Proudly assisting students to achieve their Personal Best since 1963

1 February 2014

From the Principal

Welcome to 2014 at BeaudesertStateHigh School. I extend a special welcome to all new families who have joined the “Beauy High” community, particularly those with children in Year 8. I trust your students have had a smooth start to this new phase of their education.


Theschool year has begun well, with nearly 1,400 students calling our school “home”.We have some new faces on staff, including:

  • Sandy Kinsella(Head of Special Education)
  • Robyn Davis(Head of English)
  • Carla Pantano(Head of Senior Schooling)

In addition, I welcome the following teachers to our school:

  • Rachel Cuthbert(English & Humanities)
  • Andrew Ericksen (English & Humanities)
  • Jessica Gannon(English & Humanities)
  • Cassandra Garrard(English & Humanities)
  • Kylie Higgins(Arts)
  • Chris Humphries(Physical Education & Science)
  • Danielle Meadows(English & Humanities)
  • Vanessa Jamieson(Science & Maths)
  • Todd Winton(Special Education)

In addition, we welcome back a few familiar faces from extended leave:

  • Melissa Callon(Arts)
  • Vicki Robinson(Arts)
  • Mark Gould(Head of Science)

The Year Ahead

2014 promises to be another exciting and successful year at BeaudesertStateHigh School.

A set of explicit behavioural expectations underpin our beliefs and operations. We readily assert that to achieve their personal best, students need to be:

  • Respectful to all
  • Responsible for their actions
  • Ready to work and learn

At BeaudesertStateHigh School, we expect high standards and have clear expectations that involve mutual respect and obligations in relation to:

  • Relationships with other people
  • Attitudes to work
  • Acceptable behaviour
  • Personal appearance and presentation

A synopsis of our school’s procedures is printed in the 2014 Student Diary. Full copies of our school’s Dress Code, Responsible Behaviour Plan and other policies are available from the school’s website, Please take the time to read them, particularly the section on shoes. Canvas or slip-on shoes are NOT acceptable. Joggers are permitted, but must have vinyl or leather uppers.

In the past, some people have challenged our rules and high expectations claiming that BeaudesertStateHigh School is a public school. By implication, it is assumed that we should have lower standards. I don’t accept this. It is my goal to provide a standard of education that is comparable to that provided in private schools but without the tuition fees and charges.

Our performance in academic, sporting and cultural pursuits over a number of years, demonstrates that this goal is both realistic and achievable. For example, data about our graduates reveals:

Year 12 / 2013
% of OP-eligible students gaining OP1-15 / 66%
% of QTAC applicants successful / 91%
% of students gaining C or higher on QCS Test / 68%

Our school achieves these results because the staff has a commitment to push students to achieve their personal best. Their dedication is not restricted to senior students; the goal of achieving high standards is whole-heartedly pursued school-wide:

Time Period / Academic / Behaviour / Effort
2013, Semester 2 / 85.2% / 95.3% / 88.6%

(% of students gaining a rating of A, B or C on end-of-semester reports)

Further confirmation comes from last year’s Year 12 results:

OP Score / Number / OP Score / Number
OP 1 / 0 / OP 5 / 5
OP 2 / 3 / OP 6 / 3
OP 3 / 4 / OP 7 / 6
OP 4 / 4 / OP 8 / 5

Graduates from our school in 2013 will study an exciting range of Bachelor degree courses at university this year. These include:

Arts / Applied Science / Architectural Studies
Biomedical Science / Business / Creative Industries
Criminology & Criminal Justice / Digital Media / Education
Engineering / Entertainment Industries / Exercise Science
Film & Screen Media / Forensic Science / Govt & International Relations
Health Science / Information Technology / Interior Design
Justice / Laws / Medicine
Nursing / Occupational Therapy / Paramedic Science
Physiotherapy / Psychology / Teaching
Science / Social Work / Urban & Environmental Planning

In addition, many other Year 12 students have successfully gained employment or are continuing with their traineeships/apprenticeships.

I have shared these results with the 2014 senior students. While I am confident that they are capable of equally pleasing achievements, I have expressed urgency for them to commit to their studies and warned them that there is no “warm up” period in Year 12.

In all year levels, it is vitally important that students prioritise their academic studies in their busy lives and develop a strong work ethic. If they are to achieve to their personal best, school work cannot be at the expense of part-time employment and sporting commitments.


I am thrilled to announce that our new Trade Training Centre is finished. This state-of-the-art automotive workshop will provide students with opportunities to gain qualifications in the trades of automotive electrician, motor mechanic, panel beater, vehicle body maker, vehicle painter and vehicle trimmer.I gratefully acknowledge the Australian Government’s contribution of nearly $700,000 towards this project.


Tiqbizis a free school app on smartphone, iphone, ipad, table, Windows (PC) and OSX (Apple) designed for newsletters, calendar events and marketing information. The school app includes an instant message service to alert when new information is sent.BeaudesertStateHigh Schoolusestiqbiz as a means of communication with students and parents for messages, calendar events and school information. (We envisage also using it to staff, students and parents of emergent situations such as floods). Please consider signing-up for Tiqbiz this year if you haven’t already subscribed.

Scholarship Winners for 2014

Each year, our school’s P&C sponsors scholarships for incoming Year 8 students. I have great pleasure in announcing this year’s winners:

Academic /
  • Jack Lucas - Beaudesert SS
  • Amber Holgate – Woodhill SS
  • Jesse Nugent - Beaudesert SS
  • Sophie Harkin – Beaudesert SS

Sports /
  • Kierston Kuskelly – Beaudesert SS
  • Jessica Collins – Jimboomba SS
  • Jeremy Smith – Veresdale Scrub SS

Cultural /
  • Hannah Robinson - Beaudesert SS
  • Monica Stephan – St Mary’s

Parents’ and Citizens’ Association

The Annual General Meeting of the Beaudesert State High School P&C Association will be held as follows:

  • Date:Monday 10/2/14
  • Time:7.00 pm
  • Venue:Meeting Room in the AdministrationBuilding (entry opposite the Tuckshop)

An open invitation is extended to any parents – new or not-so-new – to be part of the activities of our P&C Association. The P&C meets only twice per term, with meetings generally finishing inside one hour.

P&C Meeting dates for 2014 are as follows:

Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4
10/3/14 / 5/5/14
16/6/14 / 4/8/14
8/9/14 / 13/10/14


On Thursday 20/2/14, our school will host its annual Student Leaders Investiture Ceremony. This is a formal community occasion to induct our 2014 school leaders and senior students into their official positions. All parents and community members to invited to attend this important event. The ceremony will start at 8.55 am.

Congratulations to the following students on their appointment to leadership positions at BeaudesertStateHigh School for 2014:

School Captains / School Vice Captains
Chloe Henare
Lachlan Hyam / Coleen McKay
Xavier Hagan
House / Captains / Vice Captains
Kennedy / Emma MahoneyBradley Lawrence / Mikayla Perry
Cunningham / Mikaela DicksonLuke Cahill / Hayley Cobb
Fraser / Natasha KirchnerExavier Evile / Kara HeitJaime Ibanez-Vasques
Leichardt / Josie SamphierNick Thorpe / Chloe WilsonClayton Te Maipi

Intra-house Swimming

Our school’s swimming carnival will be held at the Beaudesert Memorial Pool on Friday 7/2/14, with buses travelling to/from the pool on the day. All students are encouraged to dress in house colours:

House / Surname / Colour
Cunningham / A-D / Green
Fraser / E-K / Red
Kennedy / L-Q / Blue
Leichhardt / R-Z / Purple

Events will cater for the range of swimming abilities. I am sure that a great day will be had by all. Interestingly, since 1967:Cunningham has won the Swimming Carnival 24 times; Leichardt has won 10 times; Kennedy 9 times; and Fraser 4 times.


A considerable number of students across Australia and at our school are having their opportunities to perform to their potential adversely affected by parent-condoned absences.

Once it was the case that students only missed school when they were genuinely ill, but now that seems to have changed. Students are being allowed to stay away for an ever-increasing number of excuses, including:

  • A day off for their birthday
  • A day because relatives are visiting
  • A day off to be with parents at home
  • A day to look after younger brothers and sisters
  • A day off to go shopping

Every day a student is away, they are losing a learning experience. Over time, their knowledge base will be full of holes like Swiss cheese. Learning is sequential and attending three out of four lessons leaves gaping holes.

A sobering fact is that in Australia today, the average student will lose one year of education (200 days) through parent-condoned absences over their school career from Prep to Year 12.After love and care, the most important thing that we as parents can give our kids is an education. Let’s do it!

Carols by Candlelight Favourite comes to Beaudesert

SilviePaladino, one of Australia's most versatile and talented entertainers, is performing for one night only at The Centre on Friday 14th March this year.

Silvie's first theatrical role was Eponine in the Australasian tour of Les Miserables. She was then invited to perform the same role in the London production. In 1997, Silvie returned to London and performed the role of Fantine in Les Miserables for a successful two-year season.

Silvie’sother Australasian credits includeGrizabella in Cats, Ellen in Miss Saigon, Donna in Mamma Mia,Lady Thiang in The King And I and Florence in Chess (Helpmann and Green Room Award nominations).

She is also well known to Australian audiences through her regular appearances on Carols by Candlelight and can be seen again, live on Channel 9 this Christmas Eve.

The show is called SilviePaladino in Concert and tickets are available through The Centre Beaudesert Box Office in person, on-line at or by calling the school on 5542 9111, and leaving a contact name and number so that our teacher representative Bryan Durham can get back to you to organise your tickets.

All of the proceeds go towards the Beaudesert School Chaplaincy Service, a vital service that provides emotional, social and spiritual support to local students.

In closing

Collaboration between parents and school is vitally important in establishing a partnership that best enables student achievement. Parents and school staff share this responsibility in holding students accountable for their performance and providing children with the support and encouragement they need to assist them in achieving their personal best. I look forward to working with you throughout 2014.

Keep your eyes open for BConnect – our regular school newsletter - published as an A3-insert in the Beaudesert Times at the end of each term. It is also available on our school website

Alan Smith


Whom To Contact

If there are any issues pertaining to your child’s education at Beaudesert, I encourage you to contact the appropriate school personnel and discuss the issue with a view to finding a satisfactory resolution. To assist you in this regard, the following information should assist you in getting specific help and assistance:

  • Year Level Coordinators - for student welfare matters such as attendance, uniform, bullying or general behaviour:
  • Deputy Principals – for timetable matters and serious misbehaviour:

Year Level / Year Coordinator / Deputy Principal
8 / Mandy Schnitzerling
Hardy Manser / Damian O’Brien
9 / Caitlyn Bradbury
Tim Taylor / Kate Jorgensen
10 / Sam Cusworth / Peter Linnehan
11 / Phil Hyam / Sheryl Healy
12 / Keith Tyrrell / Sheryl Healy
  • Student Support Team – for personal counselling, subject selection advice, tertiary study information, career advice, as well as social, health and spiritual support:

Position / Name
Guidance Officers / Anne Foote & Ainslee O’Neill
Behaviour Advisory Teacher / Petra Cameron
Chaplain / AlisonKingdom
Community Education Counsellor / Bob Smith
Youth Support Coordinator / Scott Weston
  • Business Services Manager– for financial matters and the use of school facilities:

Ines Castino
  • School contact details:

Phone 07 5542 9111 / Fax 07 5542 9100
Web / Email

Coming Events

  • Friday 7/2/14 – BSHS Swimming Carnival (Beaudesert Memorial Pool)
  • Monday 10/2/14 – P&C Annual General Meeting (7.00 pm, Admin Block)
  • Monday 17/2/14 – Pacific District Swimming Carnival (Brisbane Aquatic Centre, Chandler)
  • Wednesday 19/2/14 - Yr 12 Leadership Day (The Centre, Beaudesert)
  • Thursday 20/2/14 – Leadership Investiture Ceremony
  • Thursday 27/2/14 – School Photos
  • Monday 10/3/14 – P&C Meeting

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