American Petroleum Institute - SC13

Subcommittee on Drilling, Completion, and Fracturing Fluids

2:30 pm to 4:00 p.m.

June 29, 2011 San Francisco

Chair: Paul Scott, Secretary: Johnna Smith, Vice Chair: David Ekas

1)  Housekeeping:

a)  Call To Order & agenda, SC13 Charge

b)  Comments on API Email List & need to keep current

c)  Circulate SC13 Roster

d)  Roll Call

2)  Welcome New Participants

3)  Recognize Members with API Service Anniversaries

4)  Review & Approve Previous Meeting Minutes

5)  Review Previous Meeting ACTION ITEMS


a)  2012 Winter – January 23-27, Fort Worth, TX

b)  2012 Summer – June 11-15, Westminster, CO

c)  2013 Winter – Jan 21-25, New Orleans

d)  2013 Summer – June 24-28, Washington, DC

6)  Review SC13 Reporting structure to CSOEM (Jim Raney Anadarko incoming Chair)

7)  Review API support Staff

8)  Discuss posting SC minutes and TG/WG documents information to API Website –- need to utilize this resource more!


a)  TG2: Publications (all SC13 Pubs & 13L ), Stark

i)  Status of all SC13 documents,

ii)  Issues with API and ISO over Copyright / IP ownership,

iii)  SR3 for Funded Technical Reviewer,

iv)  Status of RP13L

b)  TG3: OBM Testing (RP13B-2), Pless

i)  WG2 HTHP viscometer status,

ii)  WG3 PSD of NAFs,

iii)  TG4 Activity measurements and non-chlorides alternative activity modifiers for NAFs

c)  TG4: WBM & Lab Testing (RP13B-1, RP13L), Breeden

i)  WG1 Drill Solids Simulation,

ii)  WG2 PPT procedure completion,

iii)  Ad hoc PSD Laser diffraction proposed round robin testing,

iv)  RP13I abrasion test procedure blades update from David Derwin Superior Graphite

d)  TG5: Drilling Fluids Processing Equipment, (RP13C), Robinson

i)  WG1 SCE calculations status,

ii)  WG2 Educational Marketing screen designation monogram or certification program

e)  TG6: Testing Heavy Brines (RP13J), Javora

i)  Revisions to Testing of Heavy Brines WG activated,

ii)  Three WG in Hibernation,

iii)  PCT Work Group assigned a co-chair and will complete its task by December 2011,

iv)  Return Permeability, Displacement, Hydrate, Scale and Emulsion Technology Work Groups in progress,

v)  New procedure for emulsion testing described, SPE 14414,

vi)  API CRA Testing Program was summarized,

(1)  Funding Year 4, initiated in 2010, is in the final phase of testing. Detailed evaluation of the data from years 1 to 3 are in progress.

(2)  Electrochemical testing volunteered by ConocoPhillips in progress.

(3)  Project supported by 17 participating companies and the generous contributions from API.

f)  TG7: Rheology & Hydraulics (RP13D), proposed Chair Meehan / Vice Chair Zamora

i)  SR3 to reactive TG7 to correct and revise RP13D

g)  TG8: Material Specifications (Spec 13A), Wilkin

i)  WG1 Reference Materials round robin testing

ii)  WG2 Xanthan Starch & Guar testing proposed revision to testing interpretation

iii)  SR3 for WG to evaluate additional specifications and testing procedure for starch products

h)  TG9: Comp. Stim, Fracturing Fluids, Asadi – brief discussion on conversation of API participation

i)  TG10: Proppants, Penny – brief discussion on CSOEM directive for SC13 to prepare evaluation for “Winter 2012”

j)  WG on Business Practices, Polnaszek,

i)  Status of final document,

ii)  SR3 for long term storage of SR13 technical data

10) Liaison to SC18 Quality – Johnna Smith accepted



13) Closing Comments – Ask for feedback

14) Reminder API Reception 6:00 – 7:30pm tonight