Accept Decline (Return form by DATE)

Academic commitment: I accept a scholarship in the YEAR Science and Engineering Scholars Program. As a Science and Engineering Scholar:

·  I will devote full time for ten weeks, during the summer of YEAR, to my research and will continue the research during the YEAR academic year. Research during both periods will be under the direction of my faculty sponsor.

·  I will hold no paid employment during the ten weeks of my summer scholar commitment and I will take no other summer courses without the written permission of the Undergraduate Research Program.

Current semester: As a YEAR Science Engineering Scholar, during this semester I will attend the YEAR Celebration

of Undergraduate Engaged Scholarship to be held on DATE.

Course registration and Poster Presentation: During the ten-week summer period:

·  I will register for the courses UNIV 369-000, (1st summer session) and UNIV369-900, (2nd summer session): "Undergraduate Research Sustaining.”

·  During the YEAR academic year, I will continue my research; I understand that this academic year research may be counted as up to one 3-credit elective course (credit variable). Please consult your academic advisor for information on how best to apply these credits towards graduation.

·  At the close of the summer program, I will prepare and present a poster presentation of my research at the Undergraduate Research & Service Scholar Celebratory Symposium on DATE.

·  In the spring of YEAR, I will present a poster on my research at the YEAR Celebration of Undergraduate Engaged Scholarship.

Award amount/taxes: I will receive a total of $3,500 to enable my participation in the Science & Engineering Scholars Program. This scholarship will come in two payments, one near the beginning of the first summer session in mid-June and the other at the end of the second summer session. If I live on campus in the Undergraduate Research residence hall, my $500 housing charge will be deducted from the second payment. If I do not fulfill the entire ten weeks of research, I understand that I must refund the stipend on a pro-rated basis to the Undergraduate Research Program. I also understand that it is my responsibility to advise my faculty sponsor of any missed time. I understand that this scholarship income may be subject to federal and state income tax.

Signed: Print Name: ______

UDEL email address: Date: ______

Student ID #______

Campus address: ______

Permanent address: ______

Local/cell phone: ______Permanent telephone: ______

I am a U.S. citizen_____

I am not a U.S. citizen_____I am a citizen of ______

I hold the following type of visa Visa expiration date: ______

(F-1, J-1, etc.)