Local 012 Council

Annual General Meeting

May 03, 2014

Fantasyland Hotel


1. Call to Order: 10:05 a.m.

Roll Call:

Members Present:
Mark Ellis 007 / Joe Michielsen 007 / Mike Coffill 014
Darrell Turner 002 Alt+Barg / Lucyna Faferek 014 / Andrea Campbell 014
Alex Fedko 014 Treasurer / Richard Hansen 003 / Nicole Pysh 014
Steve Pasquan 009 / Frank Vidmar 005 / Brenda Dacyk 014
Catherine Taylor 014 (Alt) / Tim Duggan 010 / Tim Mercer 014
Mark Dmitriw 014 / Doug Moch 004 / Terrie Wispinski 014
Wendy Sitko 003 / Patrick O’Callaghan 008 / Andrea Campbell 014
Ali Khalid 006 (Alt) / Dean Threinen 002 / Tim Duggan 010
James Proudfoot *008
Peter Schonekess *003 / Gene Wickens *003 / Kathie Milne Staff
Members Excused/Absent:
Jim White 006 / Paul Theoret 010
Guy Smith, AUPE President

2. Guests, Introductions, etc.

Mark thanked those members who are leaving and welcomed new members to Local 012 Council.

·  New members from Chapter 010 (Red Deer) replacing Gavin Noonan and Blair Stone are Tim Duggan and Paul Theoret.

·  New members from Chapter 003 (Calgary) replacing outgoing Council members Gene Wickens and Peter Schonekess, are Richard Hansen and Wendy Sitko;

·  New member from Chapter 008 (Grande Prairie) replacing James Proudfoot is Patrick O’Callaghan. Because James was the current Alternate to Provincial Executive, an election will be held at this meeting to select a new Alternate.

President Guy Smith came in 10:59

3. Additions & Approval of Agenda:

Addition: Invite new council members to join Local 012 committees, ensure all committees are adequately filled.

Motion: Approve the agenda as presented with the addition.

Moved: JM Seconded: SP Carried.

4. Adoption of Minutes of the Annual General Meeting May 4, 2013: as distributed

Motion: Adopt the minutes as distributed.

Moved: SP Seconded: BD Carried.

5. Correspondence: distributed.

6. Executive Reports:

Chair’s Report: Mark provided written and verbal reports.

·  Emphasis on Bargaining. Several Local 012 members are on secondment to AEMERA for 6 months. Those members have to decide whether to come back to the bargaining unit or not after the six month period ends.

·  The Employer has not planned very well and has assumed that no members will choose to return to the bargaining unit. There is no succession plan for that option.

·  Members are still AUPE members for those six months of their secondment.

·  More information to follow.

·  Successorship is being looked at by AUPE. Managers are not about successorship and have no say in whether it goes ahead or not.

Moved: ME Seconded: DM Carried

Vice-Chair: Terrie provided printed and verbal reports.

Moved: TW Seconded: WS Carried

Treasurer: Alex to deliver detailed information during the Finance Committee report.

Moved: AF Seconded: SP Carried

Secretary: Andrea verbal report.

Discussion: Terri canceled Plaza booking for Convention and booked Westin since it is closer to the Shaw Centre. The Westin has no caucus room, but we can try a lounge or a regular room, the main benefit to the Westin is a shorter walk than Plaza. Need to discuss food ramifications, etc. The 2013 Caucus room wasn`t really used because Convention was so busy. We could visit the local 005 hospitality room, or just use adjoining rooms as our caucus. We would like to use our own food but couldn’t if we booked a meeting room. Another alternative is to meet at a restaurant and do our business that way, but we’d need attendance numbers. Terrie and Andrea will keep looking at options, a suite at other hotel maybe.

Moved: AC Seconded: JM Carried

Provincial Executive: Joe provided verbal and written reports.

·  PE encourages all members to vote on bargaining.

·  Update on HQ flood will be coming from Guy.

·  Voted to suspend most conferences due to the current political climate.

·  There is still a need to meet MLAs over pension. Arrange with yours with a group. We know we can make a difference, they are changing their decisions based on union pressure.


·  Wildcat strike is still a big cost, but the Employer is changing its stance. May 1 meeting happened about pensions and fines. AUPE is hopeful for agreements.

·  Bill 46 is gone upon ratification at bargaining.

·  Bill 45 related to Wildcat, so still not dead

·  Is it wise to continue fighting PCs now Hancock has apologized? It could affect bargaining.

Moved: JM Seconded: TM Carried.

Mark welcomed President Guy Smith to address Council:

·  Guy sees a marked difference after resignation of Premier Redford. H believes we got a solid tentative agreement.

·  Significant highlights. Guy says it is a good deal, look at where it has come from. GOA was forced to come to table and bargain in good faith.

·  Media has been pointing out that the Government of Alberta should have stepped up and cooperated sooner.

·  Guy would be surprised if the agreement didn`t get ratified.

·  Bill 46 cannot be imposed if no injunction.

·  Court of Appeal has had effect on GOA’s actions.

·  Members have final say on bargaining now, as ballots are being sent out to vote.

·  Guy recognized the work Terrie Wispinski has done on GSBC and her leadership.

·  Send questions about bargaining to Terrie to get on the FAQ & Q&A

·  PE endorses Planning for Change campaign to counter the effects of Redford’s government, and educate our members so they can make informed decisions and build a real democracy. PE would prefer a minority government by assessing individual ridings.

·  Unprecedented reaction, Redford’s Bill 46 was imposed on caucus as well

·  GOA is aware of Union’s commitment, Guy met with Premier Hancock, let him know that AUPE members will not support PCs next election. Guy tried to warn Redford but she refused to meet, no trus,t betrayal, relationship is broken. Tentative agreement is good.

·  Politicians recognize AUPE’s influence, PCs and WR are aware of it now and are trying to gain favour.

Questions for Guy

·  Richard: coworkers worry that AUPE is trying to be the official opposition. Guy says we are the opposition. We don’t want to fight and be at war with government, but action was necessary when they were bashing the union, punishing our members and taking away rights.

·  Darrell asked if meeting with Hancock was one on one. No. 7-8 others were present, including a negotiator, the Public Service Commissioner, and Ron Hodgins. Discussion was about all outstanding issues.

·  Guy has met about Bill 9 with Horner too. Mayor Nenshi has written to PCs too, the speaking to MLAs is paying off.

·  When Bill 9 goes back to the legislature to debate Rachel Notley’s motion to refer to all-party committee, then it has to be looked at, and researched; they may put it down and let the bill die. Hancock may want to scrap all toxic issues left from Redford’s time.

·  Joe: What’s happening with AUPE HQ? Parkade being torn out due to flood. Building is safe but elevator isn’t working. Just a mobility issue.

·  Discussion on AEMERA, there is a drive to keep it unionized.

7. Committee Reports

a)  Anti Privatization Committee – No report. Jim is absent. Ali is standing in for him as chapter alt.Jim is back from a leave. Committee should send Jim an email AEMERA.

b)  Bargaining Committee - Terrie

·  Much gained in bargaining. Good percentage on grid is far better than 0/0/1. Terrie credits GOA side too for hard work.

·  Rallies, MLA visits & resisting has gotten us to where we are. Terrie credits the members. Thinks it will be Ratified.

·  Big successes: Time Off for UB, CHR was being invasive. We needed to protect our VPs on strike lines, etc. They agreed to our language verbatim.

·  Shift rates up/grievance language

·  Harassment & bullying now level 3 grievance

·  Christmas closure: AUPE didn’t want it, but the GOA kept saying “it isn’t money”.

·  Special Leave changes coming.

·  Harassment & Bullying

·  Health Spending


·  Improvements regarding protetive shoes, etc.

·  High rigging: we need look at a definition/criteria for high rigging.

·  Christmas closure: does it apply also to essential services? They will get those days off at another time. Still get stats & floater.

·  Mark encourages all members to support whatever the memberships votes for with regard to the new contract. Build membership positively before and after the vote. Be leaders.

·  Darrell say he’s never seen feedback from membership like this before. People are interested in the agreement, most are happy.

·  Doug sees fairly positive comments in the media. Not as negative as in past.

Moved: TW Seconded: AC Carried.

c)  Education Committee – Joe

·  Changed the Continuing Education Bursary amount from $500.00 to $499.00 to avoid it being taxable income.

·  The Scholarship essay question has been selected.

·  Leave Scholarship amount at $1000.00, thirty scholarships are available this year.

·  Motion: Increase teacher honorarium from $200.00 to $300.00, no policy is necessary, the honorarium just a gift we give as thanks.

Moved: JM Seconded: NP Carried

·  We need another member to take over the Education Chair position as Alex is too busy to chair but he will remain on the committee.

·  Add Catherine to the committee (for experience) and any new people need to look at policies to see if that is ok to draw from outside of council.

·  Bursary and Scholarships up on web end of May.

Moved: NP Seconded: RH Carried.

Broke for lunch 12:05

Resumed Meeting 1:05

Announcement: After a review of policies, Catherine Taylor is the new Education Committee Chair. (Local Committee members and chairs do not have to be Council representatives)

d)  Finance Committee – Alex explained the details of his printed report

·  Discussion about increase

·  Rebate explanation: 1550 members in Local 012, Union due rebates from HQ % per actual member. Alex uses this to forecast budget

·  Membership is meant to run union business.

·  Mark questions: Investment account for Education Committee is due next year; should we roll it into the main account or does it need to stay separate? What is the best interest rate? Asks that finance committee look at strategy. Alex agrees one account would be more efficient, especially if a signing member retires.

·  Darrell presented some history as to why it was a separate self-sustaining account, but agrees it doesn’t work now with the larger number of awards.

Moved: AF Seconded: WS Carried.

e)  Policy Committee – Nicole

·  Sent out revised policy draft.

·  Committee proposes they meet outside Council meetings as there is not enough time at Council meetings to examine all the policies and bring them up to date.

·  Requests purpose statements from each committee for next meeting.

·  After some discussion, Nicole invited Steve to join Policy Committee, Steve accepted.

·  Moved: NP Seconded: LF Carried.

f) Employee Relations Committee – Mark

·  ERC didn’t meet this quarter. Only thing on members minds at time were bargaining & pensions. ERC will schedule another meeting

·  Mike thanked ERC for getting the bulletin boards at Oxbridge Place.

·  Mark gave an explanation of the ERC

·  Asks for members to bring forth issues.

·  Add ROFP to next meeting

·  Terrie added our local doesn’t have as many issues as some locals, but we feel ERC is valuable and we need to keep it valid and active

·  Steve informed council that Transportation’s infrastructure & personnel has split HR, ERC might need a new HR person on the committee

·  Doug: Any talk of learning account being reinstated? No. but we can bring it up next ERC

·  Nicole: Staffing versus work load, and inequity; do they have information? Mark recommends contacting the AUPE Women’s Standing Committee for Equity information and stats.

·  Performance agreements

·  Exit Interviews

·  Whistle Blower Act: take issues to Local 012 ERC members,we will bring them up anonymously through ERC

·  Mike mentioned whistleblower letters that have been used to dismiss members in the past.

·  Moved: ME Seconded Steve Carried

8. Business Arising from Minutes: None

9. New Business:

·  Choose new committee members

§  Policy: Steve

§  Finance:

§  Education: Tim Mercer, Terrie will step out

§  Anti Privatization

§  Negotiations

Let Mark know if you’re interested in participating on a committee. New council members please give some thought for next meeting.

·  Elect an alternate to PE (James Proudfoot resigned from Council)

§  Nominations: Steve Pasquan put his name forward and is the new Local 012 Alternate to Provincial Executive

New Business continued on next page

9. New Business continued

·  More discussion on $100.00 retirement cheques and plaques.

The question keeps coming up: Are we giving the $100 to each request for a retirement cheque?

Mark explained:

§  Awarding a retirement cheque has to be recommended by the retiring member’s Chapter Chair.

§  The Chapter Chair has to send the recommendation to Local 012 Council for the cheque to be written.

§  Local 012 Council has no criteria for recommending retiring members (other than they are officially retiring), we leave it entirely up to the Chapter Chairs to give or decline recommendation.

·  The retirement cheque amount was tabled. Policy Committee needs to bring this issue up in the future.

·  Union Steward Questionnaire: tone, other discussion.

Kathie: Stewards who didn’t respond will not lose their status, there will be a follow up


AEMERA is not really a regulator, it’s a monitoring agency.

·  Hiring more MSOs and look to our hiring our own members as MSOs

Came out of Local Chairs meeting, local 006, lack of continuity for long grievances

·  Ideas for giving money back to members (not cheques, building support)

How can we serve the membership?

Local supports going to courses like labour school.