The research and projects that I have created prove that I incorporate a variety of picture books, wordless books, leveled texts, magazines, newspapers, and information from the Internet to support my students’ literacy levels, interests, and differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Standard 3. Assessment, Diagnosis, and Evaluation. Candidates use a variety of assessment tools and practices to plan and evaluate effective reading instruction. As a result, candidates:
3.1  Use a wide range of assessment tools and practices that range from individual and group standardized tests to individual and group informal classroom assessment strategies, including technology-based assessment tools. / Writing Mini-Lesson from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts
Oregon Trail Content Area Project from RI 5730, Reading and Writing Instruction for Advanced and Intermediate Learners
Case studies from RE 5537, Educating Students with Reading Disabilities
IRI Evaluation from RE 5715, Reading Assessment and Correction / These artifacts demonstrate my knowledge and use of a variety of assessment tools and practices in order to gain insight into my students’ abilities. In order to assess my students, these artifacts use individual formal and informal classroom assessment strategies through diary entries, graphic organizers, vocabulary and comprehension activities, ABC books, tests, and research projects. These artifacts also use formal standardized tests in order to assess students for special education placements. The knowledge of a variety of assessments has given me the opportunity to learn about my students’ abilities in different learning contexts.
3.2  Place students along a developmental continuum and identify students’ proficiencies and difficulties. / Case studies from RE 5537, Educating Students with Reading Disabilities
IRI Evaluation from RE 5715, Reading Assessment and Correction / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to use formal assessments in order identify students’ proficiencies and difficulties with their literacy skills. Placing my students along a developmental continuum gives me the opportunity to set individual goals for my students and to mark the progress that they make with their literacy achievements.
3.3  Use assessment information to plan, evaluate, and revise effective instruction that meets the needs of all students including those at different developmental stages and those from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. / IRI Evaluation from RE 5715, Reading Assessment and Correction
Case studies from RE 5537, Educating Students with Reading Disabilities / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to plan, evaluate, and revise effective instruction that meets the needs of all my students. Evaluating students on a regular basis gives me the opportunity to more effectively plan and revise activities and lessons that need to occur in order for each student to reach his/her next stage in the reading and writing process.
3.4  Communicate results of assessments to specific individuals, (students, parents, caregivers, colleagues, administrators, policymakers, policy officials, community, etc.). / Case studies from RE 5537, Educating Students with Reading Disabilities
Biweekly math and reading student assessments for my administrators / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to communicate results of formal and informal assessments to my administrators and fellow students within the reading education cohort. Discussing and sharing assessment results with other professionals has allowed me to gain other perspectives and new ideas on how to help specific students.
Standard 4. Creating a Literate Environment. Candidates create a literate environment that fosters reading and writing by integrating foundational knowledge, use of instructional practices, approaches and methods, curriculum materials, and the appropriate use of assessments. As a result, candidates:
4.1 Use students’ interests, reading abilities and backgrounds as foundations for the reading and writing program. / Book Clubs Research Project from RE 5040, Teacher as a Researcher
Multigenre Project from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts
Poetry Assignment from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to use my students’ interests, reading abilities, and backgrounds to become engaged with daily reading and writing activities. Using students’ interests and specific abilities gives students an opportunity to select specific reading and writing activities that appeal to them. This in turn will increase their motivation to read and write.
4.2 Use a large supply of books, technology-based information, and non-print materials representing multiple levels, broad interests, cultures and linguistic backgrounds. / Quinceanera PowerPoint from RE 5538, Diversity in Children’s Literature
Book Clubs Research Project from RE 5040, Teacher as a Researcher
Inquiry project from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature
Book Reviews from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature / These artifacts demonstrate my knowledge of books of varying levels, genres, interests, and different cultures and linguistic backgrounds. My knowledge of books and non-print materials of all genres and age levels allow me to provide students with choices of texts that appeal to them. Based upon this wealth of knowledge, I am able to use a variety of texts to motivate all of my students to read and to accompany specific lessons and activities.
4.3  Model reading and writing enthusiastically as valued life-long activities. / Book Clubs Research Project from RE 5040, Teacher as a Researcher
Multigenre Project from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts
Poetry Assignment from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts
Writing Mini-Lesson from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to model reading and writing enthusiastically. Showing students that reading and writing can be exciting encourages them to develop a positive disposition towards these life-long activities. These artifacts gave my students opportunities to take part in reading and writing activities that fostered excitement and a positive attitude towards specific literacy skills.
4.4  Motivate learners to be life-long readers. / Book Clubs Research Project from RE 5040, Teacher as a Researcher
Multigenre Project from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts
Inquiry project from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to motivate my students to become life-long readers. Activities, lessons, and projects that inspire and motivate students to read more often and to learn about new topics open their eyes to the exciting world of reading.
Standard 5. Professional Development. Candidates view professional development as a career-long effort and responsibility. As a result, candidates:
5.1  Display dispositions related to reading and the teaching of reading. / Inquiry project from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature
Daily Read Alouds / These artifacts demonstrate my positive dispositions towards reading and the teaching of reading. My interest and excitement towards reading is reflected in my coursework and daily classroom activities. A positive attitude towards reading and learning has inspired my students to become interested in reading.
5.2  Continue to pursue the development of professional knowledge and dispositions. / Certificate from the Third Annual Elementary Education Conference
Balanced Literacy program implementation
Certificate from NCSIP II, Foundations of Reading
SMART Board Training / These artifacts demonstrate my desire to further develop my professional knowledge and dispositions towards education and the teaching of reading. Attending staff development workshops and trainings has given me a variety of new ideas and methods to incorporate into my classroom. These new techniques and strategies have influenced my classroom structure and how well I am able to facilitate my students’ learning.
5.3  Work with colleagues to observe, evaluate, and provide feedback on each other’s practice. / ILT Yearly Assessments
Fourth Year Assessments / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to work with colleagues and administrators to observe, evaluate, and provide feedback on my teaching methods and skills. These evaluations provide feedback that allows me to assess my strengths and weaknesses in order to improve my teaching ability to better meet the needs of my students.
5.4  Participate in, initiate, implement, and evaluate professional development programs. / Balanced Literacy program implementation
Certificate from NCSIP II, Foundations of Reading / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to participate in, initiate, and evaluate professional development programs at my school. After participating in these workshops and being trained through specific programs, I created staff development activities for my colleagues in order to teach them how to incorporate the programs into their own classrooms. Sharing these programs has helped unify the staff in my school so that we are using similar programs and methods to help all of our students learn.