COA Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2010

1:30-3:30p.m. in L-237

Present: R. Brem, S. Lau, F. West, G. Perkins, D. Eret, P. Nelson, B. Grill, M. Jones,

Y. Carter, K. Compton, H. Corrales, J. Washburn (absent: R. Kenney); Guests: E. Guerrero (SPAN), N. Dave (HLTOC), V. Virkkila (COUN/Intern)

Meeting started at 1:47p.m.

  • Brem: No minutes to approve for 10/5/10 meeting
  • Brem: Addition to agenda, under items to review; Aviation 10 & 20 and Psych 48 AD (Perkins moved; West second; passed unanimous)
  • Distribution of By-Laws – discussion – edits to be made and vote set for next meeting.
  • Renaming of Foreign Language courses to World Languages (Guerrero) (Grillmoved; Nelson second; passed unanimous).
  • Deactivate “Foreign Languages” in catalog (Grill moved; Perkins second; passed).
  • Deactivate Psych 8, 13 A, 13B, Bio 12A. Discussion – deans need to review – they were not consulted on these deactivations; agenda item tabled until next meeting.
  • Course Revisions/Update: Minor course revisions - HLTOC 201, HLTOC 202, HLTOC 203 (Dave); HIST 5 (Loretto); AVIAO 10, 12 (Gunter); GEOG 1, 1L, and 2 (Schweikhardt); FREN 1A, 1B (Ulrey); LIS 85 (McKenna); (passed unanimously); Modified course revisions MUSIC 15B (Pearson) – DE Addendum (passed unanimously).
  • New Courses: PSYCH 48AD Psychology of Stress Management and Personal Growth (Brem/Peterson-Guada) (passed)
  • Proposal to add POSCI-1 to the Liberal Arts AA degree with a Social and Behavioral Science emphasis. (Brem) Tabled due to not enough time to discuss.
  • Problems with AA degrees - Office of Instruction needs to fix this… these were passed by CC in 2008

the Liberal Arts/Transfer degrees – what the state chancellor’s office has and what we have from CIPD shows inconsistencies. There were two degrees deactivated by CIPD in May 2008 as a result in title 5 changes. Three new associate degrees and two new certificates were approved to replace/enhance these. None of these has received state approval and therefore cannot be awarded. The only students who can receive the inactivated degrees are those who have catalog rights. The college catalog (pages 155-160) does not indicate that these are pending state approval.

The associate degree in Biology and Math are listed in the catalog as Associate in Science. The state inventory has them as Associate in Arts.

  • Meeting adjourned 3:30 - The next meeting is 11-2-2010