Page 1Attachment III

V-STOP Data Sheet

Year of Funding : 2002 2003 2004X 2005 2006

Name of Applicant: ______Current Grant #:______

Service Area(s): ______

* Crime(s)Applicant Category

Domestic Violence Law Enforcement

Sexual Assault Prosecution

Stalking Victims Services

Protective Order Courts-Please check if your program provides primary support for a court advocate position.

Violations Discretionary

Purpose Area(s) Geographic DistributionGeographic Region(s)

Units Tribes Central City Southwest

Data Statewide Rural County /Other City Northern

Victims Forensic Suburban City/County Valley

Training Disabled Statewide Central

Protocol Immigration Coastal

Stalking Statewide

Brief Project Summary (please use same language as on face sheet):

2005 Amount requested: $______(not including match)

If there are two or more part-time staff are requested, please indicate how many hours each one will work.

2005 Staff requested: ___ FT staff ___ PT staff ___ Other (explain)

___ hours______per week

2004 Amount Awarded: $ ______(not including match)

If there are two or more part-time staff working on the V-STOP grant, please indicate how many hours each one works.

2004 Staffing Level: ___ FT staff ___ PT staff ___ Other (explain)

___ hours______per week

* Any crime indicated must have a corresponding objective

Baseline Data for Calendar Year 2003

Provide information for all that apply to your agency or grant application for Calendar Year 2003.

Please use numbers.

Law Enforcement

Types of arrests (Misdemeanors)______DV* ______SA* ______ST* ______POV*

Types of arrests (Felonies)______DV* ______SA* ______ST* ______POV*

Total number of violence against women arrests ______

Number of emergency protective orders issued ______


Types of prosecutions (Misdemeanors)______DV* ______SA* ______ST* ______POV*

Types of prosecutions (Felonies)______DV* ______SA* ______ST* ______POV*

Total number of violence against women cases ______

Number of convictions______

Victims Services

Total number of victims served ______

Types of victims served______DV* ______SA* ______ST* ______POV*

Number and types of services provided

Criminal justice/court advocacy ______

Assistance in filing protective orders ______

Information and referral ______

Legal Services/Advocacy

Total number of protective orders sought ______

Total number of protective orders obtained ______

Number and types of protective orders sought

______EPO** ______PPO** ______PO** ______SPO** ______FPO** ______CPO**

Number and types of protective orders obtained

______EPO** ______PPO** ______PO** ______SPO** ______FPO** ______CPO**


Number of PERKs completed ______DV*______SA*

Councils/Task Forces

Number of meetings ______
Number attending ______
Types of protocols developed ______DV* ______SA* ______ST* ______POV*


Number of training events ______

Number attending ______

Types of training events ______DV* ______SA* ______ST* ______POV*

Number and discipline of attendees

______Law enforcement______Corrections______Social workers/counselors

______Prosecution______Victim advocates______Other

______Courts______Health care providers

Provide source of information, e.g. Uniform Crime Reports, Incident Based Reports, program records, court records, meeting minutes, etc.


*DV=domestic violence, SA=sexual assault, ST=stalking, POV=protective order violation

**EPO=emergency protective order, PPO=preliminary protective order, PO=protective order, SPO=stalking protective order, FPO=foreign protective order, CPO=child protective order