Teacher Education Candidate Supervising Teacher UWG Supervisor

_____Alyssa Eberhard______Ruth Roessel/Angela Heath______Wanda Calhoun______

School ____Roopville Elementary______Date of Implemented Lesson Plan ____3/2/11______

Block No. __2____ Subject: ______Math - Pictographs______Grade Level: _____3rd______

Teaching Skills Focus for This Lesson: Optimizing Time
Stage 1 The Desired Results
Standards – Content and Process Standards / M3D1. Students will create and interpret simple tables and graphs.
b. Construct and interpret line plot graphs, pictographs, Venn diagrams, and bar graphs using scale increments of 1, 2, 5, and 10.
M3P5. Students will represent mathematics in multiple ways.
a.  Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas.
Specific Learning Objective(s) / Students survey their classmates to collect data and then display the data using pictographs.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Assessment Instrument
(Ex. Test, Poster, Presentation, Picture, etc.) / “Types of Graphs” Poster
Evaluation (Grading) Instrument
(Ex. Point System, Rubric, Checklist, etc.) / Students will receive participation points, and using a point system to evaluate if they did the worksheet correctly.
Stage 3 Learning Plans
Materials / The Great Graph Contest by Loreen Leedy, “Types of Graphs” poster, “What’s your favorite?” worksheet, pictograph template
Sequence of Teacher Actions
*Tie to Previous Learning
*Significant Actions to Introduce and Guide Lesson / *Teacher will read The Great Graph Contest to the students.
* Teacher will review the different types of graphs using the poster, putting emphasis on pictographs. Teacher will talk with students about how graphs were used in the book.
* Teacher will explain the activity for the day. Teacher will then guide the students as they brainstorm possible questions to ask starting with, “What’s your favorite ______?” and write the answers on the board. Teacher will explain to the students that their question on their worksheet must come from the list on the board. Teacher will then pass out the worksheets. S/He will then prompt the students to write down which question they want to ask as well as three possible answers. Teacher will then give the students 10 minutes to ask as many people as they can. After the time is up, teacher will have students return to their seat and s/he will pass out a pictograph worksheet. Teacher will have the students draw their pictures of data they collected.
Sequence of Student Actions
*Explain How Students Are Engaged During Lesson
* Explain How Students Discuss or Present Results of What They Did During the Lesson / * Students will listen to The Great Graph Contest. Students will answer questions related to graphs. Students will then participate in brainstorming ideas for questions. Students will choose one question to ask from the ones on the board and three possible answers. Students will then have 10 minutes to ask classmates which is their favorite. Students will return to their seats and transfer their data to a pictograph.
* Students will present their finished pictograph with their data. Each student’s pictograph will differ.
Teacher’s Lesson Closure/Wrap-Up/Transition / Teacher will ask students questions about their graphs.
Adaptations for Exceptional Students (Anyone who requires modifications for their needs) / Special Needs: Will use the Pictograph Template.
Gifted: Will draw their own pictograph.
Related Activities/Extensions
(What can students do who need more than is in the lesson? Should be related to lesson.) / Students can transfer their data to a different type of graph. Ex. Venn diagram or bar graph.
Connections to Other Disciplines / Science, Physical Activity

Attach Candidate’s Reflection of the Lesson:


EQ: How can graphs be used to display data gathered from a survey?

1.  Read story

2.  Poster

3.  Brainstorm

4.  Collect Data

5.  Pictograph

6.  Share Time