Class Expectations – Mr. Smits– ()

Classroom Behavior Expectations

1. Be in your assigned seat before the bell stops ringing. Remain seated until instructed to leave by the teacher.

2. Come to class prepared to work.

3. Show respect for every person and their property. Use appropriate language when communicating with others. Keep your hands and feet off other people and their belongings. Clean your work area.

4. Stay on task. Any action that disrupts the education process is prohibited (do not sleep, eat, drink, make unnecessary noise, throw objects, wander, use unauthorized electronic devices, etc.)

5. Follow school rules and Ethical Practices


Warning / detention,

Student – Teacher conference,

Parent / Guardian Contact,

Referral to their Grade Level Coordinator (GLC).

Severe Violation: Removal from class and referral to theirGLC

Parent Portal & Grading Policy

Please check student grades using parent portal. (

Feel free to contact me about any concerns. Grades are based on the points earned divided by of the points possible. The following scale is used to determine the letter grade:

90%–100%= A, 80%–89%= B, 70%–79% = C,

60% – 69% = D and less than 60% = F.

Make–Up Work

Make up work is only accepted if the student has an excused absence. Make up work is not accepted after an unexcused absence.


Homework is worth 3 points (unless announced otherwise) and will be assigned almost every night. It must be neat, turned in on time and student work must be shown to receive full credit. Late work will not be accepted. If a student has an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what they missed. The student needs to copy the notes and assignments for the day(s) missed from a class member. The student has as many days to make up work as he/she was absent.

Homework Assignment Policy:

1. Do your own work. Do not share answers, or copy someone else’s work.

2. Copy all problems, excluding word problems.

3. Show neatly organized work including diagrams.

4. Identify answers (highlight, circle, box or answer column)

5. Attempt substantially all problems before coming to class. Have your homework on your desk when class begins.

6. Make corrections on your homework.

7. Use proper heading (the upper right corner has your Name, the date assigned, period and assignment # and the top line has the assignment).

8. If you have problems doing the homework, ask the teacher for extra help.


There is generally a test at the end of each unit worth approximately 100 points. The final exam is comprehensive at the end of the semester and worth approximately 15% of the student’s grade. After an excused absence, be prepared to take the missed exam the day you return to school.

Exam (Quiz, Test, Final) Policy:

1. Clear desk of all un–allowed books and papers (out of sight). Keep your answers covered at all times.

2. Stay in your seat during exam time.

3. In case of difficulty, raise your hand and ask the teacher for help (pencil broke, can’t read question, etc.).

4. Do not talk to any student for any reason. If you finish early, be considerate of others, stay absolutely quiet.

5. Be neat and organized with your work. If you want partial credit, be sure I can find your work.

6. Turn in the exam and scratch work when instructed by the teacher.

7. Avoid any and all behaviors that could resemble cheating in any way (looking at someone else’s paper, turning around, leaning toward someone else’s desk, not keeping your hands on your desk, using un–allowed electronic devices, etc.)

Violation of any Exam or Homework Policy may result in a zero on that work, and further disciplinary action.

------Complete the section below. Tear off and return to Mr. Smits by Wednesday ------

I have read and understood the above classroom policies. I agree to abide by these policies or accept the consequences.


Student Name (print) Student ID# Student Signature Period Date

We have read, understood and discussed these policies with our child.


Parent/Guardian Signature Parent/Guardian Email Address Parent/Guardian Phone #